At the age of five his father showed Albert a pocket compass the first Albert had ever seen which amazed him. Albert studied Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory some of his life. The Einstein’s were not observant of the Jewish religion because Albert went to a Catholic elementary school.
When he older Albert Einstein married Mileva Maric.In 1896, Einstein's future wife, Mileva Marić, she was enrolled at ETH. There she was the only women studying mathematics. Einstein gave the Nobel prize money to his first wife, Mileva Marić. Einstein and Mileva divorced on February 14, 1919. Then On
When Albert Einstein was older he introduced to use the E=mc2 concept which most of us probably know. This concept meant that energy equals mass times the speed of light. In 1921, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. At the age of 26, having studied under Alfred Kleiner, Albert received awarded a PhD by the