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Wigby Quiz




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Longhorn Development by Red Camel Systems

This first attempt at a quiz is using google forms. A task has been raised where you record questions and answers into SQL Server - with an automated Winner control.

Quiz Results



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September 29 2022 - Quiz AnswersRich text note

1. Arthur Mullard
2. Fort Knox
3. Lee Harvey Oswald
4. Catch the wind
5. Cuban
6. Harry Belafonte

The Bay Tree



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17 Mount Grove

The Bat Tree is 17 Mount Grove where my sons Ashes are - I went walking on the course to see the old Lone Tree - now the Willows. I saw Captain Elect Mike S and told him about Shady Hollow where the Willow Tree is and my desire to plant a Bay Tree level with the green for the long hitters hitting it right - he said what an excellent idea. I was encouraged then to walk with other golfers and got talking to the green keeper.

I had a really nice day talking to Dickenson / Robinson and Skyman  - I was given £1 donation for the creation of ProTee Delivery Pegasuspgaprofessional Peer Mentoring Gaz World.

It is a real shame that I can not do the Quiz - Which was created 2 weeks ago when a request for a quiz master came out of the office. Richard Gilbert has been requested to create 4 on line subscription quizzes.
1 Posh Fivers 
2 Scruffy Sevens 
3 Nick Nacks
4 Bramopoly

Proceeds from these events will go to Junior Golf Development at Houldsworth.

The Winston Churchill Centre

