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Plain sticky notes

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Plain sticky notes

Sticky note

Sticky note

Click here to type

Read Me - This is much more civilised than EMail - I will Teach You.........


Go here


The issue



Community Guardians


Rich sticky notes

The Issue is simple........

No body but nobody will look at the vast amount of work that i have done over the last 20 years. 
Full Stop ---- nothing more needs to be said

Rich text note

0161 541 2017 Taylor's Legal phoned at 17 54
So i am going to create an InfoNet for them free of charge - no i wont i will use a foreign to point to one of my existing sites - George Best

Untitled tab 3

Read Me - Rag Mag




Plain sticky notes

Sticky note

Click here to type Done in 10 seconds - thinking - designing on the fly I have never tried this before it is new - I am having to try it now due to a bug with sign in....

Sticky note

Click here to type try .... clicking on the .... cant see here Robert I am typing withou glasses - my eles ere going too much computer work - at it 20 hours a day - over 303 sites i want min - 101 x 3 for my golf project. This is a little likke talking to you but you are not here - perfect for a Tribunal - on the fly note taking - NHS refuse to access my stuff and refuse to talk I?T I am in nowhere land .... Right where were we going to try to link to a public page 1 Priority tasks......

Rich sticky notes

Hello World

Hello Robert - What I hsave done here is set you out the Online University Rag Mag for

PSR Register



Rich sticky notes

Sa... dia

Dig out letter to the queen - say your reading can be read by somebody else i will get my glasses and aim  for 07/07 - Primary announcement day.......

2. Banking - After financial planning
- Currennt Account 
- Savings Account 
- Business Account
- ISA(S)
    - Babies 
    - Wedding 
    - Childs Education 
    - Personal Pensions 
    - AVC
     - PPE Boots and Shoes 
     - Funeral 
     - Life Insurance 
     - Retirement War Chest --- vip plan for illness 
     Oters discuss lLIFE      

A Tasks - Do Today............ PlamIT1





Rich sticky notes

Zues Planning Genesis Document 0

How Easy was that - Why do I need all the NHS Paper that I have been generating - .........

THe reason fotr that is that nobody will talk to me so I have to experiment. I have been experimenting with case under my bed with commitments and contracts

Transitional Analysis - This is a new term - it is the transfer of Gensis documents into Socratese Class 1 Documents.

I am thinking on the fly here as all this is new me.  In 2007 i realised that i needed whiteboards to think - my house has no whiteboard but pieces / piles of paper all over the show - my house is a mess.

in 2007 the papaer went all the way up the stairs - managing many proects with many prioities - i plan  for 9 current projects , 101 in the pieline - 303 deliverables and 501 contracted for. 

I have a cd under my bed of commitments and contracts by people but my experience over the last 14 years is that because this software is free it is valueless... 

Trust me this is the most important piece of software for planning and contract communications that ha ever been created.

Now lets see whats happening with Andrew Clarke - see bookmarks.... now 214:36
Thought just jumped into my head - need to find the Generation Project for Greata...

Link to Greta an add priority task
GO NOW 14:38 

Disaster Cass D -Greta 001 Logged out of Greta - might be fotr the best - Action Set up Freta Infonet Now and link to secured password site with notes foor greta that it is reserved for her - in case another person grabs it.....rRich text note

Problem  - email - password ... 
Did nort  mean to log out of Greta - can not remember which e mail I used to register 

 am having Email; Problems and finding lost password problems - will have to set up new Infonet for greta ---

Problenm is iit has all my ecoglobe stuff on it ---- minor problem i copied enfry point to Andy Clarke Yesterday ---- Need a central rgister of all my websites and the e'mails used ---- major task - need to plan for it ----- do as class c  not important - dschedule next week - you need to address this sometime - there is a hotmail list posted somewhere greta is not that.

Can not do now forgot my email passwords and my phone is broken --- lets hope that charging fixes it - it would not boot up this morning when talking to paul about self refering table - urgently need testing - critical ..... having a bd day ..... TOP Prioity do a form for website - 

do it now -  do task list of prioity tasks now.......
Do same for football clubs / george best ..... think for a mo ..... get on with Greta Infonet whilst you are thinking about where we are with georgebest al....... 

Doing Greta infonet NOW ...... N?HS Scarletpanther password class one .... should have done thiis from the start --- define idms table for curent prior and next passwords - consider putting password change onto an autotimer - get rich to investigate fesibility.n.


