Note: open office will require an upgrade - we won't be going there. Our Genesis sample XML will have to be created manually if Office 365 does not work
In the beginning........
When starting a new business the main focus should be on growing your customer base and working with partners.
A genesis system would be a good thing to start - nothing more than a diary you should record interesting facts about your contacts. You may choose to create a spreadsheet with indicators that may help you track customer satisfaction. You will need to record who you can sell into in an organisation or the salespeople which give you the best deal.
Creating a form to capture information is a great idea - it will stop people in your organisation fighting to have access to the spreadsheet.
The example here is a Genisis Form in its raw state - think up your own indicators and create your own form today.
The genesis results have been downloaded into an Excel spreadsheet. We now need to convert it to XML/JSON then create a AJAX transaction to render it.
Some complex code will be required to process the indicators. - A challenge!