Improving Long Term Health in West Sussex
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Sitemap | Admin | COPYRIGHT & DISCLAIMER © HealthNet05 | Last Updated: 28 Feb 06 | John Parsons
An intergrated service approach across the Western Sussex Area will lead to the delivery of a well rounded package of care for any individual living with a long term condition.
Service users living within Western Sussex will have timely access to Health, Social and Voluntary sector agencies information and input to enable the pro-active management of their long term condition.
(from Helen Horswell 20 Mar 06)
Aspirations – see
Working Title: Living with Long Term Conditions
Purpose: to promote the quality of life for people with long term conditions
Three reasons why it's time to change:
Moral imperative - people with long-term conditions have as much right to our best public services as anyone else - evidence shows they are subject to adverse discrimination in accessing services.
Social imperative - better targeting of resources at quality outcomes presents a good opportunity to improve access to services for people with long-term conditions.
Economic imperative - effective individual assessment and planning is likely to improve quality of life and help us to target scarce resources more effectively.
What you can do:
Make contact with the West Sussex Long Term Conditions Network (LTCNet) who will help you access additional resources to make the changes required.
Join LTCNet now - click here
For further information contact: John
01243 770794 or 07899 956254
Or visit the website
What do we mean by Long Term Conditions?
In it’s broadest sense any condition affecting the long-term health of the population or individuals falls within the remit of the long-term health programme.
Commonly, long-term conditions are categorised in two groups; congenital (genetically inherited conditions that affect individuals from birth or those acquired in later life (as a result of trauma, infection, inherent genetic propensity or biological degeneration) although in some cases the dividing line is not clear-cut.
Common congenital long-term health conditions include:
Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Congenital Heart Disease,
Common acquired long-term health conditions include:
Stroke, Heart Failure, Diabetes, Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease (COPD), Cancer, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), Arthritis, Epilepsy, Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease
Other long-term conditions, like learning difficulty, physical and sensory impairment, poor housing and unemployment can also have a significant impact on long-term health
Why do we need a Long Term Health Network?
Long-term health is important to us all but a significant proportion of the population are subject to long-term conditions that have a significant impact on their quality of life.
Long-term conditions are often complex and require a range of clinical and personal support, often provided by a number of different agencies. Co-ordination of services around the needs of the individual is notoriously difficult.
Advantages of Networking
1. Improved safety
2. Risk reduction
3. Improved communications
4. Better standards
5. Better value
A Vision of Health
From: Parsons John
Sent: 17 March 2006 14:04
To: LTC Core Group
Cc: Liley David
Subject: FW: Donald Wilson House and Future Commissioning Options
Gail Incledon-Jones
PA to Dr Alison Smith
PEC Chair and Director of Clinical Modernisation
Adur, Arun and Worthing Teaching Primary Care Trust
Tel: 01903 708462
WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL SOCIAL AND CARING SERVICES POLICY AND DEVELOPMENT GROUP PHYSICAL/SENSORY IMPAIRMENT AND ACQUIRED BRAIN INJURY Meeting to be held on Tuesday 21st March 2006 at 2.00pm at Billingshurst Village Hall 1 APOLOGIES NOTES OF LAST MEETING (13/12/05) 2.00 attached 2 MATTERS ARISING AND UPDATES 2.05 3 FORMAT OF MEETING - Sue Wood Results of questionnaires - 11 responses received out of 16 2.20 attached BREAK 2.50 4 HOUSING 3.05 5 FEEDBACK TO/FROM SELECT COMMITTEE 3.35 6 ANY OTHER BUSINESS 3.45 7 3.55 Dates of future meetings JUNE 6th - 2.00pm SEPT 19th - 2.00pm DEC 12th - 2.00pm
Chairman: Morwen Millson
Agenda Items, queries & apologies: Pip Harris, Management Support Team, Tel: 01243 777038 E-mail:
Notes and action points of a meeting held on Tuesday 13th December 2005 at Billingshurst Village Hall.
Morwen Millson (Chairman), Mary Downes, Sue Wood, Roland Higgins, Dee Christie, Peter Ford, Kathy Pannett, Annabel Forbes
Vilna Woolhead, Warwick Hellawell, Pam Spencer, Eileen Collins, Jane Goldingham, John Parsons
Penny Lewis
Resignation: Gillian Christenson has resigned from the Group
Were agreed as a correct record.
