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Access Programme - Community Transport Project
Rating: Amber
Last Updated: 22 Nov 05 John Parsons


Monday 12th June 2006, 2.00pm to 4.00pm

Chichester District Council, East Pallant House






1.     Welcome, Introductions and Apologies


2.     Minutes of the last meeting (27th February 2006) and matters arising


3.     Developers Contributions/Section 106:  David Lambert, Section 106 Projects Officer, West Sussex County Council


4.     Transport Information Exchange

► A chance to share news about services or sources of information


5.      Links with Local Strategic Partnership – what issues do we want taken to the next meeting?


6.     AOB


7.     Date of the next meeting



Western Sussex Transport & Access Network


Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 27th February 2006, 2.00pm at Chichester District Council




Cllr. Susan Hallock                         Chichester District Council (chair)


Cllr. Patricia Hooley                          Chichester District Council

Cllr. Coote                                            West Sussex County Council

Juliet Fynes                                           Petworth Parish Council

Margrith Hose                                       Chichester Community Transport,

                                                            Sussex Otters, West Sussex Association for the

                                                            Disabled (WSAD)

Yvonne Green                                       Older Peoples Forum

Heather McIntosh                                  West Sussex County Council

Rebecca McGarva                                  Chichester Council for Voluntary Services

John Parsons                                         Western Sussex Primary Care Trust

Pearl Stewart                                        WSAD, WSDN

Elaine Thomas                                      Western Sussex PCT, Chichester District Council

John Fitzmaurice                               Manhood Mobility Volunteer Service

Tom Jones                                            Manhood Mobility Volunteer Service

Marian Wilder                                       Graffham Village Shop Association, Graffham  Youth Club, Trustee Chichester CVS

Chloe Williams                                      Chichester District Council

Vicky Arnell-Smith                            United Response

Dave Hoyle                                          Chichester and Havant Shopmobility

Julian Hart                                            West Sussex County Council (WSCC)



1.     Welcome, Introductions and Apologies


Apologies were received from Andrew Gibson (Tandem), Roger Sayche (Sussex Ambulance), Peter Sweet (Bosham Monday Club)


2.     Minutes of the last meeting (21st November 2005) and matters arising


Pearl explained that an omission had been made and that last meeting she had raised a point about local traffic wardens being overly officious.


An article had been included in Initiatives promoting volunteering


The meeting notes were approved


3.     Transport Information Exchange


Rebecca talked about the Change Up agenda, which had looked at issues faced by front line organisations.  Transport, particularly the need for accessible and affordable transport, was identified as an important issue.


Elaine reported that young people were experiencing difficulty in getting home following evening homework clubs at Chichester Library.  This is because their bus passes are not valid in the evenings.  Heather agreed to investigate this issue


                              ACTION 1       Heather McIntosh


Susan talked through a report entitled ‘Better Regulation for Civil Society’ produced by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.  The report was not thought to be particularly useful but did highlight the importance of the voluntary sector.


4.     What do we want to achieve in the next 5 years – Formulating an Action Plan


Priorities were agreed as:


·         Secure long term funding


Susan suggested approaching trust funds to increase the amount of money held in the Joint Fund.  Rebecca explained that Chichester and District CVS and CVS Arunwide have teamed up to provide a funding network.


106 monies were also seen as a potential source of funding.  It was suggested that 106 monies be channelled through the Joint Fund.  Julian asked about the allocation of Shippams 106 monies.  Cllr Hooley agreed to look into this.  Julian to arrange a speaker to talk about 106 monies.


                                    ACTION 2                   Cllr Hooley


                                    ACTION 3                   Julian Hart


·         Raise the profile of volunteering


Rebecca explained that the CVS have run a volunteering day and are planning a workshop on volunteer promotion


·         Rebecca suggested a small working group meet to discuss other initiatives


5.     Impact of NHS reorganisation


John Parsons explained that the Primary Care Trust (PCT) had overspent and were about to undergo a reorganisation.  The five PCTs will merge into one countywide Health Trust.  However, groups of local GP surgeries (commissioning boards) will still commission services at a local level.


The white paper titled ‘Our Health, Our Care, Our Say’ looks at all aspects of care, from hospitals to the community.  A briefing note is available but essentially the focus is on:


·         Personalised, individual care including the new NHS ‘Lifecheck’ which will provide checks at age 11 and 17/18.  This could be an entitlement.

·         Individual health plan for everyone

·         Possibility of individual budgets……could people buy transport services as part of this?


