A HUMAN.Spencer is the main character; a girl who is having hallucinations. Shadara, an old character, is planning to murder her mentally to make her brain dead, but it only causes her to have Bipolar Disorder.
A HALLUCINATION.Kigura is Spencer's closest friend and a humanization of her sanity. He soon begins to loose it near the end of the comic series.
A HALLUCINATION.Shadara is Spencer's oldest character who was trashed after 2 and a half years. The next three years, she snapped and started a Nazi-like group on the bend of murdering Spencer mentally.
A HALLUCINATION.Spencer's conscience in the form of her favorite animal: An axolotl. He knows right and wrong but has trouble with getting Spencer to use it. His actual name is Dennis Stinger, his human form which Spencer never seems to acknowledge as him. He might actually be real because by the end of the comic series, Spencer gets an axolotl who she names Dennis instead of Avocado. The axolotl then swims around in delight.
A HALLUCINATION.Bayton is a wolf who runs a mafia and doesn't mind bashing a few heads in. His mafia is hired to murder anyone necessary.
A HALLUCINATION.Brendon is Bayton's co-worker in his mafia. He is always treated like a butler by Bayton and an older brother to Lapiz. He is known as the brains of any group.
A HALLUCINATION.Lapiz is a wolf who is 17 but was given medication to make her stay young and keep her mental and physical abilities to the age of 8.