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About The Authors



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Alan Bramwell

Alan was born in Mamchester in 1956 at 59 Guildford Road his uncles lived at 53,
At the age of 6 Alan started work for his uncles - Alan's Father John was an Horizontal Borer, Eric worked for British Steel as a tool maker - Alf worked at mono pump un the tool room.

Alj had a Triumph TR2 sports car which he used to rally. Alan serviced the car on a Saturday checking oil / water / tyre pressures and maintaining ball joints. Before citting the lan and hedges for Eric. Hohn a union secrerary for the AEU and a bowling club secretary used to pass Alan yo help him do mailshots and keep the ledgers.
His mum Doris used to go to the post office to but stamps for the local shop - Barlows. Alan started a Post Office Savings account. Father John was a member of the MCTD Social club - he played Bowls / Snooker and cards on a Sunday - The club was a cricket pavilion at weekends they put acts on and ran Bingo,
Aland Cousin was Tony Bramwell a Manager for the Beatles and his uncle Len ventured into the entertainment industry. 
Alan's family was connected to Belle View - his grandfather was something to do with the organisation an fayjer John had a part time job as a security officer / police - he was a dog hangler that helped out with the Fireworks Display. He had the scars to prove it.
At the age of 11 Alan got a job as a Paper Boy - at Barlows and at a shop on Mathews Lane. He took to the job and became head paperrboy - organising the rounds for the other boys - on Friday he went around the estates collecting the Money before working in the shop reconciling accounts.
At the age of 13 Alan got a joj with John Feeney at Pomfrets on Stockport Road making cushion covers and working on the markets as a sales man - Alan started a Landscape Gardening businss to to John's gardens. Alan got a job working with the builders when John had an extension built Alan did crazy paving built garden walls and layed concrete paths in addition to constructing a green house.
Alan used to go in the social club with his father on a Sundat - Alan used to play the slot machine - being machanically minded he learnt how to play the slot machine without putting money in it. His income was substantial - Alan started a Barclays Bank account - he has 3 side hustles.
At the age of 13 he started work at Belle View as a program seller - he soon became top dog and employed his friends. Alan used to reconcile the accounts from the sellers at the end of the night.

He had two scams working as a seller 1. he used to get rid of all his float so he had to over charge for programs. 2. as people came through the stalls they used to drop their ticket - The program seller were working with the gate keeper to recycle them. At the end of his shift Alan used to go play the slot machines he had a sow wester that he used to hand inside to hold his winnings.

MCTD Built a new clubhouse - at the age of 16 Alan got a job working behing the bar - again he became top dog - became a key holder to do the shorts and a cellar man to change the barrels. Alan had he own bar - the snooker room - Alan became Treasurer of the Snooker Section and started a catering business doing hot pot and sanwiches on a Sundays.

With Mike and Steve Alan ran two ventures whilst collecting on a Friday - he ran a Football Pink Goals competition whe a player picked two teams out of division 1 and 2 - they had to score exactly 11 goals - going over they went bust. The second scam was a football card which they arranged it tthat a menber of the group always won - a method of transposing the winning strip.

At an early age John taught Alan chess - this taught him strategy - he was bright - wanted to go to grammer school which he did. he missed the first two weeks of school so he has placed in the lower ranks - he soon showed his aptitude to learning and was placed in the top streem.

He koined the chess club - this had two effects - the chess was ran by the cooking teacher - whilst Alan wanted to go to a boys school the Comprehensive System hd started and Alan had to go to Victoria Park which was mixed. Alan soon became top of the chess ladder and was made school captain - he was popular with the girls who used to feed his - Alan saving his pocket money ! A business man.

