List of public pages created with Protopage

Untitled 1

Rich sticky notes


                         If you get an error mesagge try to refresh in about 15 to 30 seconds

If you do not see yourself on the logs, delete the other logs, look at the page with the tracker in it again: and refresh this page.

NOTE: This site gets lots of traffic and there are many people doing the test as you can see by refreshing the page. Be patient if you want to track yourself just delete the other logs, but note: others are deleting your logs as well, so try to be quick.

Note: This page is best viewed in FireFox, if you do the demo in Internet Explorer you will get logged out and have to log back in every time you refresh or delete a log, it does not do this in the firefox browser

Sticky note

To log in and check who was tracked looking at the demo page - enter the usernmae demo and the password dpass

Web widgets

TO LOG IN __Username: = demo Pass: = dpass