08:50 Had to put arrogant martin in his place for not responding to door knocks - we had an argument.
My expectation of Martin as a PHP Computer Programmer is that he understands Service Level Agreements - Mult-Tasking and Scheduling priorities.
Action 1 scale point reduction in Payroll - Martin now 1 in collaboration factor table.
Account Summary
1 Hour 6 balances £500 Chargeable to Tarkus / Nirmrod / Zeus - 25% Default 50% 25%
Tangible Deliverables - The Clans / Verastar Signatures
Record as Verastar Community Systems - Invoice as VCS - Copy Chris Earle.
The Brexit Letters
Bramit BL 000 - Letter to Chris Earle - Statement of Intend -
N/G/000/05072020/bramit000/ajbb000/cc0/cc20/cu1-1000/mdc0 Timebank 0 Net Payroll
Hour6 Acconted for 07:28 Book 2 units system accounting period 7
07:55 Defcon 1 Status A - Need PRN - having to wait book 15 waiting time to relieve stress.
T/S 000 / WTC1 / nhs / Bramit nnn - Pick up Job Accounting at *$$EOJ / *££EOD
Note : Multi Currency Accounting System Needed. SSR 2020/1
08-02 Running 1 hour behind schedule - Client pushing for delivery of signature 101 - advised to wait till 14:00.
Cancel todays exercise Peter Dewar has gone home - did not get time to agree action plan with him.
Write Action Plan and get it Printed before staring Tillery Value Project. Inform Sodexo NOW of delay in project.
Replan day - Tarkus.