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Sumayyah Niyazi. 

EDUC 496
Math/Science for Early Childhood Education

Dr. Chris Booth

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My Philosophy of Teaching

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Philosophy of Teaching

My Philosophy of Teaching Math and Science

Math and Science are two of the basic curriculums that every child should learn. They are very important to teach from early childhood.  In childhood, children start to build their own minds. Thus, children need a good start to understanding Math and Science. They need a good teacher that can teach them while using perfect teaching methods. However, I believe that if I see many successful children in math and science, I know there are many professional teachers. I should strive to be professional as I teach my students. Teaching is not just telling students something. It’s hard work to transform my knowledge to student’s knowledge.

I believe that teaching in early childhood class is more than a job. The teachers do not give just the knowledge to students, but they give them an education, polishing and improving their minds. Thus, I think teachers should prepare themselves to be good teachers that can do a perfect job. Morrison (2009) noted that teachers have more to do than teach. They are decision makers, collaborators, evaluators, reporters, community partners, professional learners, and parent substitutes (p. 17). I agree with Morrison in that my role is not just teaching students. My role as an educator includes everything he said.

Krista Jennifer Gates (2009) noted that, her philosophy of teaching math and science is different from her learned history. Her main goal for teaching math and science is to change the method of teaching from what she learned in her school. She wants to teach students in a way that keeps them continually thinking and giving them a student centered, engaging class that pushes them to think. She believes that each student has the ability to understand math and science and that they will be adept in their ability to solve problems. Thus, the only one who can draw out students’ abilities is the teacher. She designs her class to prepare students to learned math and science from seeing the world around them. There are many things can help students understanding as well such as, hands on activates, projects, and collaborative group.

I see cooperative learning as a good way to help students’ understanding and instill this understanding of math and science for a long time. Teachers’ jobs are to prepare educational materials, get sources, make associated activities, and organize the class. On the other hand, students work hard too. They work as a group, discuss the topic, share ideas and get feedback. By the end of class, students have learned how to independently gain knowledge, share knowledge, get experience, and trust themselves.

Students should be taught how to research and discover something that opens their mind. So, the research and sources in math and science that students use to keep their minds active pushes them to discover new things in the world. Providing the materials, workshops, and technology that students need should make a student try harder and these can motivate them toward new discoveries. It makes the students think, do, and see the result of their studies.

Teaching Strategies

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Strategies of teaching Science and Math

Educational process needs good teaching strategies. Teaching strategies make the learning process very easy to students understand. Thus, each teacher has their own teaching strategies to present the material to students. I think teaching strategies should be diverse and that can help students understand well and make subjects easy for them. However, math and science need appropriate teaching strategies that the teacher can use to facilitate learning within those subjects. There are many teaching strategies for teaching math and science. I use ten appropriate strategies for math and ten for science.

First, there are ten strategies of teaching Math: related to

1- Teacher should use appropriate words that all students can clearly understand. Also, teachers should control the use of vocabulary for the subject, using only grade-appropriate vocabulary.

2- Each class teacher must review previous subjects. It is good to create a good base of knowledge for students and make students familiar with the new topic.

3- Using data from real life in class.

4- Teacher should uses good visual displays in class. These help students to clearly understand the difficult concepts in word problems.

5- In solving a mathematical problem, the teacher should give students clear instructions to solve the problem. This includes how they can start, test, solve and check the answers.

6- Recording what students learned in a journal. Students can share their ideas in the class, with partners, and with the teacher.

7- Student developed glossary: Students keep track of key content and concept words and define them in a log or series of worksheets that they keep with their text to refer to.

8- Students should take time to create word problems for a specific math skill. It helps students to learn what they should look for when they have word problems.

9- Tactile, concrete experiences in math: Using three dimensional objects in math instruction such as geometrical shapes, coins, or blocks used to form various geometrical shapes.

10- Using educational games will make class interesting and all students' brain will be attention in class. Also, it improves their learning. 

Second, there are ten strategies of teaching Science: related to

1- Teacher should give students time to ask questions. It helps students to improve how they can order or ask questions.

2- Teacher should ask students some open-ended questions. It helps students to improve their critical thinking skills.

3- Help students to collect information by own data that outside of canned labs or textbooks. It helps students become actively engaged in learning.

4- It is good to give students a science problem every week. 

5- Using computer lab or classroom computer learning center to study science concepts.

