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Math Sites




Place Value Games

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Multiplication Facts

Math in fourth grade requires the memorization of the multiplication facts for nearly everything we learn. Because many students didn't practice them over the summer they have forgotten them. I have included some fun practice sites for students to use to help them memorize and maintain these facts throughout the year. We also have weekly timed tests which require students to complete 100 problems in 5 minutes. Names and times are posted for students who accomplish this goal. Additional information about this year's math program will be sent home as well as posted here so check back frequently!


Now that we have spent a good amount of time on MEAP review, we will begin our study of geometry. The three standards are: 4:13a Identify basic two-dimensional geometric shapes and use their properties to solve problems. 4:13b Identify basic three-dimensional geometric shapes and use their properties to solve problems. 4:14 Recognize symmetry and transformations of two-dimensional shapes and objects. **4:13b which covers the faces, edges and vertices of prisms & pyramids. has been assessed. If your child did not achieve a score of 80% or higher they did not pass this standard. Retest are offered but the student must let me know when they are ready. I will provide additional worksheets and/or help when requested. *** Geometry: Types of triangles may be classified by their sides, by their angles or by a combination of both sides and angles. Triangles classified by their sides: Scalene triangle: A scalene triangle is a triangle that has no equal sides. Isosceles triangle: is a triangle that has two equal sides. Equilateral triangle: is a triangle that has three equal sides. Triangles classify by their angles: Right triangle: has a 90 degrees angle. Obtuse triangle: has one angle that is bigger than 90 degrees (Obtuse angle). Acute triangle: all angles are less than 90 degrees, so all angles are acute angles. We can also name triangles using angles and sides at the same time. If a triangle has one right angle and two equal sides, we can call that triangle right isosceles triangle. If a triangle has only acute angles and no equal sides, we can call that triangle acute scalene triangle. If a triangle has two equal sides and one obtuse angle, we can call that triangle obtuse isosceles triangle. Notice that an angle cannot be obtuse and equilateral at the same time. An equilateral triangle cannot have an obtuse angle because all 3 angles in an equilateral triangle measure 60 degrees.

Transformations :)

translation = slide rotation = turn reflection = flip symmetry - have your four grader identify symmetry in things found around the house or while you're driving in the car. :)


LONG division! The steps in long division are: divide multiply subtract bring down (Dirty, Monkeys, Smell, Bad!)

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4th Grade Math Practice

  1. Fourth Grade Math Expectations: (The Math Standards found on the ECSD site are not updated to reflect current expectations. Below you will see the 2011-12 fourth grade ECSD Mathematic Academic Standards.)


1.  Read, write, order and compare numbers through one million, relate numbers to the quantities they represent, and compose and decompose  numbers using place value through millions.

2.  Solve applied problems using addition & subtraction, estimate sums and differences, and know when an estimation is appropriate and reasonable.

3.  Find all factors of a whole number up to 100, list the first ten multiples of a given one-digit whole number, identify prime and composite numbers and solve problems.

4.  Demonstrate the use of the distributive property, multiply fluently any whole number of up to four-digits by a one-digit number, estimate products and check for reasonableness, and solve applied problems.

5. Divide numbers up to four digits by one-digit numbers and by ten, use the inverse operation (multiplication) to check solutions, find unknowns in division equations, estimate quotients and check for reasonableness, and solve applied division problems.

6. Read, write,  interpret and compare decimals through hundredths, relate decimals to money and place value decomposition, identify decimal equivalents for halves and fourths, and solve problems.


8. Understand fractions as parts of a set of objects; explain why equivalent fractions are equal; locate, compare, and order fractions on a number line; understand relationships among fractions; and write improper fractions as mixed numbers.

9. Solve problems involving the addtion and subtraction of fractions with like demoninators.

10. Using repeated addition and area or array models to  multiply fractions by whole numbers and solve applied problems.

11. Measure to a reasonable degree of precision using common tools, select appropriate units of measure, and convert one unit of measure to a larger or smaller unit of measure using simple calculations.

12. Use formulas to calculate perimeter and area of rectangles and combinations of rectangular shapes, measure surface area of cubes and rectangular prisms, and solve contextual problems.

13. Identify basic two-dimensional geometric shapes; identify and measure angles and use the geometric properties to solve problems.

