Plain sticky notes
Lady BP Challenge Step 4 Completed
Brianna N Ange Sydni Shae-Lynne Luka Chloe Kaylie Alicia Catherine
Lady BP Challenge Step 2 Completed
Brianna N. Alicia Sydni Ange Luka Shae-Lynne Kaylie
Lady BP Challenge Step 5
Luka Catherine Alicia
Lady BP Challenge Step 3 Completed
Brianna N, Shae-Lynne Sydni Layne Luka Catherine Kaylie Alicia Ange Chloe
Lady BP Challenge Step 7
Rich sticky notes
What should I do?????
Learn about Lady Baden-Powell and then
prepare a skit,
write a song,
write a story,
prepare a poster,
make a movie (
or any other activity to demonstrate what you have learned.
Then you will share it with your patrol, unit, or group of Guiding friends.
Lady Baden Powell Challenge
This is the highest award a Guide can earn. It is usually earned after three years, but Girls who are motivated can complete the activities in two years!
To earn this challenge you must complete Numbers 1 and 2, as well as four more of the activities below:
1) Complete all of the four program areas.
2) Learn about Lady Baden-Powell and prepare a skit, song, story, poster, or other activity to demonstrate what you have learned. Share it with your patrol, unit, or group of Guiding friends.
3) Complete a project to help your Guide unit enjoy their Guiding experience. This project should involve a regular commitment over a period of time: the effort required will vary depending on the service project. Talk to your Guider and your unit about ideas of what you would like to do. For example, create a book of active games, or prepare a Thinking Day ceremony.
4) Participate in a major community service project. This project is in addition to the service completed in You in Guiding. You could volunteer at a daycare center or a food bank, for instance.
5) Participate in three Pathfinder meetings.
6) Take part in a community activity that involved doing something for someone else. For example, shovel snow for an elderly person, help carry groceries, or entertain children so a parent can do household chores.
7) Share your favorite Guiding experiences over the last year with a group of friends who are not in Guiding.
Finding Information
There is lots of useful information on the internet try web-searching
Lady Baden Powell
Lady Baden Powell guiding project
The girl guide site has lots of information as well
This site has lots of good information too. There are chapters from "Window On My Heart" her autobiography.
Your Guide Handbook has information too! See pages 16, 34-26, 274-277, 320.