List of public pages created with Protopage

Untitled 1


Brad's Rainforest News Feeds feed 1

Brad's Rainforest News Feeds feed 2

Brad's Rainforest News Feeds feed 3

Brad's Rainforest News Feeds feed 4


My Rainforest Links

Rich sticky notes

my Rainforest Project page

My Rainforest Project page
(select other pages in the lower right)

Aren't those pictures of birds awesome! ->

I'm really worried about what's happening to the planet. Species are dying off really fast!

Take a look at this website about Mass Extinction.
It's scary.

People all over are trying to do something about it, and it's about time. Check out some of the links in my links flake below. And check out my other pages (lower right).


Web widgets

YG on

Rainforest slide show from Flickr


A space for collaboration

Untitled 2

Rich sticky notes


All about me


Web widgets

me on Myspace (pretend I'm Forrest)

My story on Ourstory (pretend I'm Aaron Spelling)

I R here


Untitled 3


RAN's blog

Rich sticky notes

Rainforest Action Network

all about Rainforest Action Network
RAN is great! They really make a difference by making corporations change their behavior.

Randy Hays founded it and he lives in Mill Valley. Here's an article about him in the San Francisco Chronicle. And here' what Google says about him

Here's some background on them from Charity Navigator

Web widgets

RAN's website

Untitled 4


Links panel

Rich sticky notes


Sample curriculum page

Sticky note

How to research a non-profit

There are great resources for search by type and location, such as Network for Good, Guidestar, Charity Navigator, etc.

See the links in the bookmark flake.

Untitled 5


News feed

Rich sticky notes


Utilities page
this page is for various tools that might be useful for adding to your pages or whatever.

How to put a link in a sticky note

this text editor lets you type all you want and do lots of crazy things with the formatting.

To add a link: 

see that "http" button in the upper right of this box? Click on it. It tells you to select some text to make a link out of. like this text . Then it asks you for the URL of the website you want to link to. You can get that from the address bar of whatever website you're on. I put the address of a Google search on Randy Hayes, so that link should take you there.

How to put a slide show in a widget

Check out the flake over there -> called "Rainforest slide show from Flickr"

Here's how you make one:
1. Click Add widget below and select "Add webpage"
2. When you click on "Edit", you can put the URL of any webpage in their and that's what will show up in that flake. Try it with your Myspace page or whatever.
3. Of course, you can put any Flickr URL you want in there  too.
4. So, to show a slideshow, go to Flickr, find any page that says "View as a Slideshow" (like this one  and click on "View as Slideshow".
5. Now copy the URL for the page you're at from the address bar, and put that in the "Website address" field of the "website widget" you created in 1, like this one
6. To do it for any "tag" on Flickr, use the address (the one that's on the right) and replace "birds" with whatever tag you want.

example soundtrack

How to use news feeds

Lots of interesting sites change constantly, like blogs, or Digg , or .

You can add a widget that shows the latest additions to your favorite site, as long as it has an "RSS feed". You don't need to know a whole lot about it. Just go to your favorite site and look for "RSS" or an image like this

Mouse over that image, click right over

Pros and Cons of Protopage

what I like about protopage
visually better, more custom options
plays Flickr slideshow in a webpage flake

what I don't like
it stopped saving my changes and couldnt recover
no URL for individual tabs(pages)
tabs are "new pages" in lower right, not movable or nameable
title bar is the same on all pages. have to add a sticky to label each page
background is the same on all
not many widgets. no easy photo roll
sound should go off when you leave the page, works for mouse over, but that doesn't allow for each page to have a soundtrack that comes on when you visit it.
auto-save seems to mean that you could really screw up because there's no UNDO

how to load a sound file

1. add a Sticky Note widget
2. Edit it
3. Click HTML
4. Add the following EMBED tag,
<embed src="" autostart=true loop=true>
5. Replace the filename between the quotes " " with the name of the audio file you want to replace.
6. change the "autostart" and "loop" values to false if you want, i.e only play when you tell it to, and stop when it finishes rather than looping. but you probably won't want to change them
7. Click Save Changes
8. close the widget if you want to stop the sound (click on the double up-arrow in the upper right of the widget's banner. The sound will start up when you mouse over it.

Note I sent to Protopage about needs

Forgot to add templates

really like Protopage. I'm testing it out, along with Netvibes and Pageflakes, for a school-based application for .

The system we're building is being adopted by schools as a learning program about community service and philanthropy, and our hope is that every school in the country will use it, which would drive a lot of adoption for whatever system we use.

So far Protopage is darn close to what we need (see /bradtest) .

BUT, there are several features that are deal-killers at this point. I'd like to explore with someone if and how we might get a few things changed, preferably in the next 4 weeks (but we'd need to be able to count on it whenever it's done).

Here are our problems (I'm going to call your "pages" "tabs" because that's really how they function, and that's consistent with the other systems):
1. Tabs need to look like tabs and be at the top of the page.
2. Need to name tabs, and have that name appear as the "title"
3. Need to reorder tabs
4. Need to link to a specific tab (e.g. /bradtest/1 or /bradtest/5
5. Would really like for a single user to have multiple pages, each of which can have multiple tabs. So a format might be /username/pagename/tabname )
6. Need a separate background for each tab

Those are the major ones. If we could get most of them, we'd use it as is.

Please let me know if someone there is interested in pursuing this.

Brad deGraf

Web widgets

Bird pics

This page shows a wiki in a widget