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PASSWORDS DynaMath--numbers, then click "go" next type in your state--AR then click on the "e" (for evans) last click on "crystal evans" Brain POP--Username--cook031 Password---password Education City Login--178208 Password--469898 The passcode for the math vocabulary quiz--part 2 is the word two!




Todo lists

Todo list



Todo lists

Todo list

Monday 9-14-09
Order and compare decimals using decimal cards and a number line.Workbook pg. 6.
Tuesday 9-15-09
Decimal Place Value--pgs. 23-24 #2-32 even.
Wednesday 9-16-09
Thursday 9-17-09
Friday 9-18-09
Monday 9-21-09
Chapter 2 Review--pg. 33 #1-20 all.
Tuesday 9-22-09
Rounding Decimals--pgs. 40-41 #1-37 odd.
Wednesday 9-23-09
Add and Subtract Decimals--pgs. 49-51 #2-38 even.
Thursday 9-24-09
Add or Subtract Whole Numbers or Decimals--pgs. 53-55 #1-37 odd.
Friday 9-25-09
Monday 9-28-09
Problem Solving Strategy--pg. 57 #1-8. Do not do #6.
Tuesday 9-29-09
Chapter 3 Review--pg. 59 #1-25 all.
Wednesday 9-30-09
Go over Chapter 3 Review--Review for test.
Thursday 10-1-09
Chapter 3 TEST!
Friday 10-2-09
Design your own survey. Dyna Math hand-out.
Monday 10-5-09
First 5 pages of Dyna-Math Magazine and complete a Bar Graph, pg. 5 hand-out.
Tuesday 10-6-09
Make a graph--pg. T5 hand-out.
Wednesday 10-7-09
Collect and Organize Data--pgs. 98-99 #2-30 even.
Thursday 10-8-09
Find the Mean--pg. 101 #2-30 even.
Friday 10-9-09
Find the Median and Mode--pg. 103 #1-21 all.
Monday 10-12-09
Analyze Graphs--pgs. 107-109 #2-28 even.
Tuesday 10-13-09
Chapter 5 Review--pg. 111 #1-15 all.
Wednesday 10-14-09
Problem Solving Strategy--Make A Graph--pg. 105 #1-10 all.
Thursday 10-15-09
Make a class graph.
Friday 10-16-09
Dyna Math magazine--pgs. 8-11.
Monday 10-19-09
Choose A Reasonable Scale--pgs. 117-119 #1-31 odd.
Tuesday 10-20-09
Algebra--Graph Ordered Pairs--pgs. 120-121 #1-37 odd.
Wednesday 10-21-09
Make Line Graphs--pgs. 123-125 #2-28 even.
Thursday 10-22-09
Problem Solving Strategy--Draw a Diagram--pg. 127 #1-8 all.
Monday 10-26-09
Dyna Math pgs. 6-7 and 12-16.
Tuesday 10-27-09
Problem Solving Strategy--Draw a Diagram--pg. 127 #1-8 all.
Wednesday 10-28-09
Histograms--pg. 129 #1-10 all.
Thursday 10-29-09
Choose the Appropriate Graph--pgs. 131-133 #2-30 even.
Friday 10-30-09
Halloween Graphing Activity.
Monday 11-2-09
Chapter 6 Review--pg. 135 #1-20 all.
Tuesday 11-3-09
Go over Review--review for test.
Wednesday 11-4-09
Chapter 6 TEST!!!
Thursday 11-5-09
Dyna Math--pgs. 1-9
Friday 11-6-09
Dyna Math--pgs. 10-16 (continued)
Monday 11-9-09
Divisibility Rules--pg. 277 #1-31 odd.
Tuesday 11-10-09
Greatest Common Factors--pgs. 279-280 #22-24 all and #45-59 all.
Wednesday 11-11-09
Geometry Activity
Thursday 11-12-09
Least Common Multiples--pg. 283 #1-18 all.
Friday 11-13-09
Dyna Math--pgs. 1-9
Monday 11-16-09