Todo lists

TPrioities 19/05 ... can not see - go to clock - time wasting here - say t for now - not importantv1

close tabs 14 op[en too many idea rag mag tags - think
TMel at door - checks - Done looks like 15:07
Buy milk - got milk
Drink Milk
SAsk for obs now - check bp - this is so relaxing...... Fun
Obs request 15:08 - xpect 1 hour - need now for strees levels after disaster
dont raise disaster log - stupid mistake - but not a mistake - Greta Frozen at implementation day
Greta Frozen 19/05/15:00 ishNet Started 15:10
Think for 1 min - stand up - go to white board draw InfoNet Network Diagrams
Freta Infob
Can not do ND yet 29 A4 on wall WBoard Overloaded already
2 hour task to sequence report.... say 20/5 3am
Tonight 3am must do list of websites for Robert
3 hours est - if hotmail is working
Find existing zeus to do list
add bramwell now to bookmarks and bramwell clan and the bramwell clan
Getting pop ups - annoying - lucy still signed in to facebook he/she should have done facebook updates by now to allow me a page for onboard promotions
Bookmark onboard promotions / Picknic in the park Soon - new class - Soon 15:21
Correct Robert Lizar spelling error NOW / Done - dont log
just do some bookmarking - no plan - do important,,,,, NOW - dont log... T Task - Training - 20% of day.....
Do Greta Transition InoNet
E'Mail Greta
E'Mail Prince Harry - Sa...dia Request - Whats S... Nane / Website - Where have i put it --- go get her name and advise vebally of Banking will be next week - Write PSR say 06/06

Todo list

Geta infonet
Link Andy
see if myq is there do it now - anxety....

SSR Register


Good can see disconnected links - Do at will


Todo lists

Todo list

Do shopping
life book
Q planning Book
Kicking Off Book
WAR Book
Poppy Laws Book
BramIT Laws Book i
JOhny Vegas Book
The Golf Machine Thought Book j
checking under bed..........
Project Folder 1 - Ai on a rasberry Pie - massive - Supercomputer 2,4,8.16 processors - possible new motherboard spec. Massive apply for Gov Funding
Project 2 - Law - Fight Night / Fight night 2 -- Massive WGC / WGC II - New Golf Club for test case

A1 Business Ethics - Needed for Robert - Place near sink alongside current WAR project...

Dong NOW
War = 7 sub folders - including SUPEFM
Whats the story Morning Glory
A1 Business Ethics
The Golf Hub - On-Going
Manchester Music - On-Going
ABC Paper Management - Poppy Law TrainIT - Major Top Prioity...... Majpor Database development - Status Red - Need Paul / Rich - Overlloaded Methodes / Company Strure / Self Refering Table - Carl NHS
Carl NHS - Spread Sheet - 2pm 19/05hopefully Now 16:00 where has the day gone - so much for Managers meeting - expressed in Managers meeting doing my best to pacify patients patiitents kicking off..... What chance i have goyt if the Manager can not give me 5 minutes to discuss paper supply ...... Said in meeting major major major issues with task management and that after the meeting that when i go home i will be in touch with Carl ........ Stop NOW --- Set Up Carl INFNET POINTER / PLACE HOLDER HERE




A Tasks - Do Today............ PlamIT1





Rich sticky notes

Zues Planning Genesis Document 0

How Easy was that - Why do I need all the NHS Paper that I have been generating - .........

THe reason fotr that is that nobody will talk to me so I have to experiment. I have been experimenting with case under my bed with commitments and contracts

Transitional Analysis - This is a new term - it is the transfer of Gensis documents into Socratese Class 1 Documents.

I am thinking on the fly here as all this is new me.  In 2007 i realised that i needed whiteboards to think - my house has no whiteboard but pieces / piles of paper all over the show - my house is a mess.

in 2007 the papaer went all the way up the stairs - managing many proects with many prioities - i plan  for 9 current projects , 101 in the pieline - 303 deliverables and 501 contracted for. 

I have a cd under my bed of commitments and contracts by people but my experience over the last 14 years is that because this software is free it is valueless... 

Trust me this is the most important piece of software for planning and contract communications that ha ever been created.

Now lets see whats happening with Andrew Clarke - see bookmarks.... now 214:36
Thought just jumped into my head - need to find the Generation Project for Greata...

Link to Greta an add priority task
GO NOW 14:38 

Disaster Cass D -Greta 001 Logged out of Greta - might be fotr the best - Action Set up Freta Infonet Now and link to secured password site with notes foor greta that it is reserved for her - in case another person grabs it.....rRich text note

Problem  - email - password ... 
Did nort  mean to log out of Greta - can not remember which e mail I used to register 

 am having Email; Problems and finding lost password problems - will have to set up new Infonet for greta ---

Problenm is iit has all my ecoglobe stuff on it ---- minor problem i copied enfry point to Andy Clarke Yesterday ---- Need a central rgister of all my websites and the e'mails used ---- major task - need to plan for it ----- do as class c  not important - dschedule next week - you need to address this sometime - there is a hotmail list posted somewhere greta is not that.

