Elementary Years
Jerry Ron Darcy
Kathy Mike Kay
Denise Linda Emily
David Dan Jim
Brad Linda Larry
Elaine Cheryl Nancy
Elementary Years
Jerry Ron Darcy
Kathy Mike Kay
Denise Linda Emily
David Dan Jim
Brad Linda Larry
Elaine Cheryl Nancy
October 10, 1966
Dear Mr. and Mrs. _________
One of the challenges of setting up a curriculum for the academically talented is that of providing enrichment. In the social studies program this should not consist solely of requiring our students to read more books, write more papers, and participate in more panel discussions than the people in less ambitious programs. Although all of the above mentioned have value, they alone will not provide as broad an understanding of alien cultures as is desirable for young people who will be providing the leadership of the future.
As you are probably aware in our so-called “Civics” course we are really engaged in an examination of Asiatic cultures. At present we are studying China in depth.
The finest collection of Chinese antiquities under one roof outside of China itself in in the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto. Here there are rooms filled with Shang bronzes, Han mortuary figurines, Sung, T'ang and Ming pottery, paintings on silk, lacquer work and many other beautiful art objects. I feel it woul be a very rewarding experiencefor the people in the AT program to make a trip to see this wonderful and exciting collection.