Alan's favourite subject was maths - the school entered him to represent them in national mathematics competitions. He was to of class after the first year of his A Levels, He started Applied Mathematics in the second year - the formulae for a curve changed rotating it 90% - this annoyed Alan he argued with his teacher that they had been teaching him one thing for 5 years now they are changing the rules - Alan dropped out of class and started work for John Feeney. Alan retained his Physics - Doing his Physics classes . practical on a Friday where they had a double lesson in the morning - Ten Pin Bowling at Belle Vue and then a lesson in the afternoon to write up the experiments.
Alan used to borrow the schools Texas instrumet Calculator - At the age of 8 Alan had bought a computer science book and ha learnt to program. Alan's Physics book was a work of art with colourful illustatition and tables.

Alan's pet subject was Nuclear Physics he was the only student in schools history to use a buble chamber to calculate the weight of an electron.

Alan's life plan was to go to Europe after his A Levels - his father John advised him not to go to university - he was too bright - it would waste 3 years of his life.

Alan too his A levels - he failed his Mathematics but had been assured a job at Barclay Bank Knutford as a Computer Operator. So he went to Europe with Dave Wrotniak, James Glover and the two Ashford Twins (The twins only wanted a short holiday they were going to go to university.

The weather in France was terrible we were camped  on the Normany beeches - it was the weekend Morning Cloud sunk. We could not camp we set up in the toilets. After 3 days we gave up and moved in land to Caen near the Pegasus Bridge. We had a great time on the night that Chris and Paul left me Dave and Jim went for a meal in Caen - on the way back we took a short cut over the race course - Jim broke his ankle. We had to carry him home to brittain. I have not seen Dave or Jim since we got home we lost contact - I got a jib at Ingersoll Rand ans a Management Trainee with the understanding that I would become a computer Programmer / Sysems Analyst / Project Manager.

Source Management - Your First Hurdle

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Creating a HTML File

The first hurdle that you will encounter is creating a .txt file

On a Windows Machine on you desk to you right click to create new folder then within the folder you right click to create a new ,txt file.

You then have to go through Getting Started to be able to rename the file .html.

On a Mac it is a little more difficult you can right click to create a new folder. You then have to go throgh Finder/Application/TextMate to create and save your file. - Simple if you know how!

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using System;using System.Data.SqlClient;namespace CashPaymentProcessor{    class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            // Replace with your actual connection string            string connectionString = "YourConnectionString";            // Get payment details from user input or other sources            decimal paymentAmount = GetPaymentAmount();            string paymentDescription = GetPaymentDescription();            // Create SQL INSERT command            string insertQuery = "INSERT INTO Payments (Amount, Description, PaymentDate) VALUES (@Amount, @Description, GETDATE())";            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))            {                try                {                    connection.Open();                    using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(insertQuery, 1         {                        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Amount", paymentAmount);                        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Description", paymentDescription);                        int rowsAffected = command.ExecuteNonQuery();                        if (rowsAffected > 0)                        {                            Console.WriteLine("Payment recorded successfully!");                        }                        else                        {                            Console.WriteLine("Error recording payment.");                        }                    }                }                catch (Exception ex)                {                    Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + ex.Message);                }            }        }        static decimal GetPaymentAmount()        {            decimal amount;            Console.Write("Enter payment amount: ");            while (!decimal.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out amount))            {                Console.WriteLine("Invalid amount. Please enter a valid number.");                Console.Write("Enter payment amount: ");            }            return amount;        }        static string GetPaymentDescription()        {            Console.Write("Enter payment description: ");            return Console.ReadLine();        }    }}


  1. Connection String: Replace YourConnectionString with your actual SQL Server connection string.
  2. Payment Details: Get the payment amount and description from the user or other sources.
  3. SQL INSERT Command: Construct an SQL INSERT command to insert a new record into the Payments table.
  4. Database Connection: Open a connection to the SQL Server database.
  5. Parameterization: Use parameterized queries to prevent SQL injection attacks and improve performance.
  6. Execute Command: Execute the SQL command to insert the payment record.
  7. Error Handling: Handle potential exceptions during the database operation.
  8. User Input: The GetPaymentAmount and GetPaymentDescription methods handle user input and validation.


By following these guidelines, you can create a secure and reliable C# application to process cash payments and record them in a SQL Server database.

