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Protopage News Blog

Plain sticky notes

Sticky note

We'll post helpful tips and regular news of our latest features on our blog...

Sticky note

There are 270 user contributed widgets for you to choose from - click the 'Add widgets' button on the toolbar to discover them.


Photo upload

The word "orchis" was first used by Theophrastos, in his book "De historia plantarum". He was a student of Aristotle and is considered the father of botany and ecology.


Plain sticky notes

Sticky note

Try our new multi level to-do lists - you can even drag items between different lists! (drag to-do items by their check boxes).

Todo lists

Todo list

To-do item
To-do item

Todo list

To-do item
To-do item
Another item

This tab is shared

Plain sticky notes

Sharing your tabs

Once you have registered your Protopage, you will be able to share your tabs either publicly or with specific people. You can assign passwords so that only certain people can view or modify different parts of your Protopage.