When designing your databse you will need to understabd pointer,
There is a Primary key and a foreign KeY (Secondary Key)
a record will need a date and timestamp which is done automaticaly for you
There are seven types of table,
1, Straight one off table - Part Number
2. Look up Table - Part Number Details / Data Dictionary Lookup
3 Parent Record - Teacher
4 Child Record - Student
5 Many to many relationship record Tutor.student
6 Occupancy Dater - for dated events.
7 Idms Dataset - to enable Hierarchical Processing - First / Next / Prior / Last / Current Pointers.
Priority Output Writers Input Readers And Execution Processors.
To demonstrate the strength of Google we will undertake a Quo Vadiz Wigby project combined with a Zeus Project.
Quo Vadiz - Shopfloor Control system - Interupt Request Solution for project Moses - The NHS
We will start with Zeus a multi Lingual / Multi Channel application.
This will need the support of Richard to see if it works as I can only do the table creation not the table view.