List of public pages created with Protopage




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Red Camel The Brand is being rolled out into the Computer Shops in Manchester.

We hope to partner Google when The Google Digital Garage opens on 20th November in Kings Street Manchester.


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Structured Social Networking Architecture (SSNA).

In 2007 I was appointed IT Strategist to YMG, (Young Masters Golf), by David Gosling.

I announced to David that the WWW was changing and that development would be taken up by individuals, bypassing the need to engage with IT Professionals.

I then went forward and developed 50 Wordpress sites for his team of golf professionals and other bespoke projects. Whe we branded Wordpress as YMG they were all taken down by Wordpress as a violation of their service as I had been able to register multiply sites using an old fashioned Freeserve E'Mail service that I had kept alive.  

I then selected Protopage to become my Content Management System of choice - agreeing with them that I could register as many sites as I require.

David lost his YMG business due to a take over. 

Move forward to 2016 David has launced his new business Bitesize Golf - doing his own web development, using the tools that I instructed him to use. We joined up with David once again in a bid to take over the golfing sector. Sadly business with Dave is not great and the initiative to drive stuff out through his team is a non starter.

July 2017 - We decide to launch Redcamel Systems and drive it out through our local IT Retailer. Progress has been good and we have generated lots of interest and connections with India.

In November 2017 we heard that Google were coming to town and in effect would be taking over the work of our code academy. So the decision was made to partner google and Brand Redcamel Systems.

On 18th November Redcamel The Brand was launched, delivering SSNA Technology to the businesses of Manchester.

In effect £900 websites will be delivered for just £300 using the Redcamel Design Strategy.

Whilst this is acceptable for low tier development the delivery of Enterprise Solutions will still be the realm of Microsoft Certified Professionals. Redcamel Systems are  well placed to provide this service.

So if you are looking for service simply look for the Redcamel Brand Logo at your local computer shop.





Redcamel Systems



Redcamel Promotions



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Redcamel Promotions

Hopefully Redcamel Systems will create relationships with people that do Video Editing.

We will then look to specialise in creating websites for Manchester Bands.





Redcamel Promotions

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Gatley Computers is the first of the Redcamel Brand. Gatley is where I set up my family home with Susan - where we had Adam and Emma.


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Redcamel Systems is now recruiting sales agents - commission only.

We are offering Sales in Hardware, Website Development, Website Outsourcing, Enterprise Systems Analysis - development and outsourcing.

Please Contact

Development Strategy

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Phase 1 - 1st Contact

Phase 1 - First Contact

We require : 

1. Your E'Mail Address
2. Your Proposed Website Name
3. £60 Payment
4. Your Business Story - Something About your business / website.

We will deliver:
1. Landing Page
2. Splash Page
3. Site Map
4. About Page
5. Contact Page.

Phase 2 - Scoping / Risk Reduction

Phase 2 - Scoping / Risk Reduction

The key to building a website is the collection of images and graphics.
We expect you to deliver all that you require to us - we will create a showcase that displays  all your images on pages that you declare. This is part of the £60 service which you have already paid.

Phase 3 - Estimating


Having seen your business story and collected your images we are now in the position to conduct your build.
There will be a minimum charge of £300, for a £900 website we will discount it to £720.

We encourage you to get estimates so that we can undercut them by 15%.

Phase 4 - Collection of Narrative

Collection of Narrative

Here we will open up access to our Active site for you to enter your narratives.
You will have a choice:

1. Enter words directly into the CRM.
2. Enter them onto your Google Cloud Drive and transmit them through the CRM.

Note: Training will be given, but really it is not required as it is so simple.

Phase 5 - Selection of Template

Selection of Template

Here you will select from the example given to you or from the www.

In the event of selecting from the examples given you are selecting your web developer.

When selecting from the WWW we will invite developers to tender for your work.

Phase 6 - Costing and Pre-Payment

Costing and Prepayment

Here the cost of the website will be firmed and pre-payment arranged.

Pre-payment will depend upon the developer - For Exampye Really Simple Media Expect 30% of the cost.

We will at this point negotiate cost reduct on your behalf as a significant part of the build process will have already been done.

Phase 7 - Product Build

Product Build

Here the developer will build your product.

Phase 8 - Quality Assurance

Phase 8 - Quality Assurance

Here you will test and approve your product.

Phase 9 - Implementation


The developer may have elected to build your product in his assurance region - this phase will see migration to the production servers.

Phase 10 - Final Payment


Final payment is now due.

Phase 12 Support Contract

Support Contract

Condition and costings for an on-going support contract will be put in place.
This may involve outsourcing.



SEO and Google Analytics  are out of scope for this project - however these can be arranged under separate cover at additional costs.





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Mail To : Redcamel Systems


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Conditions of Association

I will write Conditions of Association for :

1. Associate Developer

2. Clients

3. Field Sales Agents

4. Outlets

5. Outsourcing Associates.

Association / Policy (Draft)

Conditions OfAssociation

1. Developer

1. You should comply to Redcamel Web Standards and Design Strategy.

2. You should engage in a Redcamel Shopping Basket

3. You should comply to Redcamel Billing Policy

4. You should display “Managed by Redcamel” along with the Redcamel Logo on all pages.

5. You should comply to the Redcamel Outsourcing Policy.

6. You should endeavour to engage with Redcamel Associates where possible.

7. You should promote the Redcamel brand within your local community.

8. You should actively recruit Red Camel Field Agents.

9. You should operate as a Community Guardian / Digital Champion where funding does not meet the requirements specification.

