List of public pages created with Protopage

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Learning Intentions I will have researched MP3s and MAVs I Will Understand the differences between I will have displayed what i have learning on my blog

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What makes a good webside 1.colourful 2.mix of media 3.not complicated 4.easy o use 5.interactive

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WAV a WAV is an uncompressed audio file. Stands for waveform audio format. Typecode is WAVE

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MP3 An P3 is a small audio. These are portable files. Its is a music format.

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Learning Intentions -I will have added at least 4 blocks with work welll together using the loob browser -i will have extracted the piece over at least 16 bars -I will have finished my piece miusic and exparted it to iTunes

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Learning Intentions 18/03/08 I will have finished my piece of miusic in garage band I will have adapted garageband piece of miusic to create a Ringtone I wil have exported my piece of muisic and converted it to MP3

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Learning Intentions I will have decided on clips to use form my movie I will have imported clips into iMovie I will have extracted audio from clips I will have cut out parts of the clips that i want to use

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Learning Intentions : I will have selected 3-4 movie clips and added thm to iMOvie . I may have included still images as well I will have added a soundtarck to my movie I will have added appropriete effects to my movie

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Learning Intentions : I will have thought about what mmakes a good website I will have loooked at evaluated various websites I will have made notes on "What Makes a Good Website" on my Protopage

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Learning Intentions I will have reminded myself about what makes a good website I will have indentified and modified styles on a web page I will have changed colours and worked with tables on a web page

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Learning Intentions I will have set up a website using Freeway I will know how to insert hyperlinks I will have added a table and a information to create my Healthy Living site I wil have started my own website

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I will have set up my own website using Freeway I will have added information on my intrests I will have inserted hyperlinks between page and to other sites