List of public pages created with Protopage



Useful links

Plain sticky notes

Welcome !

This is our new way for your subjects to communicate and give you access to work , documents , videos, audio and much more. The great thing is that it is all in one place. Enjoy exploring and using this new way of working.



Your Safety

Rich sticky notes

Are you worried about your safety?
Are you concerned about friends or family?
Are you struggling to find the right words to speak to someone? 

You can send a message to and your email will be delivered to the Safeguarding team. 

You may not receive an immediate response. If you or someone you know is in danger ask your teacher to see the Safeguarding team or speak to your SWO. 

Back to Babington

Welcome Back!
We are very excited to be welcoming you all back to school. 

We hope you are excited to be back too, but understand you may have some worries or feelings of anxiety after so long away. 

There are a lot of people you can turn to for support at Babington, such as your form tutor, SWO and Head of House. Please speak to them about any worries or problems you may have - they will be happy to help. 

Who can help me?

Who can I talk to?
If you have any concerns or worries you can speak to:

  • Your SWO
  • Your Head of House
  • Your Form Tutor
  • Mrs. Fenton or Jake
  • ANY member of staff you trust

Your Wellbeing

On top of all the support available within your 'House', Babington have a team of staff able to offer more support when needed. 

If you are concerned about your wellbeing or mental health, or are worried about friends or family speak to your SWO who may suggest a chat with one of our Mental Health First Aiders or School Counsellors. 

If you're worried about your, or a friends, safety you can speak to any member of staff you trust or speak to Mrs. Fenton or Jake. You can also email but may not get a reply straight away. 


Don't be a Bully

There are several types of Bullying... none of which are tolerated here at Babington. If you are being bullied or know of someone that is, speak to your teacher or SWO.

You can use the CEOP button above to report innapropriate behaviour online

Childline 08001111

Childline are there for you to speak to about anything at all that is worrying you. Click above for details of the different ways to contact them.


Click above to be taken to the Kooth website. Kooth provide Free and anonymous support to young people.



Year 7

Yr 8

Yr 9

Yr 10

Accessing your 365 account

Year 10 Useful Links

Yr 11 The Botanical Gardens Leicester, A Virtual Trip

Yr 11

**Clubs and competitions**

Plain sticky notes

Year 11

Hi Year 11 PLEASE READ VERY CAREFULLY......... The month of November has been rebranded as 'ShowVember' and during the month you will need to ensure that all of your GCSE coursework that is in school, has been photographed and post-it notes added to pages that need completing or improving. For the remainder of the month you will be working on the completion and improvements of the work you have to this point in the course. The opportunity to showcase your current work iS vitally important to you all now so please, please, please....... ENSURE THAT EVERY PIECE OF WORK, SKETCHBOOK AND FOLDER IS IN SCHOOL FOR THE WHOLE OF THIS MONTH. The only sketchbook you should continue to take home is your A4 sketchbook in case you have to self isolate.

Self Isolating

Hi all Ks4, if you are self isolating, please make sure you have signed up to micosoft teams using your usual login that you use for your 365 account. Your teacher will set up meetings for you to join when you would usually have your normal lessons at school. Ks3, please keep looking at your year group protopages to keep up with the work that has been set. The work will be set through GoForSchools.

Babington At and Design

To get to our main Babington Art and Design page, head to: There are lots of clips and resources that will help you with your learning. Each year group has its own page of resources which includes PowerPoints, video clips and Homework tasks.

Homework Tasks

For KS3 (yr7, 8 & 9) we have added some homework bingo tasks onto your Art protopages. Please choose one task at a time. We will also send For Yr 10 and 11, please check your go for school account. We will also be in touch with you vis your 365 email acccounts.

Links to the Art Protopage

Yr 7 Yr 8 Yr 9 Yr 10 Yr 11

Sticky note

Teachers emails; Mrs Jessop ; Mrs Wootton; Mrs rodrigues

Todo lists

Year 9 Homework tasks

Homework 1 - Due 14.10.20 Use the worksheet with an image of an eye and over grid to make a drawing of an eye using the gridding method. (The sheet has been given to you by your teacher)
Homework 2 - Use a mirror or a device/smartphone to take a photo of your face and make a drawing of yourself. Face only. This will be a self-portrait.

