9/25/06 - Hmm, 4 months
Four months since my last note; shame on me. I'll use the excuse that actually growing the corporation has been much more absorbing than writing about it. Yes, that's it.
Blatant Plug: For those of you Terra Novans who visited from the naming post, if you're EvE players, Portsmouth is looking for mature mining/industrial types. Most of our members have careers and families in the physical world, so we're a fairly relaxed bunch. Thanks for dropping by!
5/25/06 - Incentive Planning
Corporate leadeship is currently developing some membership incentive plans to encourage participation in corporate operations. As the corp. gains a stronger base of members and a stronger footing, we have the ability (and obligation) to provide benefits to the people who make it possible.
Some recently posed ideas:
- Free ships
- Free ammunition and equipment
- Percentage of corporation operations
- Percentage of corporation sales
- Dividend from share ownership
- Distribution of shares based on participation - more active participation earns more shares.