Getting Started

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Apple Mac

Here's how you can show file extensions on your Mac for easier renaming:

Method 1: Show Extensions for All Files

  1. Open the Finder app.
  2. Go to the menu bar and select Finder > Preferences.
  3. In the Preferences window, click on the Advanced tab.  
  4. Check the box next to Show all filename extensions.  
  5. Close the Preferences window.  

Now, file extensions will be visible for all files in Finder.

Method 2: Show Extension for a Specific File

  1. Right-click on the file you want to rename.
  2. Select Get Info.
  3. In the Get Info window, click on the arrow next to Name & Extension.
  4. Uncheck the box next to Hide extension.

This will show the extension for that specific file only.

Additional Tips:

By following these steps, you can easily see and manage file extensions on your Mac, making renaming files more efficient and accurate.


Here's how you can access the "File and Folder Options" control panel to show file extensions in Windows:

Windows 10/11:

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Click on the View tab.
  3. Click on the Options button (it looks like a gear icon) in the upper right corner.
  4. This will open the Folder Options window.
  5. Go to the View tab.
  6. Uncheck the box next to Hide extensions for known file types.
  7. Click Apply and then OK.

Windows 7:

  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Search for and open Folder Options.
  3. Go to the View tab.
  4. Uncheck the box next to Hide extensions for known file types.
  5. Click OK.

Now, you should be able to see file extensions for all files in File Explorer.

Rich text note

You will then be able to convert your .txt file to a .html file.
Then when you right click the object you can Open With Textmate/Notepad

Richard Gilbert's Microsoft Source Management Procedures - C# .Net Consol App Training



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Gemini to Protopage Procedures

Cut Paste

Protopage to .txt file procedures

Cut Paste

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Richard : C Sharp Academy is a good way to learn  ,Net Console Apps - but i don't want to do that - i want to process a windows form / view.

.txt to visual studio procedures

Import into project type :            
Document Type :


Your Visual Studio App training Starts here -

Follow the C Sharp Academy Console App trauning as a starter.

Next step buy a C# book with code sample / coding into protopage My Study Buddies then cut and paste into the Visual Studio app ide is recommended.

Application hosting procedures

This document describes the process of hosting a c# / MVC / Blazor / Azure Application

Have a look at freecodecamp

How to deploy a Blazor application on Azure

SQL Server

Configuration file set up and maintenance.




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See Project for Source Control - Waterfall Application Development

Stratbox Machine Specification



Importing Blazor Azure



To Do

Todo lists

Todo list

Source Control
Richard Please Respond to Importing Blazor Azure
Buy milk

Tee Time Movies Podcasts - Harvard Keynote 2




Nimrod 2025

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7 / 9 Wigby Release


WWWW Intransition



Lemantrc - Import Export



Product Owner Registration

Tony Buzan

Google Garage - Business Modal Canves - Foundation Consulting



Cover Page

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Project X
East Peasy lemon Squeeeeeeeeasy 
Enterprise Solutions - Source Control 

By Richard J Gilbert / Alan Bramwell POA 

UN United Nations



Phoenix 2023 - Turin



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Phoenix / Manchester Database Tables

Assembly Order Release / Bill Of Material / MRP / Stock Recording / Order Processing / Picking List / GRN

Supefm Merger / Ewtrad / Ecoglobe



Q-Exrtaunit Harvard University

NimrodQ - Home Treatment HT - High Tensions



Project AJBBEAB - Phoenix




Diamond Reports / EstimateIT




Todo lists

Todo list

Do shopping
Start Date 06 April Q000001 to Q001000 Magna Carta
Buy milk

Cine World



Studio 54 Questions - C21 Quiz

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Here are 54 film buff quiz questions:

