Dilbert Daily Strip
Quotes of the Day
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*Kanah Holubec* E.A.S.T. 3 Student
Career Project
My career project is going to be a video. I am doing mine over Graphic Design. The video's main point is going to be about what can be done with graphic design and I am going to show how to do a silhouette.
Individual Projects
*Working at Reading Camp *Working at E.A.S.T. Work Day *Working at Tech Camp * EAST Convention
My tutorial is over Adobe Photoshop Vs. Illustrator. So far i have just been comparing the two and showing the difference in the pixals and crispness.
Central Office Design
Central office design
T-shirt Design
The Founders
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The founders
Team Members *Brittany Goodsell* *Kanah Holubec* *Jennifer Millspaps*
Team Project!
Founders Award Tuesday through Thursday working on founders award. Monday and Friday working on individual project. The founders award is the highest award in EAST convention given to an EAST lab to show what their EAST is about.
Senior Salute
Our senior salute project is going to be our founders video. The parts that we have done now we are going to show a preview of.