How to find the nth term of a sequence of numbers
First work out the difference between the 1st and 2nd numbers.We'll call this number "a". If a was 5 you would start your Nth term equation with 5n. Then work out the difference between "a" and the 1st number. We'll call this "b". If the sequence increases by "a" the equation would be "a"n + "b". If the sequence decreases by a the eqaution is "a" n - "b".
0, 5, 10, 15, 20
Nth term
Rouge - Red
Bleu - Blue
Jaune - Yellow
Vert - Green
Rose - Pink
Orange - Orange
Violet - Purple
Noir - Black
Blanc - White
Marron - Brown
Bonjour : Hello
Au Revoir : Goodbye
Ca va? : How are you
Ca va bien : I'm good
Ca va : I'm fine
Comme-ci, comme ca : OK
Ca ne va pas : I'm not good
Ca va mal : I'm upset
Bonjour = Bon - shor
Au Revoir = O rev-wa
Ca va? = Sa va?
Ca va bien = Sa va bee-yon
Ca va = Sa va
Comme-ci, comme ca = com see com sa
Ca ne va pas = Sa ne va pa
Ca va mal = Sa va mal
Ou habites-tu? : Where do you live?
J'habite a ________. : I live in _______.
Combien de freres et de soeurs as-tu? : How many brothers and sisters have you got?
J'ai ________ (demi) freres/soeurs. : I have got ______ (half) brothers/sisters.
Quelle est la couleur de tes yeux et de tes cheveux? : What colour are your eyes and your hair?
J'ai les yeux ______ et les cheveux _______. : I have ________ eyes and _________ hair.
Comment t'appelles-tu? : What's your name?
Je m'appelle ... : My name's ...
...et toi? : ...and you?
Quel age as-tu? : How old are you?
J'ai ________ ans : I'm ________ years old