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3 door cabinet

Anyone interested?

computer desk

I (Danny) would like to keep this

File Cabinets (x2)- Match Desk

I (Danny) would also like to keep these

Headboard (& matching bedframe)

Anyone interested?


Part of set (with low boy & mirror) originally owned by granny annie, I believe. Anyone interested? I am intersted in this piece, Charles

Cedar Chest

Anyone interested? I am intersted in this piece, Charles I am interested in this- Jim

Low boy dresser (with mirror)

This is the other part of the granny annie set. Anyone interested?

Mirror (on low boy)

Part of same set


I (Danny) would like to keep this dresser I am intersted in this piece, Charles

Tall Dresser

Anyone interested? I am interested- Jim

Headboard and Baseboard

This bed is missing matching sideboards; we have been using metal ones. Anyone interested?

Main Floor


Beveled China Cabinet

Anyone interested? Danny, If you are at all interested, I hope you will keep this. It is delicate and it would break my heart if it were broken. I am also interested in this piece. Vincent Charles Charles

2nd Chair

Anyone interested?


anyone interested?


anyone interested?


anyone interested?


anyone interested?

Cannonball bed

anyone interested? I am somewhat interested in this piece, Charles

Captain's Chair

anyone interested?

carved chest

I (Danny) would be interested in keeping this I'm a bit fond of this too, but....

Cool dresser-4

I believe that this dresser is Mary's

Dining Room Table

anyone interested?

Corner Display Case

Anyone interested? Jill likes those big Polish tea/coffee cups

Dresser- 2

anyone interested? I am interested in this piece, Charles I am interested- Jim I am also interested -VINCENT

Domed chest

anyone interested? I am very interested in this piece, Charles


anyone interested?

End table (x3)

anyone interested?

Grandfather Clock

I (Danny) would be interested in keeping this I would like this- Jim

Giant bookcase

anyone interested?

jewelry cabinet

I (danny) would be interested in keeping this I would like this- Jim

highboy dresser

anyone interested? I am interested in this piece, Charles

Kitchen table

anyone interested? I am interested in this piece, although I have no idea where I would put it, Charles This is one of the few pieces that I am very interested in ,,,VINCE

Large lowboy

anyone interested? I am interested in this piece, Charles (Do you have the headboard of the bed as well?) yes- pictured above


anyone interested?

Mirrored Dresser

anyone interested?

Oak Display Case

anyone interested?

Small China Cabinet

anyone interested?

Small Endtable

anyone interested?

Small Oak Display Case

anyone interested? I am interestd in this piece. VINCENT.


anyone interested?

Thin dresser

anyone interested? I am interested in this piece, Charles I am also interested- Jim I am also interested- VINCENT

Thin dresser-2

anyone interested?

TV cabinet

anyone interested? This is a nice piece. I suppose it could be used as a schrank as well.




Anyone interested?

4 Post Bed

I believe that this is Mary's bed

Mirrored Bookcase

Anyone interested?

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