List of public pages created with Protopage


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Dear Class and Parents, New Classroom protopage to view daily. Wow! The students are so excited about the new mini laptops our class has been given. We are exploring several tools currently that can be used to enhance our learning. They are doing a great job. We will be studying persuasive reading, writing, and marketing techniques in social studies over the next several weeks. This is a unit that we are doing to help us explore all academic areas. We will be using the mini's to create commericals, advertisements, and writing persuasive letters. Please encourage your students to continue strong study habits throughout the rest of the year. This is the time of the year that students begin to struggle. Sincerely, Mrs. Pankey To Parents: I am a firm believer that strong parent-teacher communication is essential in order maximize student learning. With that in mind, I hope you will find this protopage helpful in communicating with me. In addition to having this page, you may contact me by e-mail @ or by calling the office at Euper Lane and leaving a message. (452-2601) My goal is to keep you as up-to-date as possible. Thank you, Mrs. Pankey

Information About Your Teacher

Married to Jay Pankey Kids: Coley, Clayton, and Bailey What I Teach: Reading, Writing, Social Studies, Word Study What I Enjoy Doing: Cooking, Reading, Walking, Listening to Music Favorite Color: Green Sports: Football Teams: Southside Rebels, Arkansas Razorbacks Favorite Author: Margaret Peterson Haddix What I Just Finished Reading: The Road to Paris What I am Currently Reading: The Witness What I Plan to Read Next: Model's Can't Eat Chocolate Cookies

Parent Teacher Conferences

I will need to rescheule conferences for third quarter. I will be available for conferences March 15th and 16th after school. If you would like to go ahead and schedule your conference time, please let me know. If you want to just pick up your child's report card on the 17th or 18th that will be fine. I just will not be available on those days.

February/March Calender of Events

February Hearts for Haiti Month 5th-Job Shadow Day 6th- District Spelling Bee 12th- Variety Show @ 6:30 p.m. Valentines Day Party 15th-Professional Development (No School) 17th- Spring Fundraiser Starts 18th- PTA Founders Day 22nd- Bank Training Team 3 26th- Go and Glow @ 2:15 p.m. March 1- Spring Fundraiser Ends Book Fair Week 5th- Spaghetti Supper 5:30-8:00p.m. 9th-Literacy Assessment 10th-Math Assessment 11th-Science Assessment 15th-16th Mrs. Pankey's Conferences



Homework/Upcoming Projects


Study Helps

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Daily Homwork Assignments

Tuesday Reading- We created a three column chart. We analyzed advertisements for pictures used, symbols, and slogans. Students sorted the information into a self created three columned chart. Then they wrote an open response: Was the ad effective? Use three examples to support your answer. Writing- Write about the book your are reading. Your thinking. Math- Worksheet Science- Read page 428-431/Worksheet Social Studies- Cause/Effect of the Great Depression using Leah's Story All Cause Effect Video Work is due tomorrow.

Upcoming Projects

Daily Schedule

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Mrs. Pankey's Class Schedule

8:00-9:10a.m. - Writing Block 9:10-9:50 a.m.- Pull Out Monday-P.E. Tuesday-Library Wednesday-P.E. Thursday-Music Friday-Art 9:50-10:20- Grammar Block/Introduction to Word Study 10:20-12:20 p.m.- Math/Science Block with Mrs. Carter 12:20-1:10 p.m.- Lunch/Recess 1:10-2:15- Reading Block 2:15-2:30-Share Time from Reading/Writing Block 2:30-3:00-Word Study *Social Studies will be taught in the reading/writing block. Also, each Friday we will have Sizzling Social Studies.

School Supplies/Classroom Wish List

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Classroom Supplies

Assignment Notebook-SOLD IN SCHOOL OFFICE 4-100 page spiral notebooks (wide-ruled) 1-Plastic 3 ring binder for Math 4-plastic pocket folders with three brads 4-Composition Notebooks Notebook Paper (loose leaf, wide-ruled) 1-3 Ring-Zipper Pocket or small school box Scissors (sharp pointed) 10-#2 Pencils OR MECHANICAL PENCILS Dry Erase Markers (4 pk.) Glue Sticks (2 Large) Colored Map Pencils w/small sharpener 1 Large Box Kleenex tissues Grading Pens (red, blue, black) 2 each Post it Notes (3 X 3) Highlighters Index Card (3 x 5) 1-1inch binder 5-plastic dividers with tabs for binders

Classroom Wish List

Colored Paper: Bright Yellow, Orange, Red, Pink Broad Tip Sharpie Markers (Sqaure Capped) Magazine Subscriptions: Sports Ilustrated for Kids, Ranger Rick, Girl, Inc. Magazine Regular Wipes Swiffer Dusters Rolls of Tickets Glue Sticks Rolls of Scotch Tape (something similar)

Homework Policy

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Homework Policy For Mrs. Pankey's Class

Students will receive homework MOST every night. A typically homework night will include an assignment in math, science, and reading 20 minutes per night. The goal is to keep students reading. They more they enjoy reading, the more they will read, and the more they read, the better at it they will become. Daily homework is due the day after it is assigned. Homework will not be accepted if it is late. If a students is absent, they will have one day for each day they were absent to complete the assignments. If a homework assignment is not completed, the students will receive a zero. If a student receive three missing homework (pink slips) they will receive a parent notification. All work must have the child's name, number, and date in the upper right hand corner of their paper.