6- Science WebQuests – develop your own or find some already prepared and have students work in groups to solve science problems.

7- Use Science Tradebooks – use tradebooks in connection with science concepts being studied.

8- Teacher should use hands-on activities. It helps students to improve their critical thinking.

9- Teacher should give students opportunity to design their own experiments.

10- Teacher should require students to use multimedia presentations in class. It helps students to be familiar with technology.

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Math Curriculum

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Math Curriculum 1st Grade

July 16






Count by ones forward and backward from 1 to 120, starting at any number, and count by twos, fives, and tens to 100.


Liston and count by song


Name the number that is one less or one more than any number given verbally up to 120.


Read aloud numerals from 0 to 1,000.


Order objects or events using ordinal numbers

Building the number’s puzzle






August 16






Write, compare, and order numbers to 120.


Fluently compose and decompose numbers to 10.


Group numbers into tens and ones in more

than one way


Group and count objects by tens, fives, and twos.



Classify a number as odd or even and demonstrate that it is odd or even.



September 17 (Addition and subtraction)




Connect physical and pictorial representations to addition and subtraction equations.



Use the equal sign (=) and the word equals to indicate that two expressions are equivalent.


Represent addition and subtraction on the number line.


Demonstrate the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction by undoing an addition problem with subtraction and vice versa.



October 16






Add three or more one-digit numbers using the commutative and associative properties of addition.



Apply and explain strategies to compute addition facts and related subtraction facts for sums to 18.


Quickly recall addition facts and related subtraction facts for sums equal to 10.


Solve and create word problems that match addition or subtraction equations.



November 16  






H Cont.


Recognize, extend, and create number patterns.



December 17   ( Practices and Quezes)




All above



January 16   (Geometry/Measurement)




Compare and sort a variety of two- and three-dimensional figures according to their geometric attributes.


Identify and name two-dimensional figures, including those in real-world contexts, regardless of size or orientation.


Combine known shapes to create shapes and

divide known shapes into other shapes



Recognize that objects used to measure an attribute (length, weight, capacity) must be consistent in size.



February 18  






Use a variety of non-standard units to measure length.


Compare lengths using the transitive property.


Use non-standard units to compare objects according to their capacities or weights.


Describe the connection between the size of the measurement unit and the number of units needed to measure something.



March 18  (Data/Statistics/Probability)






Name the days of the week and the months of the year, and use a calendar to determine a day or month.


Represent data using tallies, tables, picture graphs, and bar-type graphs.


(Reasoning, problem solving, and communication)

Identify the question(s) asked in a problem.


Identify the given information that can be used to solve a problem.



April 16 (Reasoning, problem solving, and communication)




Recognize when additional information is required to solve a problem.


Select from a variety of problem-solving strategies and use one or more strategies to solve a problem.


Answer the question(s) asked in a problem.


Identify the answer(s) to the question(s) in a problem.



May 16






Describe how a problem was solved.


Determine whether a solution to a problem is reasonable.




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Journal #1

How do you feel in math? Asking students about how they feel about math is a good starting at the beginning of class. When the teacher asked classmates this question, my opinion was very BAD about math. I have never liked math classes because of my bad background with math in school. In my school, there were not many Math and Science classes that I studied in the Islamic school. I studied math and science from the elementary level until intermediate level with just specific information about math and science. I took these classes as minor classes and so I learned only a little about math and science. Actually, I only know addition, subtraction, and division. Until now, I have not been able to remember all the multiplication tables. Thus, while I would like to solve the math problems, I have to use a calculator. However, when I wanted to add classes in my summer quarter, I saw the name of this class and I interested in adding class. I was excited to attend class because I want learn how teachers should teach student math in a perfect way. Attendance in this class was a challenge for me, but I was very interested to learn more about teaching math and science.

Journal #2

Playing Legos Playing Legos in the class is one good exercise to learned Math in early childhood. I really like the idea of using Legos to teach children math. Whatever the Lego kind or size, it still is a good game that teachers can use in class. I like it because it has many ways to easily teach students math such as counting, addition, subtraction, and division. Also, teachers can create a good exercise for their class by using games that students like. However, making students more interested in learning math needs a good strategy such as playing in the class. Games are good ways to teach math in class. I think children can learn better with games. They don’t feel scared or troubled with learning math even though the math might be difficult for some students. I like the Lego game for math because many children have Legos in their home and they can understand math well by using them. I think that a good mathematics’ teacher makes math easy for kids. Thus, mathematics’ teachers should learn how they should teach math for students.

