How Easy was that - Why do I need all the NHS Paper that I have been generating - .........
THe reason fotr that is that nobody will talk to me so I have to experiment. I have been experimenting with case under my bed with commitments and contracts
Transitional Analysis - This is a new term - it is the transfer of Gensis documents into Socratese Class 1 Documents.
I am thinking on the fly here as all this is new me. In 2007 i realised that i needed whiteboards to think - my house has no whiteboard but pieces / piles of paper all over the show - my house is a mess.
in 2007 the papaer went all the way up the stairs - managing many proects with many prioities - i plan for 9 current projects , 101 in the pieline - 303 deliverables and 501 contracted for.
I have a cd under my bed of commitments and contracts by people but my experience over the last 14 years is that because this software is free it is valueless...
Trust me this is the most important piece of software for planning and contract communications that ha ever been created.
Now lets see whats happening with Andrew Clarke - see bookmarks.... now 214:36
Thought just jumped into my head - need to find the Generation Project for Greata...
Link to Greta an add priority task
GO NOW 14:38
Problem - email - password ...
Did nort mean to log out of Greta - can not remember which e mail I used to register
am having Email; Problems and finding lost password problems - will have to set up new Infonet for greta ---
Problenm is iit has all my ecoglobe stuff on it ---- minor problem i copied enfry point to Andy Clarke Yesterday ---- Need a central rgister of all my websites and the e'mails used ---- major task - need to plan for it ----- do as class c not important - dschedule next week - you need to address this sometime - there is a hotmail list posted somewhere greta is not that.
Can not do now forgot my email passwords and my phone is broken --- lets hope that charging fixes it - it would not boot up this morning when talking to paul about self refering table - urgently need testing - critical ..... having a bd day ..... TOP Prioity do a form for website -
do it now - do task list of prioity tasks now.......
Do same for football clubs / george best ..... think for a mo ..... get on with Greta Infonet whilst you are thinking about where we are with georgebest al.......
Doing Greta infonet NOW ...... N?HS Scarletpanther password class one .... should have done thiis from the start --- define idms table for curent prior and next passwords - consider putting password change onto an autotimer - get rich to investigate fesibility.n.