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AoW Rehearsal Schedule







Morning Worship


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Morning Worship




Morning Worship


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Morning Worship



Sept. 3rd

Morning Worship




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Morning Worship




Morning Worship


brown bag after Morning Worship


Morning Worship



Oct. 1st

Morning Worship



"Anything that is pleasing to God is an Act of Worship."  Rick Warren

Mark it on your calendar NOW!



October 1-8, 2006



A Note From Janice


Billie and I were having a fun discussion about what to name the praise team singers.  Thinking way back to Kenny Rogers and The First Edition, I suggested Act of Worship and The First Rendition.  We laughed a little at that and then Billie suggested "New Vision" .  I replied that it was okay, but I wanted to use the word "First" because of our church name.  We then played around with "First Vision", using the word "Vision" because our church seems to desire a new or a fresh vision of what God would have us do.  I certainly hope it is not my imagination that we seem to want to catch God's vision for us.  Well, in any event, I cannot shake "Act of Worship and The First Rendition".  To double check my connotation of the word "rendition" I turned to Webster's.  To my amazement, I found the following:


ren·di·tion   (r n-d


sh n) n

·                     The act of rendering.

·                     An interpretation of a musical score or a dramatic piece.

·                     A performance of a musical or dramatic work.

·                     A translation, often interpretive.

·                     A surrender.

[Obsolete French, from Old French rendre, to give back. See render.]


Well, after reading the above I became more attached to "Act of Worship and The First Rendition", because I see First Baptist Church of La Marque taking a lot of "First" steps right now.  Act of Worship is the "First" band to play regularly for worship.  Chris is playing the "First" drums in the sanctuary.  We are about to have our "First" Praise Team.  Our "First" service is soon to be projected on our screens.  How blessed we are---how happy I am.  I have been waiting for this since 1989 and some have waited even longer.  "First Rendition" seemed a little funny at first, but after I really looked at the word I got serious.  Look at the Old French.  Isn't that something?----to give back.  I certainly don't think this will be a "First" for this church "to give back" to God that with which we have been gifted.  Neither do I think it is "First" time this church has surrendered.  I, however, would certainly be willing to ask if this is the "First" in a long time.  How long has it been since we have “rendered” to God His due, how long since we have surrendered, how long since we have given back?


Pray with me with all your hearts.  I believe God really is working in our church.  I was afraid He had hidden His face from us.


What I really set out to do was to simply ask you to help name the Praise Team.  I personally like naming things.  It gives us a sense of family, as sense of belonging, as sense of fellowship and the list goes on.  So how about clicking on “Email Act of Worship”----it’s there on one of the sticky notes-----and submitting your own special Praise Team name.  Maybe we will vote on it, or better yet, give them to Bro. David, and let him figure it out.  After all, preachers need to do something!!





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