  1. Who directed the film "Citizen Kane"?
  2. What is the name of the iconic horror film directed by Alfred Hitchcock?
  3. Which actor played the role of Rocky Balboa?
  4. What is the name of the highest-grossing film of all time?
  5. Who directed the film "The Godfather"?
  6. What is the name of the first Star Wars film?
  7. Which actor played the role of James Bond in the film "Dr. No"?
  8. What is the name of the first Harry Potter film?
  9. Who directed the film "Titanic"?
  10. What is the name of the highest-grossing animated film of all time?
  11. Who played the role of Dorothy Gale in the film "The Wizard of Oz"?
  12. What is the name of the first Marvel Cinematic Universe film?
  13. Who directed the film "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring"?
  14. What is the name of the highest-grossing superhero film of all time?
  15. Who played the role of Han Solo in the Star Wars films?
  16. What is the name of the first Pixar film?
  17. Who directed the film "The Shawshank Redemption"?
  18. What is the name of the highest-grossing horror film of all time?
  19. Who played the role of Indiana Jones in the Indiana Jones films?
  20. What is the name of the first Jurassic Park film?
  21. Who directed the film "The Silence of the Lambs"?
  22. What is the name of the highest-grossing animated film of all time?
  23. Who played the role of Jack Dawson in the film "Titanic"?
  24. What is the name of the first James Bond film?
  25. Who directed the film "Schindler's List"?
  26. What is the name of the highest-grossing film of all time?
  27. Who played the role of Neo in the Matrix films?
  28. What is the name of the first Harry Potter film?
  29. Who directed the film "The Dark Knight"?
  30. What is the name of the highest-grossing superhero film of all time?
  31. Who played the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman in the Dark Knight trilogy?
  32. What is the name of the first Pixar film?
  33. Who directed the film "The Godfather Part II"?
  34. What is the name of the highest-grossing horror film of all time?
  35. Who played the role of Han Solo in the Star Wars films?
  36. What is the name of the first Jurassic Park film?
  37. Who directed the film "The Silence of the Lambs"?
  38. What is the name of the highest-grossing animated film of all time?
  39. Who played the role of Jack Dawson in the film "Titanic"?
  40. What is the name of the first James Bond film?
  41. Who directed the film "Schindler's List"?
  42. What is the name of the highest-grossing film of all time?
  43. Who played the role of Neo in the Matrix films?
  44. What is the name of the first Harry Potter film?
  45. Who directed the film "The Dark Knight"?
  46. What is the name of the highest-grossing superhero film of all time?
  47. Who played the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman in the Dark Knight trilogy?
  48. What is the name of the first Pixar film?
  49. Who directed the film "The Godfather Part II"?
  50. What is the name of the highest-grossing horror film of all time?
  51. Who played the role of Han Solo in the Star Wars films?
  52. What is the name of the first Jurassic Park film?
  53. Who directed the film "The Silence of the Lambs"?
  54. What is the name of the highest-grossing animated film of all time?

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  • Orson Welles
  • Psycho
  • Sylvester Stallone
  • Avatar
  • Francis Ford Coppola
  • Star Wars: A New Hope
  • Sean Connery
  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
  • James Cameron
  • Frozen II
  • Judy Garland
  • Iron Man
  • Peter Jackson
  • Avengers: Endgame
  • Harrison Ford
  • Toy Story
  • Frank Darabont
  • It
  • Harrison Ford
  • Jurassic Park
  • Jonathan Demme
  • Frozen II
  • Leonardo DiCaprio
  • Dr. No
  • Steven Spielberg
  • Avatar
  • Keanu Reeves
  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
  • Christopher Nolan
  • Avengers: Endgame
  • Christian Bale
  • Toy Story
  • Francis Ford Coppola
  • It
  • Harrison Ford
  • Jurassic Park
  • Jonathan Demme
  • Frozen II
  • Leonardo DiCaprio
  • Dr. No
  • Steven Spielberg
  • Avatar
  • Keanu Reeves
  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
  • Christopher Nolan
  • Avengers: Endgame
  • Christian Bale
  • Toy Story
  • Francis Ford Coppola
  • It
  • Harrison Ford
  • Jurassic Park
  • Jonathan Demme
  • Frozen II
  • Hogan 49 Questions and Answers

    1. What is the name of the oldest golf course in the world?

      • Answer: The Old Course at St Andrews, Scotland
    2. Who is the only golfer to have won all four major championships in a calendar year?

