List of public pages created with Protopage


Plain sticky notes


Choose a famous American to research using online databases and other resources on the Web. Present your research in the form of a BioCube or a Timeline. 1. Choose a Famous American to learn about. 2. Go to the Research Tab - here are all the links you need to research your famous American. 3. Projects Tab - here are the graphic organizers to help you record information you learn while researching your subject. 4. Projects Tab - here are the interactive programs to create a Bio Cube or Timeline along with a rubric to help you get the best grade.

Todo lists

Choose a Famous American

Susan B. Anthony
Jacques Cartier
George Washington Carver
Cesar Chavez
Christopher Columbus
Thomas Jefferson
Helen Keller
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Abraham Lincoln
Thurgood Marshall
Christopher Newport
Rosa Parks
Juan Ponce de Leon
Jackie Robinson
Eleanor Roosevelt
George Washington

Recipe for a Good Biography

Facts and Anecdotes

Web widgets



World Book Kids is a good place to search for information about Rosa Parks.



FCPS Databases

Digital and Print Books

Reference Resources

Online Research Sites

Plain sticky notes


1. Search the FCPS Databases first. 2. Search for biographies in the Digital & Print Books tab. 3. Search Portaportal and Google Custom Search in the Online 4. Research Sites tab. 5. Reference resources are available. 6. Check the rubric to make sure you are completing all parts of the assignment.

Web widgets

How to Search for a Book


Jackie Robinson

PebbleGo Biographies has good information about this great American athlete.

Biography Notes


Graphic Organizers

Plain sticky notes


1. Go to the Bio Cube and Timeline Interactives tab and select your format. 2. Type in the information you have written from your notes graphic organizer. 3. Be sure to proofread your entries for capitalization, spelling, and grammar. 4. Check with a teacher before printing. 5. Check your work against the rubric.

Web widgets

Fact Fragment Frenzy


Thomas Jefferson

America the Beautiful from the Grolier database has lots of information about this President.

Finished Project


Bio Cube and Timeline Interactive


Plain sticky notes


1. Go to the Bio Cube and Timeline Interactives tab and select your format. 2. Type in the information you have written from your notes graphic organizer. 3. Be sure to proofread your entries for capitalization, spelling, and grammar. 4. Check with a teacher before printing. 5. Check your work against the rubric.


Helen Keller

Try searching a link from Portaportal for information about Helen Keller.