Journal # 3

Math Center Environment Yours Math Center Environment!!! I was very surprised about this word. What does that mean? I wondered what the teacher meant with that question, “How do you design a math center environment? I asked my classmate who sits next me and I began to understand the idea and what exactly the teacher wanted. However, this was the first time that I had heard about it. I was surprised because I had studied many things and I have never learned about something like this. I had been taught from a very different learning style in my country and I had never learned or attend a math center. In my school there was not a math center. Students learned math in regular classes and in the same class. Students did not change classes. None of the classes were independent and the materials and subjects were all in the same classroom. The students stayed in the same class and teachers came to the class rather than students going to the teacher’s class. Thus, my background was a big reason that I did not understand well what a math center environment means. However, while students discussed with the teacher what they thought, I completely understood the math center environment. I very much liked classmates’ ideas and I like the math center environment. After I finished the class I searched about it and I was very interested to learn more about it. I founded a good website that posts the Math classroom environment topic. Math Rich Preschool Classroom Environment is a good topic to explain the math classroom environment.

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Activities Math and Science activities that we did in class were a very important part of the class. I liked it because it opened to us thinking about activates that teachers can use in class. There were many activates that I liked, such as cards, Starch powder with water, and coke rocket. I think teachers need to work hard with math and science activities because she/he needs to prepare, try, and practice the activities before using in the class. Thus, activities are very important in a teaching style. Teachers can see if students get knowledge or not by doing activates. In addition, students can learn more and get knowledge easily and while having fun. Also, teachers and students broke the ice with difficult materials or subjects and work together for getting knowledge. Activities make students very active and interested about the topic. They ask questions and try something related to the subject. If they have a good activity they will never forget the knowledge that they got in class. I think activities are important for remembering and recognizing the topic, or subject, or materials. I believe that the equation, which is education plus fun equals knowledge forever.

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Coke Rocket The coke rocket activity that we did in class was one of my favorite parts. First, I like the ideas that are related to science activities. The materials are easy to find, such as coke and Mentos candy which can be found anywhere. However, seeing the results were so exciting that we tried three times to see what would happen in the end. Actually, the activity impacted my thinking about how the students would like doing activities. For example, I saw how my classmates were very existed while trying the experiment. They did not despair in failure the first and the second time, and they tried again and again until they did it. Also, they learned from their experiment that there was something wrong with the materials. They searched on the internet about the experiment and they got the correct information. They could not rest until they got the final result. They felt challenged to do the experiment in the right way so that they could see the result. The coke rocket is a good example for a great science activity. There are many abstracts from this activity. First, the students were very interactive with this scientific experiment. Second, students had a strong desire to see the end of the experiment. Third, the teacher encouraged students to learn and try to do the experiment all while giving them instructions and guidance. Fourth, students will continue to learn and search about the scientific truth even if they have troubles with the experiment. Finally, going into the experience is a best way to get knowledge.

The workshop

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Math and Science Workshop

                                                   Hands-On Math and Science Workshop
  •  Attendance:
People who will attend the workshop are teacher and parents. 
  • Place and Time
The place will be in the Math and Science center in the evening. 
  •  The subject:
A workshop on the importance of hand-on, integrated math and science in the classroom. Also, parents roles in supporting children’s math and science development.
  •  The importance of attendance at the workshop:
The responsibility of education goes to the parents first because children learn in the home before going to school. Thus, children learn the most important things about life from their parents. At school they learn more about education related to specific topics. Working together will make students good learners. So, parents and teachers should work together to give children a good education. However, attendance at this workshop creates a good partnership and relationship between parents and school. For example, students learn at school about gardening, but they cannot do it at school. On the other hand, that they learned at school about gardening they can apply at home with the support from parents.
  •  The target:
Help students to receive and get a good education of all parties (home, school, community)
The manner and style
  •  The activities :
First of all, the teachers should welcome the parents and present themselves to everybody. After that, teachers will explain the importance of the workshop. Teachers should explain the importance of hands-on activities for math and science and how it is important for children’s learning for parents to give many examples. After that, parents will chose groups to sit with. After sitting as group, teachers will give parents hands-on math or science activities to practice in groups. While parents do the activities, they will see how it’s important for children’s learning. For example, teachers will explain the Refraction of Light or the law of refraction by oral lesson. After that, teachers will ask parents if they completely understand the law of refraction. The answer might not be perfect. After that, teachers will gave parents hands-on activities to help them understand the idea. Teachers will give each group a cup of water and a straw, and he/she will explain again the idea while showing them how the straw appears to be broken, due to refraction of light as it emerges into the air. Parents will do and understand well because they are doing the activities. Finally, teacher will make the meeting a place where all are free to talk, share, and discuss everything related to improve children’s learning and development. 