2. Client

1. You should agree to the Redcamel Payment Policy

2. You should actively engage in the development process as directed by your Redcamel Developer.

3. You should agreeto having the Redcamel logo on your website.

4. You should agreeto the Redcamel Charity Policy and contribute to the Redcamel cause.

5. You should participate in the Redcamel Code Academy.

6. You should engage with your Community Guardian / Digital Champion where funding does not meet the requirements specification.

7. You should agreeto the Redcamel Design Standards.

3. Field Agent.

1. You should work within the boundaries of the Redcamel Contract at all times.

2. You should register as a Field Agent and make the required registration payments.

3. You shouldcontribute to the Redcamel Cause.

4. You should actprofessionally at all times.

4. Outlets

1. You shoulddisplay a Redcamel Logo within your business.

2. You should placea link to the Redcamel website on your Partners Page if you have one.

3. You agree to theRedcamel Commissions policy.

4. You should makepromt payments of commissions monthly.

5. Outsourcing Associates.

1. You should agreeto the Redcamel Registration Policy.

2. You should agreeto the Redcamel Commisions Policy.

3. You should agreeto the Redcamel Payment Policy.

4. You should agreeto the Redcamel Promotions Policy.

5. You should agreeto the Redcamel Charging Policy.

6. You should agreeto the Redcamel Design Policy.

Redcamel Policies.

1. RegistrationPolicy.

1. You shouldregister onto the Redcamel Database.

2. You should makepayment of 1 Development Credit through the Redcamel Shopping Basket.

2. Commissions

1. You should agreeto pay commision to Redcamel for each project assigned.

2. Commision will be15% of the Gross Project Cost.

3. You should paycommision from the initial project payment.

3. Redcamel PaymentsPolicy

1. You shouldreceive initial payment of 1/3 of the project cost before buildcommences.

2. You should payRedcamel Commission out of the Initial Payment.

3. You should offerthe residual payments to be paid by Direct Debit over a three yearperiod, or

through a RedcamelShopping Basket of the same period.

4. PromotionsPolicy.

1. You shouldpromote the Redcamel Brand on all your websites under the conditionsof development agreed with the client.

5. Redcamel ChargingPolicy

1. You should offerthe client a discount of up to 15% of the cost of development,depending upon the degree of undertaking by the client in thedevelopment process. Where the customer supplies both Narrative andGraphics then you should consider a discount of up to 60%.

6. Redcamel DesignPolicy.

1. You should offera Bootstrap InfoNet with every project – this being the vehicle forpassive web pages.

2. You should givethe customer the option to design and transmit to you their ownInfoNet pages.

3. You should chargea reduced development / support fee where the client supplies his/herown InfoNet pages.

4. You shoulddeliver a Protopage Site Map / CRM with every site.

5. You should engagewith the clinet and offer them training in the use of the CRM.

Client Condition

Client Condition of Association - Temporary.

To engage with Redcamel Systems for Phase 1 of your development it will cost you £60.

£30 will need to be paid in cash - this will chage when we have our Developer Credits Shopping Basket On-line.

£30 Donation to Charity. Again payment by cash as our Shopping Basket is not Ready. This will allow us to commence your development under our Community Guardian / Digital Champion initiative where we reduce development costs. 

Community Projects



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Reality Check

These sites were created and used by myself when I was onsite volunteering. I have continued to maintain them as they are of some value and I intend to promote them soon.

The reality of the situation is that the management in control of these establishments have not promoted them and have not requested regular maintenance.

This will have to be addressed in the case of the Bideford Centre where they now have a man on-site looking after the IT.

Child Brands



Risk Analysis

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Risk Analysis

You are at risk if you are dependant on one key individual to perform company business and you do not have a procedure manual in place to train new employees should they go.

The solution is an InfoNet where you :

1. Detail all business processes.
2. You detail all functions.
3. You produce a one-paragraph description of each function.
4. Detail functions within business processes.
5. You develop a training plan with session plans and lesson plans.
6. You have all these in place before you recruit.
7. You task new recruits to produce Genisis documentation - personal notes about each function.
8. You validate Genesis documents and produce Socrates Documents which are the definitive procedure manual for each Business Process.

Reverse Engineering

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Reverse Engineering

This is where you already have an established system but have no documentation.

You will have already identified your functions during Risk Analysis and this is a process of looking at code to report how the function works.

This means getting the IT Department involved - In a good team this will be readily available.


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Artificial Intelligence

We are interested in you if you have the desire to implement changes to your business that involves expert systems and AI.

Please let us know what it is that you are thinking about and we will produce an action plan and design specification and manage your outsourcing.

This is closely tied to Risk Analysis and we would expect you to complete this phase before we start to look at your requirements.

Systems Architecture



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Systems Architecture

Our Standards mean that you are to complete UML Lite Analysis, the creation of an Angular web page before we start to look at your requirement.