Year 11 Coursework deadlines Week beginning 12th October

Complete research about at least 2 artists with a clear link to Natural Forms/Flora and Fauna.
Research must include the following;
Information about the artists and their work
Your own opinion of their work (use the Pinterest page GCSE Art to help you with the structure of this)
Examples of their work (printed images - email to your teacher if you need them printing out for you)
To be able to email work to your teachers use the following email addresses; Mrs. Jessop and Mrs. Wootton

Todo list

Do shopping
Buy eggs
Buy milk

To do list for Yr 10

Identity title page (Must include the word Identity)
Identity mind map
Create a collage of images linked to your identity
Email photos/images of 5 objects that represent you and your identity
Observational drawings in pencil
Page of watercolour experiments
Obseravtional studies with watercolours

Web widgets

The Art and Design Protopage



Year 10 Blended Sessions

Year 11 Blended Sessions

Useful Business Resources

Booster Revision Lessons

Plain sticky notes

Sticky note

“Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming.” – Richard Branson.

Child Development


Component 1: learning Aim A: Assignment

1. Introduction to BTEC

Wednesday 2nd November lesson 10V

Social and Emotional Development 18m-3y 10A CS

What will you be learning?

Plain sticky notes

Your course information

Name of Course: BTEC Tech Award Child Development (Level1/2) Teacher: Mrs Robinson The course is made up of 3 components: Component 1: Children’s Growth and Development (internal assessment) Component 2: Learning Through Play (internal assessment) Component 3: Supporting Children to Play Learn and Develop (external assessment) Please note, this page will be updated regularly with PL lesson plans and activities to complete during those lessons. Please complete them in your classwork books but make sure that any keywords you write down are written into the back of your home learning books

What you should have

Classwork Book Home Learning Book Keywords pack - Component 1 - Learning Aim A Folder If you don't have these or cannot access anything on the protopage please email:

Todo lists

How to use this page for your Personalised Learning lessons

Open personalised learning lesson plan and powerpoint
Complete discover task of your choice in classwork book
Complete delve task of your choice in classwork book
Complete demonstrate task in your classwork book
NOTE: Ensure that you have made appropriate notes and completed ALL activities on the Powerpoint as well



Programming Project

Year 10 Personalised Learning Lessons Half Term 1

Year 11 Personalised Learning Lessons Half Term 1

Key Stage 3 Personalised Learning Sessons

Creative I Media


R081 Pre Production Lesssons 1-7

R081 lesson plans



Past Papers

Photoshop videos


ro81 Pre Production lessons 10-15

Web Plus x6 Videos

RO85 - travel blogs

R087 tourist board

Web widgets

Web page


Plain sticky notes

Performing Arts

Please check your emails as the work has been sent to you. There are also packs of work that you will be given when you are in school.



Useful Links For Year 10 & 11

Personalised Learning Lesson Links

Our Diverse Planet Home Learning Project (DT)

Year 11 PC Time Wellbeing

Year 7 D & T Lessons

Monday 9th November Mr York's Lessons

Year 11 College

Year 9 Bridging Project

Monday 21st September

Year 11

Using My School Email (365)



Mr Bruff GCSE English Language Videos - English Language, Paper 1:

Mr Bruff GCSE English Language Videos - English Language, Paper 2

Year 7 and 8 Personalised Learning

Rich sticky notes

English Language Paper 1, Section A - How to structure your responses

Question 2:

The writer uses ______ in order to …

Weread, “…” which suggests that …

Inparticular, the use of the word (use suitable word class/terminology) helps thereader to understand that …


Question 3:

Use WISER to structure your response.  This can act as a reminder of some of the keystructural features of a text:

W = WHOLE TEXT STRUCTURE (give an overview—isit chronological or non-linear for example?)

Overall,this text …

I = INITIAL FOCUS (what is theinitial focus?)

Initially, the writer focuses on …this informs the reader that …

S = SHIFT IN FOCUS (identify where,when and why the focus shifts)

The writer shifts the focus of thenarrative in order to … this shows the reader that …

E = ENDING (Is there a cliff-hanger?If the extract is from the end of a text is there any resolution?)

Finally, the writer ends the extractwith … this confirms to the reader that …

R = REPETITION (Is there anyrepetition—where and why?)

Throughout the extract, the writerepeats the idea that … This shows us that …


Question 4:

I agree/disagree with the statementbecause …

The writer uses … to show that … Thisinforms the reader that …

In particular, the use of … helps todemonstrate that …

English Language, Paper 2, Section A - How to structure your responses

Question 2:

In Source A we read, “…”, which suggests that…  On the other hand, in Source B we read, “…” which implies …


This can be extended to:

In Source A we read, “…”, which suggests that…  We also read, “…” which confirms that … On the other hand, in Source B we read, “…” which implies … Furthermorewe read “…” showing …

Overall we see a difference between the textsbecause …


Question 3:

Thewriter uses ______ in order to …

Weread, “…” which suggests that …

Theparticular use of the word (use suitable word class/terminology) helps thereader to understand that …


Question 4:

Thewriter in Source A uses ______ when they write, “_______” which helps to showthat ….  In particular the word, “_____” indicates that ….