      • Answer: Gene Sarazen, Ben Hogan, Jack Nicklaus, and Tiger Woods
    3. What is the name of the longest golf hole on the PGA Tour?

      • Answer: The 18th hole at TPC Sawgrass (The Players Championship)
    4. What is the name of the most famous golf club in Scotland?

      • Answer: St Andrews Links
    5. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in the United States?

      • Answer: The Masters Tournament
    6. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in the United Kingdom?

      • Answer: The Open Championship
    7. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Australia?

      • Answer: The Australian Open
    8. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in South Africa?

      • Answer: The South African Open
    9. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Japan?

      • Answer: The Japan Golf Tour Championship
    10. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Korea?

    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in China?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in India?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Thailand?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Malaysia?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Indonesia?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in the Philippines?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Vietnam?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Singapore?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Hong Kong?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Taiwan?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Mexico?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Canada?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Argentina?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Brazil?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Chile?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Peru?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Colombia?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Venezuela?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Ecuador?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Bolivia?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Paraguay?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Uruguay?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Spain?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in France?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Germany?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Italy?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Portugal?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Ireland?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in England?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Wales?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Scotland?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Northern Ireland?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Sweden?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Denmark?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Norway?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Finland?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Iceland?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Russia?
    1. What is the name of the most prestigious golf tournament in Ukraine?

    NHS Infonet / MyStudy Buddies / Manchester United / King Charles III / Empire / John Lennon Give Peace a Chance / The Oasis Project

    Granada Reports Podcasts / Sanctuary



    Strategy - YMG International



    Associate Consultant Induction



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    OJ showed no imterest in programming and was nit employed by Hitec Computers.

    Infonet Service Request



    The Infonet / Procedure_for_setting_up_SSNA___You_Tube


    SSNA / PodcastingBookmarks

    The Infonet Procedure / Podcasting



    Rich sticky notes


    On a Windows Machine Open Camera - On a Mac Photo Booth
    Record your Presentation
    Save it note what folfder you have saved it to - on a Mac Right click the image of your presenttation and export it
    Open You Tube - on the right click the Camera import your Presentation - when you have selected the presentation copy the url - share it on Protopage - make it Public and for children.
    If you make a presentation over 15 minutes long you will have to go to Gemini and ask it how to register long presentations with You Tub


    1, Register your Protopage with
    Note : There is an error in Forest 404 at the moment it keeps initialising itself - so return to it from time to time and re register your site.
    2, Click on the chevrons on the right hand side of the the screen.
    Select Advanced Functions
    Create a new Public Frameset call it Infonet with a Write Password : Infonet
    Create a new Public Frameset called Studybuddies with a Password of : Study Buddy
    Create a new Public Frameset called History with a password of History
    Add Bookmark to your History Frameset
    Access Joe Biden go to and buy Polo Shirts for Christmas Presents
    Add to your Public Frameset.
    3. SSNA
    Create a Facebook account
    Create a Wix Account
    Create a Instagram Account
    Create a Linkedin Account
    Create a Tik Tok Account
    Create You Tube Podcasts - See Procedures Here
    Create a Webador account with links to your SSNA - call it Jumps Away Promo 
    Make sure you put a contact details with your phone number on your SSNA
    Change Your Jumps Away Website to link to your Webador SSNA Promo account and / / / (as Children In Need

    Gemini - Long Podcasts

    To register with YouTube and upload long presentations, you'll need to follow these steps:

    1. Create a Google Account:

    2. Create a YouTube Channel:

    3. Upload Your Long Presentation:

    Important Notes:

    By following these steps, you can successfully register with YouTube and upload your long presentations.

    Quantum Leap