Problem Solving Skill--Identifying Relationships--pg. 285 #1-13 all.
Tuesday 11-17-09
Chapter 13 Review--pg. 287 #1-33 odd.
Wednesday 11-18-09
Education City Review for test.
Thursday 11-19-09
Chapter 13 test.
Friday 11-20-09
Dyna Math pgs. 6-11.
Monday 11-23-09
Using Exponents--pgs. 293-294 #1-45 odd.
Tuesday 11-24-09
Extra Credit Activity
Monday 11-30-09
Using Expanded Form with Exponents--pgs. 297-299 #1-49 odd.
Tuesday 12-1-09
Prime and Composite Numbers-pg. 301 #1-24 all.
Wednesday 12-2-09
Prime Factors and Exponents--pgs. 303-305 #2-56 even.
Thursday 12-3-09
Problem Solving Strategy--Make A Table--pg. 307 #1-10 all...No #6.
Friday 12-4-09
Dyna Math pgs. 12-16.
Monday 12-7-09
Chapter 14 Review--pg. 309 #2-50 even.
Tuesday 12-8-09
Go over review--review for test--no additional assignment. Can do pg. 308 for extra practice (optional).
Wednesday 12-9-09
District Chunk Test
Thursday 12-10-09
Chapter 14 Test
Friday 12-11-09
Read-In (no assignment)
Monday 12-14-09
Christmas Math Activity
Tuesday 12-15-09
Christmas Math Activity
Wednesday 12-16-09
Christmas Math Activity
Thursday 12-17-09
Christmas Math Activity
Friday 12-18-09
Christmas Graph
Monday 1-4-10
Equivalent Fractions--pgs. 314-315 #2-42 even.
Tuesday 1-5-10
Fractions in Simplest Form--pgs. 317-318 #2-50 even.
Wednesday 1-6-10
Worked on Technology Showcase projects.
Thursday 1-7-10
Understanding Mixed Numbers--pgs. 321 #1-31 odd.
Friday 1-8-10
Dyna Math--(Jan.)--pgs. 1-7.
Monday 1-11-10
Compare and Order Fractions and Mixed Numbers--pgs. 324-325 #2-38 even.
Tuesday 1-12-10
Problem Solving Strategy--Make A Model--pg. 327 #1-8 all.
Wednesday 1-13-10
Relate Fractions and Decimals--pgs. 329-331 #2-60 even.
Thursday 1-14-10
Chapter 15 Review--pg. 333 #1-33 odd.
Friday 1-15-10
Dyna Math (Jan.) pgs. 8-13.
Tuesday 1-19-10
Chapter 15 Review--pg. 333 #1-33 odd.
Wednesday 1-20-10
Add and Subtract Like Fractions--pg. 347 #2-28 all. No #23.
Thursday 1-21-10
Add and Subtract Unlike Fractions--pgs. 350-351 #2-48 even.
Friday 1-22-10
Dyna Math--pgs. 14-16.
Monday 1-25-10
Estimate Sums and Differences--pg. 353 #2-34 even.
Tuesday 1-26-10
Use Common Denominators--pg.355 #2-38 even.
Wednesday 1-27-10
Use the LCD--pgs. 357-359 #1-61 odd.
Thursday 1-28-10
Problem Solving Strategy--Work Backwards--pg. 361 #1-9 all.
Friday 1-29-10
Dyna Math--pgs. (Feb. edition) pgs. 1-5.
Monday 2-1-10
Chapter 16 Review--pg. 363 #1-25 all.
Tuesday 2-2-10
Add Mixed Numbers--pgs. 369-371 #2-50 even.
Wednesday 2-3-10
Subtract Mixed Numbers--pg. 373 #2-26 even.
Thursday 2-4-10
Subtracting with Renaming--pg. 375 #1-16 all.
Friday 2-5-10
Dyna Math--pgs. 6-11.
Monday 2-8-10
Tuesday 2-9-10
Adding and Subtracting Fractions and Mixed Numbers--pg. 377 #1-29 odd.
Wednesday 2-10-10
Chapter 17 Review--pg. 381 #1-20 all.
Thursday 2-11-10
Problem Solving Skill--Multi-Step Problems--pg. 379 #1-9 all.
