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Main Characters

Adein & Meg Falconer

Brother & Sister

They are very smart, brave, resourceful, fast, & determined.

Yet so determined that they dont notice things around them.

Adein: tall, skinny

Meg: short, normal

They were chosen to continue the story line.

I liked the fact that they were adventurous.


Kiddnapped by Gordon Korman

   Setting: Every where in USA

       Theme: Adventure story

              Published: 7/1/06

Evaluation Of The Book

It was truely a great book!! 5 stars!!

It was a very easy book to read, understand and follow along with.

I would definately recommend this book to every one possible.

It is good for all audiences

Supporting Characters

Kidnappers: Mikey, Tiger, & Spidey

They were smart, strong, & mean

Yet some times they were nice and dumb allowing Meg the chance to escape.

They were tall, Spidey was bulky, Tiger was a female, and Mikey was skinney.

They were chosen to support the story line.

The thing I didn't like is the fact that they kidnapped Meg.

Make A Connection

Adein remineded me of myself.

Then only differences I can think of is I've never been a fugutive and i'm not white.

it made me feel great.

Main Action

Meg has been kidnapped and now every one is trying to find her.


So far there is not an outcome due to the fact that there is a continuation book.


This makes me feel very anxious.