Welcome to a website devoted to Kingfisher Halls, Loughboroughs most antiquated private student halls of residence.
This website has been created to give any future students an idea of what they're getting when they sign a contract
with Simon Chamberlain (landlord).
At the moment many if not all students are unhappy with the services provided by Kingfisher here's a quick resume of
the recent problems....
and the main problem....
At the moment the halls are being slowly upgraded to the 21st century but if you are looking for luxury accomodation
there are places in loughborough where you will get more for your money.
There are some good aspects to the halls though, the community is very friendly and diverse and the employees
i.e. Warden, maintenance and cleaning staff, will try and help you to the best of their ability if you have a problem;
also the halls is perfectly situated between the university and town.
This could be one of the best halls in loughborough if it was invested in, referbished and completely modernised.