At Wythenshawe Hospital whilst I was waiting for a ECG Dave Johnson and members of the security team were given computer science lessons by Alan Bramwell - they thought it was great and that he was a university professor - we played mind memory games and alan told them about Tony Buzan using your mind speed reading and mind mapping.
Dave the contracted to Alan to write The Jjohnson Clan,
Alam will write The Bramwell Clan and the Windorin two seperate and see what Paul has got for his family tree
Benefit and housing drop in:
(In The Computer Room)
**If anybody needs to see me for any benefit support,(housing, universal credit, or PIP), pop into the OT office and I can set aside you an appointment time**
Tyger Cubs Golf was a site created for Scott Currie By Richard Gilbert in 2007 whilst I was in Bronte Ward.
It was here as a reminder as was other tabs but sadly they seem to have been lost 13/03/2020.
I am sure that they were here this week - have I a bigger problem than I imagined.
Dear Alan Bramwell
This email has been sent to you because you clicked the forgotten password link at
The password reset link in this email is only valid for the next 24 hours.
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Please Wite all communications that I have with you on a piece of paper be ypu put them on the system I have Apple emails systems down at the moment - Red Octoppus Business Services Limited is down at the moment.
I have been requested to look at a top secret project by SNI Banking.
I have sent out a significant number of emails only to get a few back.
I think I have had a provem with my email since NoV when I had to go into the NHS to find a Virus
the virus is a protoppage .js virus - please phone Beeh war at Bolton. ask them to look at
A systems Analst /Designer / Community Guardian working on a secure alternative for mail has observed a fault in the Apple Email system - Alan who has been working on this project since completing the Y2K Project says.
In 2000 I was advised by employment services that I woulf never work in the it industry again set up his own college to learn C / and Visual FoxPro.
Alan with a vision that there woud be a distributed network called a structured Social Netwok based on IBM SNA would be cloud based operated by super companies providing free and subscription based sevices..
His systm was ready 14 years ago but he has been waiting for fhis brotherin law to come out contract.
A year ago Paul asked Alan for help to retrain and hasd opted to to BSGEITE for full stack training.
Yesterday whilst waiting for an ECG at Wythenshawe Hospitel he taught 5 Security Officers Computer Science - The thought he was a professer.
Alan who continually gets accused of being Bi Polar - Alan uses ths to go ithe nhs to reseach pay scales and procedures acing that he has a gun. Alans son Adam Commited suiced in 2016 the day after Alan had aske the Manchester Mental Healt Team to evaluate him. Alan who volunteers as an advocate for Stockport Mind runs an annual charity golf day for Stocport mind and his daughter an international conferencing manager raused £16 thousands punds for Manchester Mind.
In Novvember when Protopage had a registration issues he discussed his business Q with Salford University for 5 hours before being sectioned. It woukld now appear that this problem has increased.
This weekend attemted for 4 hours to contact his support worker Kay /the NHS Help and as last Grasp the police to attempt a email transaction to see if SMPT was working.
Alanhad great resopnce from GMP who came to his house to look at the scale of the problem and the volume and content of the emails and lefet happy with the understaning if this escalates to a section there would be a law suit as key communications systems are down.
Bythis time Alan was feeling ill and requested a PRN to allow hin to take a beta blocker that lowers his heart pressure. And that he would be fine and would see his doctor on Monday and the problem oif coomuncations should be resolved as he will set up a email for auditing updates.
At the hospital Alan met the CT Unit doctor that dealt with him fot a scan - Alan was a little stressed because he arrived early at the hospital but there was no one there to direct him and was late.
Alan is a bit obsessice about time keeping and being late flusters him so he always arrived it time - when they agrred to see him he was emotional and had top cbe calemed - Alan constanty thinks about Adam and endend up crying.
Alan had to ask the way out and YPing gave him direction - she did so for excellect service alan requested if he could create a Ping website for her and make a donation to his junior golf charity - shee agreeg.
Alan then talked to the manager to discudss the incident to show concern - it was a good meeting. and a few more websites were harvested - then it was off to subway where he chatted with customers and harvested a few more websites.
Going to wthenshawe hospital was a hisk so he went with all the documentation that describet the implementation phases / change control of an IT system. Doctors refuse to look at it and when alan talks about his projects they say he is dilussional.
Alan whose fatherin law ran Feranti Manufacturing and who was highly ranked reporting at board level said we were a great team and Paul his son was exceptional.