14. Recognize symmetry and transformations of two-dimensional shapes and objects.




Distributive Property

The Distributive Property in Arithmetic:

The Distributive Property lets you multiply a sum by multiplying each addend separately and then add the products. The Distributive Property helps with mental math and should be taught to children as a method to multiply much quicker in their heads. Children need lots of experience using the Distributive Property. Children make greater 'connections' with the ability to use the distributive propertly for mental math. For instance:

Let's say I have to quickly multiply:

4 x 53
(4 x 50) + (4 x 3)
200 + 12

In my mind, I can compute the answer of 4x50 quickly (200) then I add (4x3) 12 to give me 212. That's why using the Distributive property can come in handy!

Let's try another:

12x19 - Well 12 x 20 is easy, it's 240 But, I added one more 12 than I needed, so I'll take it away from 240 to give me 228.

One more!

4 x 27
=4(20 +7)
=4(20) + (7)
=80 + 28

Students should have lots of opportunity to break numbers apart using the distributive property which greatly assists the mental math process.

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New York Times - Education

Scientific American


Current Events



First Indoor Recess

First Indoor Recess

First Indoor Recess 2020

First Indoor Recess

First Indoor Recess

First Indoor Recess

First Indoor Recess

First Indoor Recess

Recess 2020


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Mastery 1-4

In Fourth Grade I WILL Master…


#1.  Name/Address/Phone No.          Example

Name:  First & Middle & Last  (Joseph Raoul Schmoe)

House # & Street Name & Type         (123 Mouse Street)

Community, State   Zip Code              (Disney, MI 48079)

(Area) _ _ _ - _ _ _ _                          (810) 329-1234



#2  Days (7)

Sunday               Sun.

Monday              Mon.

Tuesday             Tues.

Wednesday        Wed.

Thursday           Thurs.

Friday                 Fri.

Saturday            Sat.


#3  Oceans (4)

Arctic Ocean

Atlantic Ocean

Indian Ocean

Pacific Ocean


#4  Continents (7)






North America

South America

Mastery 5-7

 #5  Months (12)

January              Jan.

February            Feb.

March                 Mar.

April                             Apr.




August                Aug.

September         Sept.

October              Oct.

November         Nov.

December          Dec.



#6  Subjects (10)






Physical Education



Social Studies




#7  Our Environment (9)

Community – St. Clair

Township –

County –

State – Michigan

Country – United States of America

Continent – North America

Hemispheres - Northern/Western

Planet – Earth

Galaxy – Milky Way





Mastery 8-9


#8 Preamble To The Constitution (oral)

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America.




#8 The Victor (oral)


If you think you are beaten, you are.

If you think you dare not, you don’t.

If you’d like to win; but you think you can’t

It’s almost certain you won’t.

If you think you will lose, you’ve lost.

For out in the world we find,

Success begins with a person’s will;

 It’s all in the state of mind.

If you think you’re outclassed, you are.

You’ve got to think high to rise.

You’ve got to be sure of yourself before

You can ever win a prize.

Life’s battles won’t always go

To the strongest or fastest one

But, sooner or later, the one who wins

Is the one who thinks I can.





ADVANCED Mastery!!

MASTERY Advanced!

1.The first 18 elements of the periodic table of elements:

Element 1: Hydrogen            “H”  

Element 2: Helium                 “He”

Element 3: Lithium                “Li”

Element 4: Beryllium             “Be”

Element 5: Boron                   “B”

Element 6: Carbon                 “C”

Element 7: Nitrogen              “N”

Element 8: Oxygen                “O”

Element 9: Fluorine               “F”

Element 10: Neon                  “Ne”

Element 11: Sodium              “Na”

Element 12: Magnesium      “Mg”

Element 13: Aluminum         “Al”

Element 14: Silicon                “Si”

Element 15: Phosphorus      “P”

Element 16: Sulfur                 “S”

Element 17: Chlorine             “Cl”

Element 18: Argon                 “Ar”


2. Planets: (My Very Energetic Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas!) (Actually PLUTO no longer qualifies as a planet but is included here so that the original rhyme makes sense!)

