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Tyger Tyger Burning Bright......



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Fortran 2020

Why have I never thought of this before in 50 years of programming.

A formulae translation language .....

Why have I never looked at fortran....


We can write a varient of fortran based on UNI2000 formulae which translates directly into SQL Servver rather than VSAM/KSDS Masterfile.

That the rules file - rather than being a parameter file are class modules and that we write class modules to
perform root functions.

Two root functions would be Data Difference and Superscripting.

Data Difference is simply the calculation between two dates which may mean that a prerequisite date conversinclass be written called SDATCON to convert date formats to enable date comparison. It all depends on the features of C Sharpe / Visual Foxpro which I do not know !!!!

Will somebody please explain Method Over;loading to me ASAP.

Ground Rules



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1. We are gioing to produce ERA's - Enterprise Related Application where NNN is the Channel Number.

This is a very large number - we do not expect to create more than say a few channels.

What the heck --- this might turn into a SAP Conversion !!!!!


Data will be identified by a 3 character data code. NNN

So the identification of dta is simple it is cnn-nnn 

i.e. C01-001 could be Surname  = SQL Table001-Field001

So the first job is to specify the Data Dictionary.

Now thats a great start - it is now just 06:00.

That's  my working day over.....

That is a major leap forward - a new website - a new language - what more than that can you ask of me in a day. Is that not worth £1,000 of anybodies money.

Welcome to Snaresallday 106 million youtube views.

Database Records

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Company Structure

1. Parent Cost Centre 
2. Level
3. Child Cost Centre 
4. Child Cost Centre Type (B - Budget / A - Actual) 

Rules :
Set up the company like an alphabet - Like Alphabet (Google)

Starting with Red Octopus - Level 0 - self referring. 
Finishing with Red Camel level 26 - with multiple cost centres at level 26 for the recording of actual costs.
All other layers are phantom layers for the purpose to prove an exploded bill of material.

Investment Account

1. Cost Centre
2. Investment (BramIT $)
3. Investment £
4. Period Invested (Years)  
5. Time Bank Investment (Per Week)

People can take an interest in the project by investing time or funding development.



Table of Contents

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Table Of Content


Statements Of Principles

Component Translation

Wrist Positions - Individual

Wrist Positions - Combinations

Power Package

Twenty-Four Basic Components

Twelve Sections

Three Zones

Catalog of Basic Component Variations

Summary of Chapter 10

Stroke Patterns

Non-Interchangeable Components

The Computer


Index (Keystones)

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As with any good book what you need to read fist is the index to get a feel for the subject matter.

Once that is done look at the content then do a mind map of your primary learning having scanned the book looking for Keystone chapters and reference points.

List the Keystones here :

Golf Clubs