Puul who is now coming out of contract is Visual FoxPro - it took Alan 4 weeks to learn C and pass his city and guilds.
Paul has turned to Alan and his Redoctopus / Redcamel team instead of Going to Manchester University to do full stck is now cut off from Alan and Alan has ween asked to look at a Topp Sectret Project - it could be as much as £100 million punds - it might be great - there migh be cctv - if that is the case he will hace to review the greater Manchester police iops project.
Alan who worked for Greater Manchester Police in 1994 after writing / project managing the royal mail project said he went into GMP in hope that he could service the community - but the scale of the problems were so bafd that the police were looking at the rules file being out of the sink with the database. Alan waled into the job with a folder 4 inchest thick of essors.
The first thing that Alan did was to borrow kit from northwest water and move all the terminals onto his teams desk - Nigal the manager said are you mad. Alan said possible but I get jobs done.
Alan then desided to knukle down to it and get the job done just telling the team to do there best - withour asking permission he resolved 50 percent of the Online directly int the live system as the uni200 package is a batch system with a user interface for screen painting and that having developed the physical data base with a set tdd batch data the job is eacy.
What happened then he developed some very tight code that serveiced the batch / online and reporting systems and was able to produce a screen that validated the whole database.
Completing this he produced a strategy document and went to Sodexho taking his five lines of code with him.
Sodexo was worse the change over was 1/2 an hour and all that was said to him was goog look. The consultant on board he had experience of from Darlingto - so he expected trouble - he went into Darlington just before year end to find that source had been dekleted and hoskyns eventually foud a comment to say that it had been done on purpose.
Sodexo were in a mess - they had no test tsytems no test data / no year end system the system failed everynigh because permant files were defined as temporary and the operationa analysts refused to take responsibility.. but mainly the company structure and the general ledger was so badly designed. A new pay element would take 1 hour to build an 3 weeks to get it through gl testing. Stupid as a direct interface was the way - Sodexo refused to change and alan adved that sevice level woul fail as history expanded.
Eventually they did and when Alan was asked to lok at it the mod was hone in an hour and took 7 hours of the schedure - but the change that would have given Sodexho the greatest value was never introduced.
Alan wanted to introduce a SAR signature into the report header - bu again there were issues - he was not allowed.
Then he decided might as well just do my own thing - looked at his gen - put together his own TDD batch system - Writing hi own test sritpt produced a error report 5 feets high an a test screen called tdrrp.
He was not popular when he produced it to the team hat had been involved with the system.
Then to llok at the package update - two moths late in starting and was asked the team to put it together. No body new how to assembly and link a program.
He had to ask for the top programmer to write a control system that a monkey could use to submit a compile.
Possiblly the best time Alan had was working with Dave Jackson ofn a uk accounts eceivabe system and had to do all the reporting - about a years work. Alan decided to look into cobol report write and test a sample for coding efficiency - he discovered he could write a program in minutes as all the logic was done by the genrerate statement all you needed to do was give it a page length.
David - a brilliant programmer wrote a utility called DRRP where you could seelt the database subscheme and table and issue database access command - then being able to display and amend the field in charater and hex. The development took three months and the reports redy for the unit test team.
UK Accounts receivable taught me Journalling.
Back to Sodexo - UNI2000 is not like other systems you can use all partitions on a system - production and development to write your programs - giving you a distinct advantage over the development team.
So what do you do - your write a utility that srips data out of the production systm dynamically creating ten testes databases - but you do not want 10 setts of jobcontrol. You terefor had to change your set of job control to be parameter driven - Another iinnovation introduced to Sodexho. I did get a team of people to help me - an administrator an administrative assistand and Harry - Poor Harry - I told Sodexho that I would never support user hooks that they should redisgn into re-entry programming. After 6 years I don't think Harry got near fixing absent management.
We will struggle to do anything if Managers do not attend meetings that the have scheduled.
Todays meeting at 11:30 was vitally important to me - I have been waiting since 11:00pm 12/03/2020 for a critical bit of information from Bolton to report if there is still an outage on my primary site.
I am going to have to go ahead with development on that site knowing that there could be downtime for people.
All I am asking is :
1. Somebody at Beech ward in Bolton to go to to record and tell me the name of the trj.js file.....
2. The name of the Peer Mentor
3. The name and phone number of the Peer Mentor organioser - he was phoned in January there has been no return call or EMail.