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto


3. Great Lakes AND where they are located: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior (HOMES)


4. Locate each state on a blank map AND name the capital of each state.

ALABAMA                        AL           

ALASKA                           AK

ARIZONA                         AZ           

ARKANSAS                      AR

CALIFORNIA                    CA          

COLORADO                     CO

CONNECTICUT                CT         

DELAWARE                      DE

FLORIDA                           FL         

GEORGIA                         GA

HAWAII                             HI          

 IDAHO                             ID

ILLINOIS                           IL           

INDIANA                         IN

IOWA                               IA           

KANSAS                          KS

KENTUCKY                      KY           

LOUISIANA                     LA

MAINE                            ME        

MARYLAND                    MD

MASSACHUSETTS          MA         

MICHIGAN                      MI

MINNESOTA                    MN         

MISSISSIPPI                    MS

MISSOURI                       MO         

MONTANA                     MT

NEBRASKA                     NE           

NEVADA                         NV

NEW HAMPSHIRE         NH          

NEW JERSEY                  NJ

NEW MEXICO                NM         

NEW YORK                     NY

NORTH CAROLINA         NC          

NORTH DAKOTA            ND

OHIO                              OH        

OKLAHOMA                   OK

OREGON                         OR         


RHODE ISLAND              RI           


SOUTH DAKOTA            SD         

TENNESSEE                   TN

TEXAS                            TX          

UTAH                              UT

VERMONT                      VT          

VIRGINIA                        VA

WASHINGTON               WA         

 WEST VIRGINIA            WV

WISCONSIN                   WI          

WYOMING                     WY


(5.) The Core Democratic Values


Each person has the right to the protection of his or her life.



Liberty includes the freedom to believe what you want, freedom to choose your own friends, and to have your own ideas and opinions, to express your ideas in public, the right for people to meet in groups, the right to have any lawful job or business.


The Pursuit of Happiness

Each person can find happiness in their own way, so long as they do not step on the rights of others.



All people should be treated fairly in getting the advantages and disadvantages of our country. No group or person should be favored.


Common Good

People should work together for the good of all. The government should make laws that are good for everyone.


Everyone should get the same treatment regardless of where your parents or grandparents were born, race, religion or how much money you have. All people have political, social and economic equality.



Differences in language, dress, food, where parents or grandparents were born, race, and religion are not only allowed but accepted as important.


Popular Sovereignty

The power of the government comes from the people.



A devotion to our country and the core democratic values in words and deeds.


Rule of Law

Both the government and the people must obey the law.



Reading Sites

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Help your child learn to read- 10 beginning reading strategies

Help your child learn to read- 10 beginning reading strategies

It is a priceless opportunity to help your child learn to read. The process takes patience- most days. 

Then you’ll have those ah-ha moments, you hear teachers talk about, where your child happily makes progress towards beginning reading skills with less frustration.

What about the non-reader? How do you help a Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten child ready to get more out of a story than an adult reading a book from cover to cover? “Where do you begin?”

Beginning readers need modeling and exposure to beginning literacy skills.

Learning to Read Activities: Helping Your Child Learn to Read

1. Expose your child to books everyday– Visit the library, book store, have books around the house including ones you read

2. Point to words as you read a book to a child. Have your child use their finger to track each word with you if they are willing.

3. Have your child point to words they know as you read. This is how a beginning reader starts to gain confidence attempting to read words they see repeated in stories.

4. Have your child re-read a book to you. Allow your child liberties to deviate from the text and ask why they made their story changes. The answers might surprise you!

5. Share the title of a story. Ask your child to make a story prediction based on the title alone. Making predictions and reading with purpose are necessary to help your child learn to read.

6. Look at each page and picture within a given story together before reading. Ask your child to predict what the story might be about based on the pictures. This is often called taking a picture walk or preview of a story. The beginning reading strategy of using picture clues to understand text is an important first step of reading.

7. Teach your child beginning reading comprehension strategies by asking specific questions about important themes/concepts within a story. An important beginning reading strategy is to automatically connect story concepts and ideas with ones' own experiences. You can help your beginning reader make connections by good beginning reading comprehension modeling through discussion.

For example, when Cinderella, discuss why she was a virtuous or good main character. Have your child share ways in which they are like Cinderella. Ask what they do or have done in the past which makes them similar to Cinderella. You might get some real interesting comments with that particular story! However, each child has an amazing and unique way in which they make connections.

8. Discuss vocabulary related to a story when your child is beginning to read. Give background information about historical, cultural, and social underpinnings of a story whenever possible. Sharing an author’s research and point of view in the creation of any story will open your child’s eyes to the possibilities reading can offer.

9. Discuss the “Big Five- Characters (main and minor), setting, plot, events, problem/resolution when reading with your child.

10. Write or create something about each and every story you read with your child together- if time permits. Any learning to read activity that connect a story with your child’s imagination will help them gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the importance, possibilities, and magic within literacy.

Reading Questions: Before, During & After


Below you will find a list of possible questions to help you with conversations about your child’s reading. They are not intended to be used all at once or every time you read with your child. Use them at your discretion and where they are appropriate. Happy Reading !!

Questions to ask before you read

  • Can you look at the pictures and predict what you think will happen in this book?
  • What makes you think that?
  • What characters do you think might be in our story?
  • Do you think there will be a problem in this story? Why or why not?
  • Does the topic/story relate to you or your family? How?