Can not do now forgot my email passwords and my phone is broken --- lets hope that charging fixes it - it would not boot up this morning when talking to paul about self refering table - urgently need testing - critical ..... having a bd day ..... TOP Prioity do a form for website - 

do it now -  do task list of prioity tasks now.......
Do same for football clubs / george best ..... think for a mo ..... get on with Greta Infonet whilst you are thinking about where we are with georgebest al....... 

Doing Greta infonet NOW ...... N?HS Scarletpanther password class one .... should have done thiis from the start --- define idms table for curent prior and next passwords - consider putting password change onto an autotimer - get rich to investigate fesibility.n.


Todo lists

TPrioities 19/05 ... can not see - go to clock - time wasting here - say t for now - not importantv1

close tabs 14 op[en too many idea rag mag tags - think
TMel at door - checks - Done looks like 15:07
Buy milk - got milk
Drink Milk
SAsk for obs now - check bp - this is so relaxing...... Fun
Obs request 15:08 - xpect 1 hour - need now for strees levels after disaster
dont raise disaster log - stupid mistake - but not a mistake - Greta Frozen at implementation day
Greta Frozen 19/05/15:00 ishNet Started 15:10
Think for 1 min - stand up - go to white board draw InfoNet Network Diagrams
Freta Infob
Can not do ND yet 29 A4 on wall WBoard Overloaded already
2 hour task to sequence report.... say 20/5 3am
Tonight 3am must do list of websites for Robert
3 hours est - if hotmail is working
Find existing zeus to do list
add bramwell now to bookmarks and bramwell clan and the bramwell clan
Getting pop ups - annoying - lucy still signed in to facebook he/she should have done facebook updates by now to allow me a page for onboard promotions
Bookmark onboard promotions / Picknic in the park Soon - new class - Soon 15:21
Correct Robert Lizar spelling error NOW / Done - dont log
just do some bookmarking - no plan - do important,,,,, NOW - dont log... T Task - Training - 20% of day.....
Do Greta Transition InoNet
E'Mail Greta
E'Mail Prince Harry - Sa...dia Request - Whats S... Nane / Website - Where have i put it --- go get her name and advise vebally of Banking will be next week - Write PSR say 06/06

Todo list

Geta infonet
Link Andy
see if myq is there do it now - anxety....

SSR Register


Good can see disconnected links - Do at will


Todo lists

Todo list

Do shopping
life book
Q planning Book
Kicking Off Book
WAR Book
Poppy Laws Book
BramIT Laws Book i
JOhny Vegas Book
The Golf Machine Thought Book j
checking under bed..........
Project Folder 1 - Ai on a rasberry Pie - massive - Supercomputer 2,4,8.16 processors - possible new motherboard spec. Massive apply for Gov Funding
Project 2 - Law - Fight Night / Fight night 2 -- Massive WGC / WGC II - New Golf Club for test case

A1 Business Ethics - Needed for Robert - Place near sink alongside current WAR project...

Dong NOW
War = 7 sub folders - including SUPEFM
Whats the story Morning Glory
A1 Business Ethics
The Golf Hub - On-Going
Manchester Music - On-Going
ABC Paper Management - Poppy Law TrainIT - Major Top Prioity...... Majpor Database development - Status Red - Need Paul / Rich - Overlloaded Methodes / Company Strure / Self Refering Table - Carl NHS
Carl NHS - Spread Sheet - 2pm 19/05hopefully Now 16:00 where has the day gone - so much for Managers meeting - expressed in Managers meeting doing my best to pacify patients patiitents kicking off..... What chance i have goyt if the Manager can not give me 5 minutes to discuss paper supply ...... Said in meeting major major major issues with task management and that after the meeting that when i go home i will be in touch with Carl ........ Stop NOW --- Set Up Carl INFNET POINTER / PLACE HOLDER HERE

PSR Register



Rich sticky notes

Sa... dia

Dig out letter to the queen - say your reading can be read by somebody else i will get my glasses and aim  for 07/07 - Primary announcement day.......

2. Banking - After financial planning
- Currennt Account 
- Savings Account 
- Business Account
- ISA(S)
    - Babies 
    - Wedding 
    - Childs Education 
    - Personal Pensions 
    - AVC
     - PPE Boots and Shoes 
     - Funeral 
     - Life Insurance 
     - Retirement War Chest --- vip plan for illness 
     Oters discuss lLIFE