Assignment Notebooks

In previous grade levels, students may have been required to write down their homework in thier assignment notebooks every night. While I do require students to write down their homework every night, I do not require parents to sign the assignment notebook. However, each Tuesday I will send home a Tuesday Folder. I will do my best to list homework assignments not turned in during the week. The Tuesday Folder must be signed and returned each week. It is the student's responsiblity to make sure they copy the assignments from the chart. If you see that your child is having difficulty with this, please let me know. I will try to assist them until this is corrected. Also, remember you can always check homework assignments listed on the protopage.

Homework Excuses

Student: "I forgot my journal to write in." Teacher: "Write in on another piece of paper and copy it in the morning, or tape it into your journal." Student: "It was late, and I just didn't feel like doing it." Teacher: "I realize we all have busy lives, I will meet with you during your lunch today, and we will do your homework." The only true excuse for missing homework is an emergency. Remember to plan ahead!

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Homework Tips

Set a schedule: While this can be flexible, it is a good idea to have a set time when students do their homework. Many students need a little time to unwind after school before tackling their homework, but doing it too close to bed time may be difficult due to fatigue. Find what works best for your child. Provide a home study center for your child with adequate light and few distractions. Doing homework in front of the television is typically not a good idea. A dictionary, paper, pens, etc. should also be readily available. Be available when your child is doing homework, so that you can answer questions if there is confusion. If possible, it is better for you to be in another room, so you are easily assessible and yet not a distraction. Don't do the homework for your child. While help is encouraged, I don't expect perfect work all the time. Seeing the pattern of errors is often helpful to me. Check homework for completion. While students should be responsible to complete their own assignments, you looking over what they've done a)keeps you informed of what your child is studying, b) provides the sometimes necessary reminder to complete the work, and c)shows that you care about what your child is working on. Praise your child for his diligent work, as well as for accomplishment.

Book Orders



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What You Need to Order Books Online

Once the teacher has entered in the book order forms for the month, you may order books for you child online. You may pay by credit card. This will save you the hassle of sending money back to school with your child. When the teacher closes out the book order online, then the books will be shipped to your child's teacher. Please do not sent cash with students. Checks or money orders only. User Name: Password:

Mrs. Pankey's Recommendations

Rules by Cynthia Lord Sent by Margret Haddix Million Dollar Throw by Mike Lupica (New Release) The Legend of Bass Reeves by Gary Paulsen Chasing Lincoln's Killer by James L. Swanson Extra Credit by Andrew Clements The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Woods Runner by Gary Paulsen Lilluokalani by John MacGregor The Seer of Shadows by Avi True Adventures of Homer P. Figg by Rodman Philbrick

Daily Objectives



Classroom Rules/ Management

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Mrs. Pankey's 3 Classroom Rules

1. Do Right! 2. Do it immediately! 3. Do it with the right ATTITUDE!

Ticket Incentive

HOW IT WORKS: 1. Each Monday students will be given 5 Pankey Tickets (I will call it Pankey Cash.) 2. If a students breaks a classroom rule, then they will have to pay with a ticket for each infraction beyond a warning. 3. The tickets that students earn each week will be placed in a bucket for a large prize at the end of the month. Small prizes will be drawn for periodically throughout the month.

Major Infraction

A major infraction will be given to students for major offenses such as fighting, disrespect, or consistent classroom misbehavior,or for "Parent Notifications" sent home. Students who receive eight major infractions for the year will not be allowed to go on field trips or the end of the year party. Eight Parent Notifications = The Loss of Field Trip Privileges

Daily Classroom Citations

1. Warning 2.Ticket is lost and check will be placed by the students name. 3. Ticket is lost and a second check will be placed by students name. They will lose ten minutes of recess by walking the track. 4.If a student runs out of tickets for the week, or loses more than two tickets in one day they will receive a parent notification.

Lunch with a REBEL!

Students who obtain their reading goal for the quarter will get to eat lunch with members of the Southside Rebel football team, basketball team, cheerleaders, and Dixie Bells. The students will be asked to bring $2.00 for the purchase of pizza and drinks. Photos will be taken for the students to keep as a momento.

Paper Clip Chain

While tickets are given to individual students who are behaving well, the Paper Clip Chain rewards, the class as a whole. When the entire class is working well, following directions, etc. I will add a paper clip to a small chain of clips hanging in the corner of the room. The better the class behaves, the more paper clips it earns. When the chain stretches all the way to the bottom of the floor, the class earns 25 minutes of extra recess.



Research Tools


Social Studies


Word Study

Daily Objectives

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Daily Objectives

Reading Writing Word Study Social Studies Other