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A New Beginning

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A New Beginning

20th Annual Transplant Reunion

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Guess where we're going

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20th Transplant Reunion


19th Annual Transplan Reunion

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19th Annual Transplant Reunion

We received most of these pictures a few days after the actual reunion.

A fun time was had by all and it was really heartwarming to meet so many

people who have all been fortunate enough to also receive a transplant of one type or another.

The main thing all of us remembered was that with out the unselfish gift of of the doner and

his/her family, none of this celebration of the continuation of life would be possible.

                                T H A N K   Y O U ! !




I'm Feeling Great

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Shortly Before and One Month After

It's amazing what a difference there is between the picture I took shortly before tranplant and, the three I just took out on the balcony.

Alice is now just one month post-transplant.


Dinner With Keith

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Eating Out with a Friend

(5-20-06) Keith, Alice, and I enjoying an evening on the town.

We spent about 3 hrs enjoying good food, and excellent company. Keith received his gift of life about a month before Alice. Alice and Keith still have their plates and they still have food on them. My plate is already gone. It was also empty. I'm also the one who could stand to loose a few pounds. Wonder why????


A Visit From The Kids

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Happy Birthday Baby

                              On Wed 5/24 06 We had a surprise Birthday Party for Alice.

At about 1 PM, flowers arrived. They where nice but announced "wish we could be there"

At about 5:30 PM, She got a call from our youngest wishing her a happy birthday and while she was still on the phone, there was a knock on the door. Since I was "not available" she had to go to the door herself.

                        Surprise, Surprise, Surprise




I want to again offer my sincere thanks to the family of Alice's donor for their
generosity and foresight in making all of this possible.
Without you, this would most likely have been Alice's last birthday.
Because of you, a new beginning of many future birthdays are possible.
                                                  Thank You






New Friends

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We had a little gathering with a few of our new found friends.

Good company, Good talk, Good support and, Good fellowship.

The Famous Amos cookies weren't bad either.


A Keeper

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Alice received this email and I thought it's worth sharing:

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