Hi Alan
Great example of how to get the message over quickly Who we are – what we do http://www.connecthealthsolutionsuk.com/
Nice site http://equagroup.co.uk/ Might be just the job for this guy Although steer him away from the Events page as it has links to other places.
This would work well http://4seasonslawncare.co.uk/
Problems = Solutions
What problem does his client have they he solves
What solutions does he offer his clients
Build trust with him first before money.
We look after his money
We want to do a good job so he tells the world and we build business.
Tell him where you live and he can find you anytime because you aren’t some young kid who will clear off with his money.
1/3 deposit
1/3 on approval of designs
1/3 on completion within 7 days.
Good luck
its just a matter of clarifying what is required and we can give them a price.
As an outline, consider:
Hi Alan,
Thanks for your time earlier today.
As discussed here is my website www.adwordtize.co.uk
And some sample websites we have done in the past:-
Let me know if you need any more information.
Looking forward to speak to you again.
Hello Alan Bramwell,
Hope you are doing well.
I just checked your new booked domain: www.bsgelite.biz & I have a proposal for you that brings you more BUSINESS & PROFIT.
We will be happy to help execute Web Design and Development projects at a much lower cost than what you have in house - No compromise on quality!
Minimum Cost of Web Solution:-@
"CMS Website- in which you can make changes in your website yourself"
We have expertise on Various Platforms: -
· PHP-based Website Development
· Joomla-based Website Development
· WordPress-based Website Development
· Magento-based Website Development
· Drupal-based Development
· E-commerce Websites
· Payment Gateway Integration
We also provide SEO Service in Existence! Only $149!
If you have any query so please reply to this mail with your query. We can send our proposed solutions and quote to you.
Thanks and Regards,
Email: mayuri.digitalmarketing@gmail.com
Hi Alan,
Tell me about your requirements so that I can provide you the cost. Awaiting your response.
My Latest work
Web Applications:
Mobile Applications
Turo- Rent Better Cars:
Sehat Android App
Shuttle Music Player Android App
CaloryGuard Pro
Fashion Freax Street Style App
Wakau-Exclusive Celebs Videos (Tinder clone-Dating App)
Crave on Campus iOS App:
InTown iOS App
Response Awaited.
Sangeeta Singh
Digital Brain Media
Communication Address: B1/25, Sector A, Kapoorthala, Aliganj, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. India
Offices: India | USA
Phone: (Office:0522-4955929)(Mobile: 7071605054)
Skype: Cyrus.holiday1
Digital Brain Media (DBM)
Redcamel Systems
Redcamel Systems now operate out of Hitec Computers in Cheadle. They undertake outsourcing of anyform of IT project that needs resourcing. With contacts in the Northof England, the South of England and India we are well placed to operate Nationally.
Redcamel Sytems can offer Hardware and Sofware Services to you as a Special Cusrtomer with ata Special Discounted Price of 10% of total cost excluding VAT.
Proposal for Enterprise Development.
Here is the proposed chargeMatrix for any Enterprise developments that you require :
1. Consultancy :
Where required is charged at £240 per hour discounted to £60 for being a SpecialCustomer.
2. Development Charge.
As much as you are willing to pay.
3. Hitec Computers Agency / BillingFee :
15% of Development Charge
4. Special Customer Deduction :
Less 10 % of (1+ 2 +3)
5. Vat.
All work will be invoiced including VAT by Hitec Computers Of Cheadle.
I hope that this is to your satisfaction and that you elect to use Redcamel Systems.
1. Tutor Table
2. Student Table
3 Tutor/Student Table
4. Course Code Table
5. Lesson Table
6 Session Table
7 Course Code/Lesson Table
8 Lesson / session Table
9. Company Table
10 Company/Course Table
11. Password Table
12, Course Table (Containing Course Ref, Date, Course Code and Tutor)
13, Course / Student Table
14 Materials Table (Containing Links to documents)
15 Session / Materials Table
16.Course survey Table (Containing, Course id, student id, Comments