Parent Involvement
It is undeniable that the inclusion of parents in the educational process is vital to increasing a child’s success. However, in many cases getting parents involved is one of the most difficult tasks as a teacher. These struggles can come with different demographics, socioeconomic status, or working parents. However, it is still up to us to find creative ways to integrate parents and families into the classroom.
List of Parent Involvement Techniques:
These are all ways that I open up communication between teacher and parents. However, the bottom line is that we cannot force parents to be involved in public education. The biggest thing we can do as teachers is make them feel welcome and make it apparent that they have a purpose in their child’s education.
I provide ample opportunities and invitations for parents to come in and take part in classroom activities. Also, opening it up to parents with special talents or areas of expertise that they could contribute to our curriculum. The biggest way we can help parents is by educating them about the importance of being involved in their childrne’s lives. Some parents will not be able to come in and volunteer, however, they can still be aware of what is going on in their children’s classrooms and have meaningful conversation about those things at the dinner table.
August 25, 2011
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to fourth grade! I am very excited for what this year will have in store for myself, your student and you as the parent. I feel that keeping parents involved and in the loop is an important aspect of a child’s education. Below I have listed some regular things you can expect to see coming home in order to help keep you informed.
Attached to this letter you will find an informational sheet to fill out on your student. This will help me to better get to know your child. Also, there is a parent volunteer sheet to fill out based on any involvement you think you can offer to our classroom.
I am looking forward to another great year and I am also looking forward to meeting you at our Open House. If you would like to schedule a meeting before then, please feel free to call or email!
Your Child’s Teacher,
Miss Brittany Hood
I would like to extend every opportunity possible for you to volunteer and take part in your child’s education. Please take a moment to fill out this form regarding any volunteer opportunities you would like to take part in.
Holiday Parties (list any specific holidays you would like):___________________________________________________________________
Field Trips:______________________________________________________________
Weekly Volunteering (Please list what days you are available):_____________________
Take Home Volunteering Opportunities:_______________________________________
Any other Volunteering opportunity you would be willing to take part in:_____________
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments about other possible volunteer opportunities. Thank you!
Your Child’s Teacher,
Miss Brittany Hood
Student Information Form
Student’s Name:__________________________ Birthdate:______________________
Parent/Guardian Names:____________________________________________________
Best Contact Phone Numbers:_______________________________________________
Siblings Names and Ages (this will help with spelling during class activities):_______________________________________________________________
Other important or close relatives:____________________________________________
Student’s favorite hobbies or activities:________________________________________
Any other important information you would like me to know about your child:___________________________________________________________________