Onthe other hand, the writer in Source B uses _______ when they write, “_______”which indicates …  The particular image of … shows that


Wealso see that …


Web widgets

BBC Bitesize - AQA English language

BBC Bitesize - AQA English literature



Design Technology

Plain sticky notes


Our Diverse Planet - week 1 /topics/z849q6f/articles/z7dkhbk



Our Diverse Planet - week 1


Our Diverse Planet - week 2


Our Diverse Planet - week 1


Our Diverse Planet - week 2




Our Diverse Planet - week 2 • – The Genesis Creation story for younger students • Genesis chapter 1 and 2 (Bible). has online Bibles in many languages • - stewardship - caring for the world • - religious and scientific ideas about the origins of planet Earth



Plain sticky notes

Copies of the films...

As some of you are currently studying at home - click the turquoise links below (or right click and open in new tab) to watch the films - I've stored them on OneDrive so they should play. Give them a minute to load up and then they should work, Tsotsi seems a little problematic so I'll try to fix it. Let me know if you're having issues.


Use the links below for coursework help. As a quick reminder, you need to have done the following... > A genre-based screenplay extract for a scene in your imagined film: 750-1000 words (you should have most of this written already) > A shooting script to accompany one page of your screenplay extract: see the examples for guidance, no word limit, download a copy of the table below > An evaluation of your work: 750-800 words (use the prompts by clicking on the link below)


Click the link below to access a folder full of the main PowerPoints and resources that we have used throughout the course so far.

Year 11 - print and email screenplays when finished

If you think you have finished any parts of your screenplay, feel free to print it and give it to me next time you see me. Or email it to


Remember the O drive has plenty of content to help you too. 0 Films - copies of the 6 films 0 Past Papers - the 2019 exams 0 Revision 2019 - lots of resources for exam revision 0 Screenplays - examples of coursework folders

Spare learning time

Just in case technology is not working or available - you can use the following links to spend your time doing something useful and relevant to Film Studies... Year 10 Use the booklet below to introduce yourself to Film Studies Year 11 Use the booklet below to revise your knowledge of Film Studies Both If you can, use videos to learn about or revise the key elements of Film Studies - cinematography, mise en scene, editing, sound


Remember that the specialist writing text you link to Juno is called FINDING THE FRAME by GUSTAVO MERCADO If you can only remember one quote, make it this: 'Every shot counts, no matter how inconsequential it may seem' Read it here:!AmMJPeqdceKbswiegmhbZE8Nvaz5?e=Z1yl52

Rich sticky notes

Film Studies fundamentals YouTube channel

Go to the Playlists tab and watch key scenes from the six films we study.
In addition, there are several useful playlists to add even more key element knowledge.

Web widgets

Past paper 1 - send me answers by email

Past paper 2 - send me answers by email





JUNO - FILM (click here)


ATTACK THE BLOCK - FILM (click here)

Screenplay guide booklet - right click, open in new tab

Coursework - example folder

DISTRICT 9 - FILM (click here)

Sample shooting script - download and edit

TSOTSI - FILM (click here)

Evaluation writing prompts

Year 10 personalised learning

Year 11 personalised learning

Click for the year 10 booklet

Click for the year 11 booklet

BBC Bitesize Film Studies



Attack the Block - film style



Lesson One

Personalised Learning

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4



Year 10 Personalised Learning

Year 11 Personalised Learning


Downloadable help and worksheets

Useful websites

Plain sticky notes


Bonjour! Please work through the resources on the right in your Personalised Learning sessions. If you have any questions, or would like to send your completed work to be reviewed, see staff email addresses below: Mrs Baxter – Mrs Hulme (Miss Khan)- Miss Rajput - Mrs Deakin -

Resources from Year 10 opening July 2020 and general help below

Web widgets

BBC bitesize lesson on French celebrations


Extra resources on Kerboodle

The icon circled is the old GCSE course. We wouldn't normally use this one, but it can be really useful for help on grammar/tenses. Log in to Kerboodle as normal, then click this course instead of the usual one. If you click resources and search a tense name (e.g. present) you will find lots of interactive tasks to help you.