John explained that the PCT might not be able to contribute to partnership work in the future (this may include the Joint Fund for Community Transport in Chichester District


Eligibility to patient transport is to be extended.  John to update the group on this when more information is known



                                                ACTION 4                   John Parsons


Tom expressed concern that there would be increased pressure on voluntary community services to provide transport and that more volunteers would be needed


Julian requested that the PCT continued to contribute to the Joint Fund for the sake of good partnership working


Patricia expressed concern over car parking at GP surgeries.  John explained that surgeries might be open for longer releasing the pressure on limited spaces


The issue of prescriptions by post was discussed.  John explained that legislation might allow this again in the future.  Marian explained that Graffham had found a way around this problem.


6.     Healthier Chichester, Older Health and Long Term Conditions Programmes


John explained that Imogen Stevens was accountable for Healthier Chichester.  Imogen will hand this over to someone else soon


7.     Links with Local Strategic Partnership


Community Transport and access issued should continue to be fed into the Community Strategy


8.     AOB.


·         Yvonne requested that concessionary bus passes be accepted on community transport because many people had passes but were unable to access Stagecoach.


ACTION 5                        Chloe Williams


·         John suggested a single point of contact for information about transport and access.  Rebecca explained that ‘Just Ask Us’ and ICIS already provided a similar service


·         Julian asked who would be part of the working group.  Rebecca, Susan, John and Julian volunteered.


9.     Date of the next meeting.


The next meeting will be held on Monday 12th June, 2.00pm at Chichester District Council




Western Sussex Transport & Access Network

Monday 27th February 2006, 2.00pm to 4.00pm

Committee Room 1, Chichester District Council,

East Pallant, Chichester




1.     Welcome, Introductions and Apologies


2.     Minutes of the last meeting (21st November 2005) and matters arising


3.     Transport Information Exchange

v    A chance to share news about services or sources of information


4.     What do we want to achieve in the next 5 years – Formulating an



5.     Impact of NHS reorganisation (John Parsons)


6.     Healthier Chichester, Older Health and Long Term Conditions Programmes (John Parsons)


7.     Links with Local Strategic Partnership – what issues do we want taken to the next meeting?


8.       AOB


9.       Date of the next meeting


Western Sussex Transport & Access Network


Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 21st November 2005 at

County Hall, Chichester




Cllr. Susan Hallock                         Chichester District Council (chair)

John Marsland                                       Chichester District Council

Cllr. Patricia Hooley                          Chichester District Council

Juliet Fynes                                           Petworth Parish Council

Jean Hart                                              Martlett Homes, Chichester Community Transport

Margrith Hose                                       Chichester Community Transport,

                                                            Sussex Otters, West Sussex Association for the

                                                            Disabled (WSAD)

Mary Wells                                           Sammy Community Transport Ltd.

Rebecca McGarva                                  Chichester Council for Voluntary Services

Cllr. John Mitchell                                    Chichester District Council

John Parsons                                         Western Sussex Primary Care Trust

Michael Pettman                                    West Manhood Venturers

Pearl Stewart                                        WSAD, WSDN

Elaine Thomas                                      Western Sussex PCT, Chichester District Council

Lin Thomas                                           Chichester Community Transport

John Fitzmaurice                               Manhood Mobility Volunteer Service

Tom Jones                                            Manhood Mobility Volunteer Service

Marian Wilder                                       Graffham Village Shop Association, Graffham  Youth Club, Trustee Chichester CVS

Donna Gander                                       Chichester District Council

Julian Hart                                            West Sussex County Council (WSCC)



Happy 5th Birthday

Western Sussex Transport & Access Network Susan Hallock cuts the cake to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the network on 21 Nov 05 at County Hall


Pearl Stewart (T&A Network); 4Sight; Ali Cheshire; Andrew Gibson; Ann Janes (CDC); Thomas Elaine; Gill Boys (Plbrgh Care); Parker Isobel; StGiles Jan; Kingdon John (Chi); John Mitchell (CDC); Parsons John; Liz Arundell; Marion Wilder; Patricia Hooley (CDC); Peter Wells; Phillip Coote (WSCC); Richard Taylor (CVS); Rose Lodge; Sandy Hancock; Day Sarah; Tulett-Stone Shelley; Susan Hallock; Brant Tony (WSCC); Tony Sneller; Trevor Tupper (T&A); Vicky Arnell-Smith;;;;;;;;;;;;;