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Hey Mr Harris, this is my 5-10-20 year report though you should have already figured that out. I'v given each time a page of it's own with pictures and info. Sorry if this reports late and it probably is. Jason Purdy

The dog and the weathers there to take up space.

5 years on

Plain sticky notes

In 5 years time I want to be well into my degree at UWA or Curtin University. I hope to be studying a engeneering course and majoring in Software engineering. I’ll stay on campus, so I’ll be close to the school and I won’t need a car yet. To afford the rent I’ll have to have a part time job somewhere close, some where I can reach on my bike. Around the time the most expensive thing I’ll own is my laptop.

I'm guessing around this time in uni I would probably be struggling. Being lazy, I have problems getting into homework but I try. That won’t be all of my school problems, to afford uni I would have had to take out a student loan and I’m not sure how I could pay it back. Another issue is my family, I won’t be seeing them much, maybe for short times every holiday but after living with them for so long I’m guessing its going to be hard.



The University of Western Australia

10 years on

Plain sticky notes

By this time I want to have left uni and have started my life. I'll probably be renting a flat or small house somewhere in Perth. I hope that after uni I'm picked up by a large company like Microsoft. I'm not sure how many job offers I might get but I'm hoping for a few. At this time I'll considered part of the poorer side of the comunity. With ever rising bills I'm going to need a job fast.

I want to be visiting my family a lot and I'll put most of my spare cash and time into helping my parents along. It will be interesting to see where my sister is about this time.


20 years on


Ask A Ninja - iPod Technology, Business, Media, and News Podcasts

Plain sticky notes

In 20 years I dream that I'll be rich and on top of the comunity. I want to rise in the ranks at work and be living a cushy life style and my jobs expence. I'll drive the company car and live in the company provided house and I'll spand the company's money. Its all good. I'm guessing that by this time the air around big cities will be so poisened with polutants that we'll need a mask to get around so I'm going to move away into the country away from the big cities. I don't know how many of my family will be alive around then. I don't really want to think about it. I can't say mush more about the future, I don't like to plan it. Thanks for reading.