Common irregular present tense verbs



Year 10 Personalised Learning

Revision Resources

Year 11 Personalised Learning

lessons for catch up year 11

Year 10 Revision

Paper 1 Case Stidues

Year 11 Revision

Useful Websites

Paper 2 - Revision Resources

Home learning resources

Paper 2 Case Studies


Plain sticky notes

Welcome back year 10 and year 11

Please complete the worksheets in the personalised learning activities section below this week. Use the useful websites tab or your revision guides to help you. Once you have completed them please have a go at the exam questions.

Web widgets


BBC Bitesize

Google Maps



GCSEPod Playlists for Crime and Punishment

Year 7 Personalised Learning

GCSEPod Playlists for Early Elizabethan England

GCSEPod Playlists for Cold War - Topic 1

Year 8 Personalised Learning

Links to Support Learning

Year 9 Personalised Learning

Year 11 Resources

Year 10 Resources

Video - An overview of the Normans

History Recovery Curriculum Booklet and PPTs

Plain sticky notes


Hello Historians! Below are the resources that you should be using in lessons and also in your Personalised Learning lessons. If you get stuck for whatever reason you can email us. Mr James - Mr Reed - Ms Sutton - Mr Yusuf -

OLD Year 10 Instructions

Year 10, welcome back to history. The work you are going to complete as part of the 'History Recovery Curriculum' is; 1) Crime and Punishment c1000-present including the Historical Environment, Whitechapel c1870-1900 2) Early Elizabethan England You will be given a revision guide for both of the topics and a workbook. We have also produced a workbooklet that will help you build your resilience and develop your learning, through recall, retrieval and retention of both topics. The first booklet covers 'History Recovery Curriculum - Crime and Punishment'. This along with the supporting PPT can be found in the blue box 'History Recovery Curriculum Booklet and PPTs' this will support you to compete the 'History Recovery Curriculum Booklet'. The workbooks should be completed after the initial booklet. If you have forgotten your username and password for 'Active Learn' which gives you access to all of the GCSE textbooks online use the 'Active Learn Access' in the yellow box 'Links to Support Learning'. At the bottom right of the page that opens there is a section called ‘Free e-book’ access, when you have accessed the site there are books from a vast array of subjects, you need to click on the centre of the History icon (usually found four rows down) to gain access to GCSE History books.

Todo lists

OLD To do list

Watch the 'Recovery Curriculum Crime PPT1 alongside reading the Recovery Curriculum Crime Booklet (the PPT offers you support to complete the booklet)
Complete the 'Round the Clock' revision sheets using the Crime Revision Book (white book)
Rewatch the last two slides of the 'Recovery Curriculum Crime PPT 1' this will support you to complete the GCSEPod work.
Watch the YouTube Video - Edexcel GCSE Revision, Crime and Punishment Anglo-Saxon England 1000-1066 (blue box)
Complete the GCSEPod activities in the Recovery Curriculum Crime Booklet for 'Law Enforcement and Punishment in Anglo-Saxon England'.
Watch the Video - An overview of the Normans (blue box)
Complete the GCSEPod activities in the Recovery Curriculum Crime Booklet for 'Law Enforcement and Punishment in Norman England'.
Work through the Crime and Punishment workbook given out with the revision guide.
GCSEPod playlists are listed below for each section of the unit, listen to them and create revision materials such as revision cards or 'round the clock' revision sheets.
Use the link to Seneca Quizzes above to check your knowledge and recall

