Miss Hagen's Class page
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Homework 5/14/2008
Reading: We are working on the summative project in class. Writing: None Math: Hagen: Begin chapter 11 Lucas : Science: None Grammar: Prepare lesson plan for "teacher for the day" Social Studies: Don't forget the Roman Cafe!! :) *BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR HOMEWORK DAILY!!*
What we are working on!
Reading/ Writing: We are currently studying the genres of nonfiction. We are also working on the summative project! Science: We are going to begin forces of motion. Religion: We are studying the parts of our faith. Math: We keep working on fractions! Grammar: We are reviewing and working on pronouns
Important Info
If your child needs to be gone, or if your child is sick, you need to inform the office. Our classroom number is: 303-321-6231 ext 1645 The school number is: 303-321-6231 You may also contact me by email. Please Remember Email is for parent use, questions or concerns.
Looking Ahead . . .
WOW the school year will be over before you know it!! We are going to be getting ready for middle school in the next few weeks!!
Homework Policy
For each missing or incomplete assignment the student must fill out an EXCUSE form and LETTER TO HOME. Three EXCUSE forms in one week, results in not being able to participate in FRIDAY LABS! 10% is deducted from the grade for each day the assignment is late.
Rich sticky notes
Class Pet
- Thu March 6 - Parent/ Teacher/ Student Conferences 10am- 6pm
- Fri March 7 - No - school Teacher In-Service
- Fri March 21 - Spring Break !
- Mon March 24 - Spring Break
- Tue March 25 - Spring Break
- Wed March 26 - Spring Break
- Thu March 27 - Spring Break
- Fri March 28 - Spring Break
- Mon March 31 - BACK TO SCHOOL :)
- Thu April 3 - report cards sent home!!
- Tue April 8 - Pizza party
- Mon April 21 - No school!
- Thu April 24 - T-shirts and jeans days, Club Allegro
- Sat May 3 - Auction Party
- Fri May 30 - Last Day of School!!!
- Sun May 11 - Mother's Day
Being Five