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Sticky note
stsepulchrell ^_^
watch out for mini guild event #2
First person to show sinigangnaelepante or Anahid ALL the items listed above wins the 1 bundle of ultima panaka (250pcs).
If both sinigangnaelepante and Anahid are offline, PM them via YM -- ayeen07 and mirzky -- or text them :D
Mini Guild Event #1
List of Items to Collect:
- 10 pcs solid horn
- 10 pcs head decoration
- 10 pcs evil fang
- 10 pcs charm of hero
- 10 pcs big fang
- 10 pcs skeleton necklace
- 10 pcs boa's fang
- 10 pcs pinna
- 10 pcs tiger's leather
- 10 pcs tough leather
be resourceful! ^_^
have fun :)
Due Date
17 October 2006
9 : 4 0 pm
This page will be unavailable at the time stated.
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