Friday 2-12-10
Valentine's Day Math Activity--Elapsed Time
Tuesday 2-16-10
Multiply a Fraction By a Fraction--pg. 387 #2-34 even.
Wednesday 2-17-10
Multiply Fractions and Whole Numbers--pg. 389 #1-37 odd.
Thursday 2-18-10
Multiply Fractions and Mixed Numbers--pg. 391 #1-39 odd.
Friday 2-19-10
Dyna Math--pgs. 12-14.
Monday 2-22-10
Multiply Fractions and Mixed Numbers--pg. 391 #1-39 odd.
Tuesday 2-23-10
Multiply with Mixed Numbers--pg. 393 #1-37 odd.
Wednesday 2-24-10
Problem Solving Skill--Sequence and Prioritize Information--pg. 395 #1-9 all.
Thursday 2-25-10
Chapter 18 Review--pg. 397 #1-25 all.
Friday 2-26-10
Dyna Math--pgs. 1-5.
Monday 3-1-10
Divide Fractions--pgs. 409-410 #1-37 odd.
Tuesday 3-2-10
Chapter 19 Review--pg.415 #1-25 all.
Wednesday 3-3-10
Lines and Angles--pgs. 430-431 #2-44 even.
Thursday 3-4-10
Angles and Polygons--pgs. 435-437 #1-39 odd.
Friday 3-5-10
Dyna Math--pgs. 6-11.
Monday 3-8-10
Angles and Polygons--pgs. 435-437 #1-39 odd.
Tuesday 3-9-10
Circles--pgs. 439-441 #1-47 odd.
Wednesday 3-10-10
Congruent and Similar Figures--pgs. 444-445 #1-28 all.
Thursday 3-11-10
Symmetric Figures--pg. 447 #1-24 all.
Friday 3-12-10
Monday 3-15-10
Problem Solving Strategy--Find a Pattern--pg. 449 #1-10 all.
Tuesday 3-16-10
Chapter 20 Review--pg. 451 #1-20 all.
Wednesday 3-17-10
Measure and Draw Angles--pg. 433 #1-21 all.
Thursday 3-18-10
Triangles--pgs. 457-459 #1-41 odd.
Monday 3-29-10
Create Solid Figures Activity
Tuesday 3-30-10
Solid Figures--pgs. 467-469 #1-45 odd.
Wednesday 3-31-10
Perimeter--pg. 551 #1-20 all.
Thursday 4-1-10
Circumference--pg. 555 #1-16 all.
Monday 4-5-10
Area of Squares and Rectangles--pgs. 565-567 #2-38 even.
Tuesday 4-6-10
Area of Triangles--pgs. 573-575 #2-30 even.
Wednesday 4-7-10
Nets for Solid Figures--pg. 589 #1-18 all.
Thursday 4-8-10
Surface Area--pg. 591 #1-17 all.
Friday 4-9-10
Find Volume--pgs. 593-595 #2-32 even.
Monday 4-12-10
Tuesday 4-13-10
Wednesday 4-14-10
Thursday 4-15-10
Friday 4-16-10
Monday 4-19-10
Day of rest.
Tuesday 4-20-10
Tangram Pictures
Wednesday 4-21-10
Tangram Pictures continued.
Thursday 4-22-10
Relate Area and Perimeter--pgs. 569-571 #1-39 odd.
Friday 4-23-10
Dyna Math--pgs. 1-5 (April)
Monday 4-26-10 thru Thursday 4-29-10
Create Your Own Tessellation
Friday 4-30-10
Dyna Math (April)-- pgs. 6-11.
Monday 5-3-10
Transformations and Tessellations--pgs. 463-465 #1-35 odd.
Tuesday 5-4-10
Measure Perimeter, Area, and Volume--pgs. 596-597 #1-26 all.
Wednesday 5-5-10
Chapter 26 Review--pg. 583 #1-15 all.
Thursday 5-6-10
Algebra: Find Perimeter--workbook pgs. 133-134 all.
Friday 5-7-10
Dyna Math (April)--pgs. 12-16.
Monday 5-10-10
Math Workbook pgs. 135-136 all.
Tuesday 5-11-10
Chunk Test
Wednesday 5-12-10
Math workbook pgs. 137-138 all.
Thursday 5-13-10
Chunk Test Review--in class.
Friday 5-14-10
Field Day--no homework.