2.1 National Service Framework – Sue Wood had met with the PCT’s. Adur, Arun and Worthing were looking to hold a stakeholder event possibly in February. Western were looking at Care Management.
2.2 St Giles – closed in the week after the 14th October. A final meeting of the steering group had been held to review the process. Overall it had been a success for the majority of residents. Once moved, many had made an enormous success of their new lives. Concerns about the possible impact of the loss of St Giles to new people had not been a problem, with more people being supported in the Community. 1 or 2 residents had a difficult search for new accommodation but resolutions were found. Discussions about what the site could be used for are ongoing. The Sensory Services team have moved to the Chanctonbury Offices at 26 West Street, Storrington
Dee Christie talked about new advances in technology which promote independence. 3 key areas were Medicare, Community alarms and Responsive alarms which could alert to flooding, gas leaks etc. Copies of her notes are attached.
Government are encouraging more use of the technology and a Preventative Technology Grant of £2.6 million over 2 years was available to develop services. A West Sussex Steering Group had been established to identify those technologies which would be most useful and beneficial. A Project Manager will be appointed to co-ordinate this work. Health and District Council colleagues will also be involved.
The group were interested to know how many alarms were in use in the County at present. Action: DC to find out and feed back
Morwen gave details of the next meeting of Select which will be looking at Mental Health Care Services in West Sussex.
The Work Programme for Select until April 06 includes A Place to Live; Older People with Dementia; Black and Ethnic Minority Groups
Roland Higgins talked about the recent conference Hands up for Equality. Copies of the handouts distributed at the meeting are available from Roland if required.
1. Sue Wood gave details of “Signs of a Sound Mind”, an executive summary is attached to these notes. Sue is attending a meeting in January and will report back to the next meeting. Action: Agenda for March
2. Morwen briefed on a recent meeting held to discuss the format of Policy and Development Groups. The make up and format of this particular group was discussed and Morwen asked for input on how this group could be configured to meet the needs of client group representatives. Noted that the Older People’s group was looking at a conference to replace some of its meetings.
A number of suggestions and comments were made:
· Roland Higgins would like to consult with his group on the relevance of the meeting and noted that transport to the meeting is an issue for people. Perhaps 6 monthly meetings to discuss issues of relevance and issues to service users, e.g. Housing, Direct Payments, Carers interspersed with more ‘business’ style meetings.
· Peter Ford had concerns about the relevance and effectiveness of the meeting in its current format.
· Suggestion to circulate a questionnaire to group members about their views
Action: Sue Wood and Mary Downes to produce a briefing paper and questionnaire to go out to members. March meeting to go ahead to pull together the information and look at the way forward.
3. Morwen alerted the group to Horsham DC’s intention to charge disabled people in car parks
· Housing (March)
- West Sussex Adapted Housing Register Pilot
- Housing Options project
· Transitions (June)
21 March
6th June
19th September
12th December
St Richard’s Hospital
The next meeting of the LTC Action and Focus Group will be on Thursday 2nd March 3-4pm, in the Bayley Room, CMEC
Helen Horswell to Chair this meeting
Helen Sampson, Clinical Guidelines Manager - Chair
Notes and action points of a meeting held on Tuesday 21 March 2006 at Billingshurst Village Hall
Morwen Millson (Chair); Mary Downes; Sue Wood; Roland Higgins; Kathy Pannett; Annabel Forbes; Pam Spencer
Dee Christie, Warwick Hellawell, Peter Ford, Eileen Collins, John Parsons, Theresa Dempsey.
Angela Ruscoe
Agreed as a correct record
2.1 Signs of a Sound Mind – Sue Wood recapped that in 2004/5 ring-fenced money had been pooled with funding from each PCT in order for consultancy work to be carried out on a mental health needs assessment of Deaf people in West Sussex & to identify utilising new funding. SCS officers have been working with commissioning managers from the Mental Health Commissioning Group. Following a tendering process the Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD) have been appointed for a two-year project commencing April 2006. The project will involve raising awareness and improving access to mental health services for Deaf adults.
