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Western Sussex Heart Health Plan 2006-10 - Summary version (password protected until approved) Full Plan (draft)
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Sitemap | Admin | COPYRIGHT & DISCLAIMER © HealthNet05 | Last Updated: 28 Feb 06 | John Parsons


-----Original Message-----
From: sally glazier []
Sent: 05 June 2006 14:15
To: 'Jane Druce'; Wadey Jo; 'andrew foulkes 1'; Foulkes Andrew (GP); Bosman Jacques Dr; Corkhill Anne; Dwyer Jo; Ellwood Michelle (Q19)SYSXHA; Fooks Tim; Smith Gemma; Goodes Duncan (E-mail); Higgs Simon; Holmes Gary; Hughes Louise (RPR) RWST; Bosman Jacques; Houghton Kathleen; Keeping Debbie; Willis Lorraine; Beagley Lou; Hughes Louise; Malcolm Jackie; Foster Melissa; Moss Paul; Murphy Conrad Dr; Parsons John; Phizackerley David; Reid Colin Dr; Roberts-Wray Pam; 'roger saych'; Sheppard Caroline (H82042) THE MEDICAL CENTRE PO19 1XT; Slade Mary; Stuart Ward (E-mail); Tipper Sue; Tamsin; Thomas Elaine; Thomas Julie; Vincent Tricia; Watkinson Graham; Weech Sara; Wong Yuk-ki
Subject: MEETING DATE CHD Steering Grp - Tuesday 4th July CMEC Room TBA1300hrs-1430hrs


Dear All,


The next CHD Steering Group Meeting is now booked for Tuesday 4th July 1300hrs-1430hrs Forbes Room CMEC.


Actions:        Please forward any Agenda items to Sally Glazier (please note on annual leave

                        12th-27th June)


                        Review/complete any allocated actions –  (detailed below & attached)


Actions Allocated to;


John Parsons

Gary Holmes

Sally Glazier

Louise Hughes

Graham Watkinson

Jo Dwyer

Conrad Murphy

Jacques Bosman


Tuesday 28th March 2006 1.00- 2.30pm




Present:            Debbie Keeping, Sally Glazier, Jacques Bosman, Louise Hughes, Lou Beagley,

Conrad Murphy, Paul Moss, John Parsons, Graham Watkinson, Tim Fooks

Apologies:       Roger Saych, Julie Thomas, Anne Corkhill



Action Area:






Tim Fooks opened the meeting the main area for discussion was project sign off of

 the annual report to the PEC/Royal West Sx Trust




End March 2006






John Parsons



Terms of Reference

a)      Annual Report to be submitted to PEC/Hospital Executive April 2006

Sally Glazier on annual leave during this period so submission and amendments to be actioned in her absence. Submission to Jo Limmer





John Parsons

Sally Glazier

John Parsons


Cardiac Rehab & Prevention


a)      Cardiac Rehab funding is confirmed as currently secure and the BHF Team have been advised of this fact. A confirmation that this funding is secure  and not a one off annual allocation is required from the commissioning teams at the PCT and Royal West Sx Trust.

b)      A patient focus group is being planned to engage patients in the future role of Cardiac Rehab. This is planned for July 2006. Tie into PPG groups for PPI events.

c)      Graham Watkinson to prepare leaflet for at Risk Family Members















Gary Holmes




Jo Dwyer



Graham Watkinson





Sally Glazier










Heart Failure & LES


a)      Updated HF Community Project Plan to be circulated to team.



b)      List of numbers of patients being reviewed within clinic to be sent to Paul Moss


c)      List of participating practices with contact names to be provided to Conrad Murphy and HF Nurse Specialists at St Richards to aid the handover of patients into primary care heart failure clinics.


d)      Consideration of a future model of Heart Failure Services to be discussed by Louise Hughes, Conrad Murphy, Yuki-Wong. Meeting to be arranged to discuss.



















Louise Hughes

Sally Glazier


Louise Hughes



Louise Hughes




Louise Hughes

Sally Glazier









Holter Monitoring in GP Practice

a)      A LES document has been prepared for the up take of Holter monitoring in Primary Care. It was agreed that this needed to be discussed further before being taken forward.











Conrad Murphy

Jacques Bosman





Conrad Murphy


Any Other Business Outstanding Actions



a)      Request that David Neal and Andrew Foulkes give presentation on Practice Based Commissioning at a CHD Steering Meeting.


b)      Alignment with other networks (Duncan Goodes) to be put on Agenda for next meeting. To be confirmed with Duncan Goodes.


c)      CHD Programme Leads to tie in with Service Redesign Mtg. Need to establish and communicate meeting timetable.















Sally Glazier



Sally Glazier



John Parsons

Sally Glazier


Date & Time of Next & Future Meetings

    • Tuesday 9th May Peter Sainsbury Centre – Holly Room
    • From 1-2.30pm
    • Future dates to be agreed – please bring diary to next meeting




Sally Glazier




-----Original Message-----
From: sally glazier []
Sent: 01 June 2006 17:12
To: Fooks Tim (GP); Fooks Tim (GP); Bosman Jacques Dr; Bosman Jacques; Parsons John; Watkinson Graham; Hughes Louise; Murphy Conrad Dr
Subject: CHD Steering Grp Mtg - Shall we hold in July??

Dear All,


I would appreciate your thoughts on the timings for the next CHD Steering Grp Mtg . As you are aware the meeting was moved from the 6th June due to clashes with other meetings/annual leave at that time.


It is proving quite difficult to get a further date in June.


It was suggested that as there are regular meetings and projects continuing outside of this meeting that we wait until the next scheduled date of the 4th July.


I would appreciate your thoughts on this.


Many thanks,




Sally Glazier

Service Improvement Manager

Central Southern Cardiac Network

0777 623 1548




Cardiac Network Plan

Heart Failure Project Plan




Cardiac Network Management Group


Meeting to be Held 31st March 2006 09.30-11.30


Meeting room1 HIOWHA Oakley rd Southampton SO16 4GX


1.  Welcome


2. Minutes of last meeting


3. Matters arising

a.     Multi-ed pilot – GC

b.     Action plan following Network review



4. Items for a decision

a.     Working with industry – draft paper from DG

b.     Role and membership of NMG - ALJ


5. Items for discussion

a.     The 18 week waiting time target – exploration of current patient pathways - JW

b.     The work of the pre-operative steering group - JW


6. Items for information

a.     Review of bed and workforce implications of the Cardiac Services review update - PS

b.     Network Communications lead role – process update.

c.      New Network workforce lead role – process update.

d.     Web site – up date.



7. AOB




Tuesday 28th March 2006 1300hrs-1430hrs  PETER SAINSBURY UNIT – WILLOW ROOM



Advance apologies received from: Julie Thomas, Anne Corkhill


Chair – Tim Fooks


1.                Apologies                                      Tim Fooks


2.                Matters Rising                                      Tim Fooks


3.                Review of previous actions                  &