Self Evaluation

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Math and Science for early childhood education class was a great class that I took during the summer quarter. I have learned many things from my accomplishments in this class. First of all, I learned about the protopage and how I can use it to put on my portfolio inside it. I like the idea of using a new technology to organize my portfolio. Second, this was the first time I wrote my philosophy of teaching math and science, and that was very strange because in my life I had never thought that I would teach math and science. I was interested in writing my philosophy of teaching math and science. Third, writing the parents workshop was kind of hard for me. It took a long time to complete because I had not thought about teaching this topic prior to this class. I really gained some good knowledge about how to develop a workshop with parents or teachers. Fourth, understanding the math and science standards and knowing how to apply them when creating a one-year plan for teaching math and science was a very good way to get important information about American teaching and learning styles in math and science classes. I see how the hands-on activities are very important in teaching math and science for children.
  In the future I will not teach math and science because it’s not my major. However, I will apply what I learned in the class with my kids that I can teach them in good strategies. I will use everything that I learned in the class to teach my kids. I hope I will see my kids do well in math and science. Yet, I will use the hands-on as I can with my students in different subjects. I will continue learning to develop my teaching skills and I hope I will see more success in my students. 


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Science Curriculum

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Science Curriculum 

July 16 ( Part-Whole Relationships )




Living and nonliving things are made of parts. People give names to the parts that are different from the name of the whole object, plant, or animal.


Some objects can easily be taken apart and put back together again while other objects cannot be taken apart without damaging them (e.g., books, pencils, plants, and animals).



Scientific investigations involve asking and trying to answer a question about the natural world by making and recording observations.


August 16

Many children’s toys are models that represent real things in some ways but not in other ways.



 ( Making Observations)

Scientists develop explanations using recorded observations (evidence).


Scientists report on their investigations to other scientists, using drawings and words.



Observations are more reliable if repeated, especially if repeated by different people.


September 16

All scientific observations must be reported honestly and accurately




 (Tools and Materials)

Common tools can be used to solve problems.

Use key with pox that key can open the pox.


Different materials are more suitable for some purposes than for other purposes.

Mix Water with materials such as oil, sand, and sugar.


A problem may have more than one acceptable solution.


October 16  

Counting, classifying, and measuring can sometimes be helpful in solving a problem.




 (Push-Pull and Position)

The position of an object can be described by locating it relative to another object or to the object’s surroundings.


Motion is defined as a change in position over time.


November 16

A force is a push or a pull. Pushing or pulling can move an object. The speed an object moves is related to how strongly it is pushed or pulled

Can you change the shape of these things?

·         Change clay by pushing, pulling, stretching, and bending.

·         Balloon by pushing, pulling, stretching, and bending.



Some forces act by touching and other forces can act without touching






 ( Liquids and Solids)

Liquids take the shape of the part of the container they occupy.


December 16

Solids retain their shape regardless of the container they are in.



(Observing the Sun and Moon)

Many things can be seen in the sky. Some change minute by minute, while others move in patterns that can be seen if they are observed day after day


January 16

The position of the Sun in the sky appears to change during the day.




( Properties and Change)

Some objects occur in nature; others have been designed and processed by people.


Earth materials include solid rocks, sand, soil, and water. These materials have different observable physical properties.



February 16

Some Earth objects are made of more than one material.





 (Plant and Animal Parts)

The human body is made up of various external parts.


All plants and animals have various external parts.



The parts of a plant or animal appear different under a magnifier compared with the unaided eye.



Different animals use their body parts in different ways to see, hear, grasp objects, and move from place to place.






Animals have various ways of obtaining food and water. Nearly all animals drink water or eat foods that contain water



Most plants have roots to get water and leaves to gather sunlight.



 April 16  (Habitats)

There are different kinds of natural areas, or habitats, where many different plants and animals live together.


A habitat supports the growth of many different plants and animals by meeting their basic needs of food, water, and shelter.