Pam Spencer had heard that certain mental health services at Worthing Hospital were to be discontinued or reduced. Mary Downes would investigate further
Action: MD to make enquiries
2.1 St Giles update
MD would attach an information update to these minutes. This summary gave news on the situation of individuals who had resided at St Giles, incorporating one page written by a service user, & included many positive comments from those who had been very resistant to change
Action: MD to attach summary to these minutes
SW gave a recap on the content & purpose of the questionnaire & presented slides (attached) showing the results. The group in its current format was only really valued as a networking group rather than a planning one. The minutes were circulated to 19 people; others received them for information only. PS raised the issue of cost of transport which affected some attendees. Reimbursement of travelling expenses on the day of the meeting, or invoices to be sent directly to County Hall, could improve the situation. Morwen Millson said it was important that this information was expressed clearly in documents produced for these meetings
Action: Sue Wood
Annabel Forbes was keen that PDG members had sufficient opportunity to put forward their views on issues that affected them. Alternatively, individual groups could meet & then convey their issues to the PDG. MM suggested for the next meeting it be made clear on papers circulated that if members were not able to attend & had matters they wished to discuss, that these be placed on the agenda for a future meeting when they could be present
Action: Sue Wood
SW reported that the results of the questionnaire showed that more service user involvement was needed. At the moment the Physical Impairment, Visual Impairment, Deaf & Hard of Hearing and Acquired Brain Injury specialist groups fed into the PDG which in turn reported to the Select Committee, however this arrangement was not working effectively. A better process might be for the specialist groups to take ideas from the PDG & then to meet in workshops, or possibly hold a seminar, which would include WSCC representation. The specialist groups would discuss policy matters & feed back directly to the Select Committee – this would eradicate the need for a tier of meetings! The issue of whether the PDG currently added value to the specialist groups was discussed. Roland Higgins thought that as the PDG had a wider remit, he was concerned that the specialist groups would not have so much influence if they were to report directly to the Select Committee. Representatives needed to be encouraged to attend meetings
Kathy Pannett considered it was important there was a central forum at which matters could be discussed. MD suggested this could be the Select Committee, but that this would not cover all aspects of emerging issues
SW explained that in the past efforts had been made to plan agenda in advance for the forthcoming year, but this could restrict opportunities for matters emerging at short notice to be scheduled in the agenda; an alternative to this may be topic-based workshops
MM stated that there had in the past been resistance to the formality of meetings; some representatives possibly only attended when matters which affected them were being discussed. SW queried whether outcomes arising from PDG meetings affected service outcomes. The group thought that the PDG was currently an information/interest/sharing of views base. The group could not of course be decision-making, but could act as an advisory group & a conduit for information. RH stressed how some representatives sought reassurance that the PDG took action on their views
PS reminded SW of the survey to be carried out on facilities for people in the county with ABI
SW/MD would prepare a paper listing options so that the group could make an informed decision. It was hoped that all members of the PDG would contribute to that decision. PS asked that specific items be shown on future agenda
Action: Mary Downes/Sue Wood
4. HOUSING – West Sussex Adapted Housing Register Pilot
David Williams & Isobel Chalcraft from Ability Housing Association joined the meeting & gave a presentation on ‘Accessahome’, a pilot on-line housing lettings system for disabled people (an information leaflet is attached to these minutes – more detailed information could be obtained by post from the Association). Mr Williams explained the background to the scheme & gave an outline of how it operated. Worthing, Arun & Adur were signing up to the scheme in April 2006. SW explained that the pilot would be monitored, & hopefully results achieved would encourage other parts of the county to sign up
MM thanked Mr Williams for the presentation & wished him every success with the pilot scheme
It was felt that communication of information from the Select Committee to the PDG was satisfactory. In respect of the flow of information from the PDG to the Select Committee, there had been very poor attendance by Health representatives at the meetings. MM would report this to the Health Scrutiny Select Committee. Once the structure of the PCTs had been finalised, efforts would be made to ensure regular liaison & communication with the PDG
Action: Sue Wood
6. AOB
At the next PDG meeting, RH asked if he could make a 15-minute presentation (to include questions) on ASK Disability Equipment Sales website, which sold & exchanged disability equipment
Regarding the Housing Options project, SW reported that all 10 placements for PSI/ABI had now been filled. She suggested that a presentation of that project be made at a future PDG meeting
· Format of the PDG
· Presentation on ASK Disability Equipment Sales website (see AOB above)
· Housing Options project – Housing Options Partnership to give a short presentation (see AOB above)
Transitions – would be itemised for a future meeting; due to the amount of time that needed to be allocated, this would be the sole item for that meeting
Telecare – would be itemised for a future meeting
6 June
19 September
12 December