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Personal Trainers






Agile Breakdown Report





Wyatt - Village Barber



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the contract with wyatt is a 5 year contract at £1200 peryear - he gets a 1 share of red octopus at £1200 thats a share option if he choses to purchase which gains him a 1% income from forest 404 - I want 30%
is that acceptable to you 
today i have started red octopus electricals and red octopus decorators - we get 10% of there contracts at £200 perday

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E'mail  : Wyattlennox06@icloudcom
Phone :07894 354279

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Hello Wyatt 
Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to work with you.i
Are you fit and ready for your interview this afternoon. at 2pm

I will be employing you as a persomal assistant / trainer
I will need to see a hand written copy of your cv entiltled Ambition
I want to see you 5 year plans with salery expecttions over the next 5 years
You will be employed as a modern day apprentice / Management trainee 
we will find you employment at verastar where you will be the resident hairdresser at The Village Barbers.
You will become a commputer programmer .
You will be given an apptitude test today to program in
The interview will last for 2 hours. 
Please be fit and ready for an exciting ride
Thank You 
You first job will be implementing SSNA for The Village Barber - Do you have broadband at home?

30 for 30



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The Walk / Ride

I will be walking around Wythenshawe Park anf Cycling in the gym for the Sir Chris Hoy Collective.
You can join me at The Sanctuary / Shady Hollow in Wythenshawe Park at 11:11:11 Saturdays and Sundays.

Cardio Vascular

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Running Machines

On the top tier there is a large array of walking / running machines - these are the workhouses of the gym you will spend more time on these than any other machine. When you are running 10k sessions then you are into the gym

The machines can be programmed or speed and incline -they have a heart monitor when you grip the handles. For a new starter I recommend 4 miles per hour for 1/2 hour with no incline you will progress to running a 10k at about 7 minute miles. When you have started running start to vary the incline - some gyms have machines that have a set program that varies your incline - there is a workout finder with programs that I will have to have an induction lesson in how to set a program for Medigolf.

Martin has his machine set at 9 miles per hour - sprints for 30 seconds then rests for 30 seconds

True 900 Upright Bicycle

Again the machine sits in dormancy mode that fires the screen up when you start to cycle.
There is a level control on the cross bar that allows you to increase the resistance.
Again there is a qick start which needs an induction explanation from the Induction Coach.

Cross Trainers

Not my Favorite machine there are two banks of machines - i will limit my time on a cross trainer to 15 minutes.

The machines lie dormant - you have to start running / walking and the machine fire into life - press go.

It looks like there is a quick stsrt that does something - I asked if there was a orogram that I could select but my Study Buddy did not jknow - Another need for Induction.

Rowing Machines

A favourite of mine - works the abdomen / back / shoulders / and legs
Again the control panel lights up when you start to row - a simple machine with program options.Again Liam is required to inform you of all the programs that are available

Stair Climber

There are only 4 stair climber machines which indicates that they are not that popular.
I don't know  the names of these machines another job for Liams Induction.
You simply press the green I button to get the machine working - there is a caution note that instructs you to read the manual before using the machine - there are lots of control buttons - a real case for an induction session.

The is a problem here - it is my intention to use the gym at a night time when there is no supervision available .o

True 900 Inclided Bicycle

The Seat can be adjusted for your leg length - again like the cross trainer the machine sits in dormancy mode and lights up when you start to cycle.

There appears to be a quick start which requires induction training from Liam

Resistance Training

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Resistance Machines

Each of th 19 machines available have a name and a diagram showing what muscles are being worked.
They do not have a narrative naming the muscles - this is no good to The Bard - You will be consulting the Bard for Gym Sessions for Medigolf

8. Seated Rowing


17. Back Extension


9. Fly / Rear

Chest and rear Deltoids

18. Rotory Torso

Front / Side Obleques

10. Calf Extensions

Definitely a Medigolf Exercise

19. Abdominal


1. Tricep

Tricep Extension
The machine is a little aukward - it is an unnatural grip - the exercise is to grip the two bars so that you can press down to exercise the back of the arm.

This is not a muscle you use for golf and should be avoided as part of a Medigolf program

11. Leg Press

Strong Legs are needed for Golf and Football - All Sports


For the man that wants 'Guns'



3.Lateral Raisers

Lateral Raisers
This machine is simple to use - the diagrams show you how to sit on the machine.
The only adjustment is the weight.

there are two weigh adjusters the red one is a 1/2 kilo weight that can be docked at the top of the rail if not wanted.

Again this is not a golfers muscle - it is for strong shoulders.

13. Hip Abduction


4. Shoulder Press

14. Leg Curl

Leg Curl -Hamstring

5. Chest Press

Back Triceps / Biceps

15. Leg Extension


6. Dip Chin

16. Prone Leg Curl


7. Lateral Pull Down
