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Welcome to Adam's Protopage

Welcome to Adam's ProtoPage !!!!!

Welcome to my Website. You can start exploring my website now.

Happy Surfing my ProtoPage !!




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Enjoy surfing /adamd



Notices Board

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More Notices

Page Title

Adamd-_ news
I, adamd-_ have been separated from my best mate, Catherine! I can't reveal her surname to you otherwise you'll start bugging her by visiting her house etc.

I'm going to tell the School Principal --his name is
anonymous--that this S-U-X! Cazzer (as I like to call her) is in Year 3/4 Mrs anonymous and I am in Year 3/4 Mr anonymous (I wrote anonymous on these 2 people's names because I can't reveal their names)

Until I tell Mr "Principal" this, goodbye.

(a crying SmileyFace)


Being 5 (a blog full of cartoons)

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Rich sticky notes

Adam's Games

This area of the Website is still in the making

Please feel free to go back to the home page or to exit this Website



Webmaster for /adamd-_

Alert Manager

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AM V1 Logo

AM Radio

Rich sticky notes

About the AM radio

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