Health & Social Care


component 1 Life Stages

Lesson 2 Infancy

Lesson3 Childhood

lesson 4 Adolescence

Lesson 5 Early Adulthood

Lesson 6 Middle Adulthood

Lesson 7 Late Adulthood

lesson 8 genetic inheritance

lesson 9 gross motor skills

lesson 10 Fine motor skills

lesson 11 life style factors


lesson12 Social / Cultural factors


Lesson 13 relationships

assignment s

Lesson 14 Economic Factors

life events

ill health

Plain sticky notes

personalised learning

week 1- 5th February (wk2) 1st February 11BA - p1 Assignment improvemnt TD 11BA - p2 Assignment improvemnt TD 10AC - p3 Life events (L1) TD 10BC - P3 Life events (L1) SZ 11WB - P4 Assignment improvemnt TD 2nd February 11BA - p1 Assignment improvemnt TD 11WB - p2 Assignment improvemnt TD 10SC - P2 Assignment improvemnt SZ 10VB - P3 Life Events (L1) TD 11bpl - P5 Assignment improvemnt TD 10AC - P4 Assignment improvemnt SZ 7th 11BC - p2 Assignment improvemnt SZ 11AA - P2 Assignment improvemnt TD 11VA - p3 Assignment improvemnt KH 10SB - p3 Assignment improvemnt SZ 11AA - P3 Assignment improvemnt TD 10BC - P4 Assignment improvemnt TD 10SB - P4 Assignment improvemnt SZ 7VPL - P5 Personalised Learning TD 8th 10WB - p1 Assignment improvemnt TD 11AB - p2 Assignment improvemnt TD 10AB - p3 Assignment improvemnt TD 11VA - P4 Assignment improvemnt TD 11AB - P4 Assignment improvemnt SZ 11AB - p5 Assignment improvemnt TD 11 - 15th January 2021 11th 11AB - P1 TD 11VA - P2 TD 10AB - P2 SZ 11VA - P3 TD 11BA - P5 TD 11WB - P5 SZ 12th 10AC - P3 TD 13th 10WB - P1 TD 10BC - P2 SZ 11WB - P2 TD 11AA - P3 TD 10VB - P4 TD 10AC - P4 SZ 11BA - P5 TD 11VA - P5 SZ 11WB - P5 TD 14th 10VB - P2 TD 11BC - P3 TD 10WB - P3 SZ 11AA - P4 TD 10SB - P4 SZ 10AB - P5 TD 15th 11BC - P1 TD 10SC - P1 SZ 10AB - P2 TD 10SC - P2 SZ 11WB - P3 TD Well being 10SB - P4 TD


All students need to complete all of the lessons in sequence. Year 11 you are doing the growth and development unit prior to sitting the exam. You should have already completed component 2 in year 10. Year 10 you are starting health and social care with the first component of 3 this is component 1 growth and development. All of the information is in each lesson and the resources are attached. All students will need to be faimiliar with the knowledge organiser as these are the tier 3 words you will need for this part of component 1. These will be essential when doing your assigment. Google Classroom Codes year 11: aov2kqv year 10: 75rfhx6

Additional information

Work booklets Year 11 if you have any out standing work from year 10 please complete this. The two pieces you should have are: care values in health and social care. Health and social care services. year 11 there are work booklets on googleclassroom.

Todo lists

Todo list

Read all information twice
highlight key information in the presentations and case studies.
Complete all tasks.
Complete the growth and devlopment booklet
Keep detailed notes of the research carried out
research the life of one of the three celebrities: oprah winfrey, robin Williams, witney Houston
only select 3 of the life stages you are going to look at
put all work on google classroom
Check emails and join class (year 11 2020) year 10 2020

Health and social care C2 yr 11



Care Values

Health and Social Care services

lesson 1: Primary health care

lesson 2 secondary health care

lesson 3 Allied health care

Lesson 4 Social Care

Lesson 5 Respite care

lesson 6 services for children

lesson 7 informal social services

Lesson 8 physical barriers to hsc

Plain sticky notes

student guidance

Year 11 this page is in support of you completing the two assignments in Component 2 LAA: Health and Social Care Services LAB: Care Values in health and Social care

Health and social care C3


past papers

additional resources

Plain sticky notes


use the plc to monitor what you need to work on and concentrate on the specific areas that are your weaker points

Sticky note

exam content

Case studies lifestyle factors health and well being physical measures target setting Health and well being plan obstacles / barries to meeting the plan



Personalised Learning Links

Mr Seedat's Tutorial Videos

Mr Hammond Worksheets and Solutions

Plain sticky notes

Maths is Jokes!

What do you call dudes that love Maths? ALGEBROS What do you call the number 7 and the number 3 when they go on a date? THE ODD COUPLE Why was 6 afraid of 7? BECAUSE 7 ATE 9 Why did 7 eat 9? BECAUSE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO EAT 3 SQUARE MEALS A DAY

Todo lists

To do list

Watch the video clips signposted in the recovery booklet
complete all the tasks in the booklet
Check your answers and correct any mistakes
complete the revision and practice section
Participate in the daily Oak National Academy lessons
Review the topics you learnt this year on GCSE Bitesize
Complete tasks set on PIXL Maths
Provide feedback on Edmodo on your learning or if you need any help

Web widgets






Plain sticky notes


Please check your emails as the work has been sent to you. There are also packs of work that you will be given when you are in school.



KS3 & KS4 Home Learning


HIIT with Miss Bramley

Introduction to PE tasks

Plain sticky notes

Welcome to personalised learning and home learning in PE! Here you will find all of your home learning menus and any resources that you will need to be successful in completing them. Remember to let you teachers know once you have completed them

Personalised Learning Project KS3


PLP - Black Lives Matter

PLP - Leicester City

PLP - Olympics

KS3 RE Personalised Learning - A-Z of Religion

Personalised Learning KS4


10KC 17th Sept (M7) p4



REvision Workbooks and RE Teachings and quick guide to exam questions