Welcome to the mysterious ways of the ancient Indus River Valley Civilization. We here in the
Welcome to the mysterious ways of the ancient Indus River Valley Civilization. We here in the
Indus is based on a centralized theocracy. All our power is vested in our God. You can tell we have a centralized govenrment because of our grid city system and plumbing. We love our god, for it is he who made our laws. Our priests are the ones who bring us the laws of our god so you can tell they have much importance in our society
quote from http://www.harappa.com/script/parpola8.html
One of the ways we make our living by trade. We exchange silver and gold with
Our land is perfect for farming. So, as any one can guess, we farm as a part of economy.
Some products on our farms are:
~Six-row barley
~Melon seeds
~Field Pea
Much info from http://www.csuchico.edu/~cheinz/syllabi/asst001/fall97/2chd.htm
We also domesticated animals. Some included dogs, cats, zebu (humped cattle), short horns, and buffaloes. Our people are also believed to have farmed pigs, camels, horses, and donkeys (we use these to travel now days.) We have also found that many of our ancestors domesticated elephants!!! That’s right ELEPHANTS!! We used their tusks for crafts.
much info from http://www.csuchico.edu/~cheinz/syllabi/asst001/fall97/2chd.htm
As it was stated before, religion and politics go hand in hand. Our gods control our laws and our fate so we make sure we make them happy. Our priests pray for good harvest and safety from floods. Our religion is said to have links to the Hindu culture. We have early representations of Shiva (a major Hindu god). Also, our links to mother goddess, fertility images, and our worship of the bull.
We took time in planning our cities. We laid out our city on a precise grid system. We made our houses of OVEN backed bricks cut in the shape and size of an american brick. And we have plumbing and sewage systems.
One of our biggest cities, Harappan, shows our fantastic architecture. It has mud brick platforms to prevent flooding. You can travel the streets which can be up to 30 ft wide.
Our homes can change sizes. Some are 3 stories high. They are spread out through narrow lanes. Each house has it’s own personal bathroom.