Questions to ask during the reading

  • What do you think will happen next?
  • What can you tell me about the story so far?
  • Can you predict how the story will end?
  • Why do you think the character did _______?
  • What would you have done if you were the character?
  • How would you have felt if you were the character? (use different characters)
  • As I read____________, it made me picture________ in my head. What pictures do you see in your head?
  • As you read, what are you wondering about?
  • Can you put what you’ve just read in your own words?

Questions to ask after reading

  • Can you remember the title?
  • In your opinion, was it a good title for this book? Why or why not?
  • Were your predictions about the story correct?
  • If there was a problem, did it get solved?
  • What happened because of the problem?
  • Why do you think the author wrote this book?
  • What is the most important point the author is trying to make in his writing?
  • What was your favorite part of the story?
  • If you could change one thing in the story, what would it be?
  • Can you retell the story in order?
  • If you were __________, how would you have felt?
  • What is the most interesting situation in the story?
  • Is there a character in the story like you? How are you alike?
  • Why did you like this book?

10 Tips: Help Your Child Read Effectively



1. Too Easy. Ask your child to select a book and read. If two or three pages can be read without mistakes, ask the child to find a more difficult book to read.

2. Too Hard. If the child makes three mistakes per page, it may be too difficult and frustrating. Find an easier book for your child to read. HOWEVER, if the story and ideas seem very interesting to him/her, don't worry about the number of words not understood or recognized.

3. Just Right. Ask your child to read silently for several pages, then ask, "Please explain what you have just read," with the book closed. If your child can give you a brief idea of what the story is about, then he/she is reading and understanding the materials. If the child cannot understand or recall the story, then you know he/she has poor reading comprehension.


4. Reading For Understanding. Children may be able to read the words, but often do not understand what the words mean. Helping them understand the world about them by talking to them about the things they see and use will improve their understanding of words. This may mean using difficult vocabulary and explaining what the words mean.

5. Improve Reading Understanding. Watching television and talking over the plot or talking about advertising, billboards and signs as you are driving down the street are ways of improving your child's reading comprehension. He/she will have a better understanding of what is heard, seen, and sensed.


6. Make Reading Useful. Give your child tasks to do that are within his/her reading ability. Examples: reading the road map on trips, ordering from a menu, reading the directions for assembling a model, or reading advertising.

7. Reading To Children. Reading is not meaningful until the child wants to read. The child will want to read when he/she sees other family members acquiring useful information through reading. Reading to a child stimulates seeking more resources for reading.

8. Reading For A Purpose. There needs to be a reason for reading that is child-centered. Reading directions for model cars, airplanes, boats, doll houses, etc., recipes, "how-to" books, or repair manuals needs to go beyond just reading. The child must interpret what is read and then experience the results.

9. Develop Speaking Skills. Speaking in complete sentences to express ideas in a logical order is important too. Helping your child organize spoken ideas also helps him/her learn to read and write. Most children learn to tell others their ideas before they can read.


10. Don't Go To Extremes. Reading, like speaking, is a tool that should be comfortable to use. It is a method used to transmit information and to transport yourself mentally, using words as images, to other times and places. Make reading fun. Read jokes. Read comedy. Read fiction and non-fiction. Read a variety of materials.


It's never too late to get started! Good reading habits will not only help your child in school now, but also later on with a job.

Try these ten tips to helping your child read and interpret what is read about the world around us. Remember, be positive and offer encouragement!

--written by Clifford Eberhardt, Oregon Department of Education

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Scholastic Book Wizard




NASA - Image of the Day


Sun, Moon and Stars!!!!

Science Web-Sites

Social Studies


Michigan Web-Sites

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Google Maps

Just for Fun


Scholastic News

USA Today - Sports

ESPN - Soccer

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Manual Sign Language abc's.

Six Minute Podcast

Word Study



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Blue Group

#25 R-Influenced vowel patterns: ar,are,air apart, start, harm, sharp, dark, shark, care, pare, stare, square, bare, fare, hare, hair, fair, pair, chair, stair, pear, wear, bear, where, heart

Yellow Group

#16 Open and Closed Syllables and inflected endings Hoping, hopping, cleaned, skipped, plotting, quoted, joking, wrapped, greeted, telling, winning, hunted, racing, nodded, shouting, skated, panting, floated, leaking, letting, needed, saving, painted, faded

Green Group

#37 Triple r-blends, scr, str, spr screen, scram, scrape, scratch, scrap, scream, strong, straight, strange, stretch, strict, string, stripe, struck, strength, stress, strap, stream, spring, spray, sprout, spread, sprain