Hi Guys - I have stretch the boundaries of protopage - I cold structure thing differently but maintenance would be an issues.
I heed delicious with greater functionality - when can we chat about database design.
We need an e mail session when we are all logged on.
With our protopages activated....
Another 14 hour day...……
People block your communication here - nobody will talk to me - today I did security ordits on access control - in 15 minutes 9 people cave me thei access code - 2 did not - covered the key pad. Told them but because you ar bi-polar nobody listens and walks away whist you are telling them.
I managed to pull a doctor asking for a minute - a nurse said -it wont be a minute with him !!!!! What do you think of that attitude to customers.
Nice update for rich - issues but no delivery date yet - priming Rich for a code generator - woul like Paul to do it with Rich's support.
Priority on this is to get Paul up to spead with C Sharp / MVC SQL Server.
This should be feasible as we did it with DRRP at Ingersoll rand that allowed us to dynamically assign a database and move round the database at will till we got to a location that we wanted to zap that could not be set by the system - to drive out error reports that will never happen.
Mainly characters in numeric fields. Possible by cobol redefinition clause.
A good day today - toomuch to do
Don't forget
Still to do pus the infonets for bank and nhs studybuddies