Social Studies

Todo lists

Todo list

To-do item
To-do item


Todo lists

Todo list

To-do item
To-do item


Todo lists


Thursday 9-24-09
Dig Up Buried Stories-- Have children draw a map of their "special place." Materials: paper pencils crayons/markers My special place was my grandmother's kitchen window overlooking Roger's Ave.
Monday 9-28-09
Create An Authority List-- Have children create Authority Lists about things they feel they are an authority on... Materials: copy of "Authority Lists" pencils
Tuesday 9-29-09
Free-Write For Specifics-- After modeling a free-write, give the students 5 minutes to brainstorm and free-write on their own, listing as many specific details as they can about a single topic. Next, have them highlight details they may want to include and mark out others they don't want to use. Materials: paper pencils
Wednesday 9-30-09
Put together Writing Notebooks.
Thursday 10-1-09
Wednesday 10-7-09
Subjects and Predicates--workbook pgs. 5-6.
Thursday 10-8-09
Simple Subjects--workbook pgs. 7-8.
Friday 10-9-09
Simple Predicates--workbook pgs. 9-10.
Monday 10-12-09
Subjects in Imperatives--workbook pgs. 11-12.
Tuesday 10-13-09
Conjunctions--workbook pgs. 13-14.
Wednesday 10-14-09
To-do item
Thursday 10-15-09
Friday 10-16-09
Writing Good Sentences--workbook pgs. 15-16.
Monday 10-19-09
Find Your Focus Activity
Tuesday 10-20-09
Continue with Finding Your Focus
Wednesday 10-21-09
Use Kidspiration to organize thoughts into a graphic organizer.
Thursday 10-22-09
Continue with Kidspiration.
Monday 10-26-09
Kidspiration--graphic organizers--computers.
Tuesday 10-27-09
Kidspiration--graphic organizers--computers.
Wednesday 10-28-09
Kidspiration--graphic organizers--computers.
Thursday 10-29-09
Kidspiration--graphic organizers--computers.
Friday 10-30-09
Halloween Parade--no assignment.
Monday 11-2-09
Install printers on laptops
Tuesday 11-3-09
Run-on Sentences--workbook pgs. 17-18.
Wednesday 11-4-09
What Is A Noun?--workbook pgs. 19-20.
Thursday 11-5-09
Common and Proper Nouns--workbook pgs. 21-22.
Friday 11-6-09
Writing With Nouns--workbook pgs. 23-24.
Monday 11-9-09
What Is A Noun?--workbook pgs. 19-20.
Tuesday 11-10-09
What Is A Noun?--workbook pgs. 19-20.
Wednesday 11-11-09
Common and Proper Nouns--workbook pgs. 21-22.
Thursday 11-12-09
Writing With Nouns--workbook pgs. 23-24.
Friday 11-13-09
Monday 11-16-09
What Is A Noun? workbook pgs. 19-20.
Tuesday 11-17-09
Use Kidspiration to create a graphic organizer for the writing prompt, "Describe Your Thanksgiving Day Plans."
Wednesday 11-18-09
Use Stationary Studio to create descriptive writing on, "Describe Your Thanksgiving Day Plans."
Thursday 11-19-09
Continue working on descriptive writing, "Describe Your Thanksgiving Day Plans."
Friday 11-20-09
Final edit of descriptive writing using Stationary Studio.
Tuesday 12-8-09
District Chunk Test
Thursday 12-10-09
Re-write first four stanzas of "The Night Before Christmas."
Friday 12-11-09
Monday 12-14-09
Re-write the second four stanzas of "The Night Before Christmas."
Tuesday 12-15-09
Re-write the third four stanzas of "The Night Before Christmas."
Wednesday 12-16-09
Re-write the last two stanzas of "The Night Before Christmas."
Thursday 12-17-09
Write final copies of "The Night Before Christmas."
Friday 12-18-09
Christmas Party


To-do item
To-do item


To-do item
To-do item

Web Literacy

Rich sticky notes

Rich text note

web literacy