The Trojan War
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What Happened
The Trojan War was a war between the city of Troy and the Acheaenas. Troy stole Helen from her husband. The war involved the goddesses Athena, Hera and Aphrodite, who all got a golden apple, marked "for the fairest". Zeus sent the goddesses to Paris, who judged the goddesess. Paris chose Aphrodite, as the "fairest", and should receive the apple. In exchange, Aphrodite made Helen, the most beautiful of all women, fall in love with Paris, who took her to Troy. The Trojans were slaughtered and it was a bad war.
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They hid inside of the horse and gave it as a present to their rivals so when their rivals rolled it into the town they could jump out at night and kill all living souls in the town.
The Trojan horse
the horse that was used during the war to attack.
The War
The Fall of Troy
Ships And Men
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After Troy was burned, I sailed for home with three ships holding 50 men each. I had a total of 150 men and all we wanted at first was to see Ithaca again, but we didn't know how difficult our voyage would be. On our first try we landed on the Ciconian Beach.
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The Ciconian Beach
After Odysseus and his men depart from Troy, they are greeted by friendly and calm waters, the ship nears land and Eurylochus, convincing Odysseus that the gods were on their side, told him to go ashore and loot the nearby city. The crew had landed in Ismara. The city was not at all protected, and all of the inhabitants fled without a fight into the nearby mountains. Odysseus and his men looted the city and robbed it of all its goods. Odysseus wisely told the men to board the ships quickly, but they refused, ate dinner and fell asleep on the beach. The next morning, the Ciconians, allies of Troy and great warriors, returned with their fierce kinsmen from the mountains. Odysseus and his men fled to the ships as fast as they could, but "six benches were left empty in every ship" (Odyssey. Book IX. line 64). Odysseus, however, had spared Maron, a priest of Apollo, who gives him twelve jars of wine which would be later used against Polyphemus
- Sat December 6 - Lunchtime: Buy a new beanie hat
- Sun December 7 - 6pm: Go rollerblading
Ciconian Beach
This is the first island we came upon our long voyage.!
The Ciconians
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Our first stop was at a island which was a huge mistake. In this island we hurt the people that lived here and why we were cursed. The stop at this island made our voyage difficult and almost impossible. When we stopped at this island we were fighting against skillful fighters and there was plenty of them and they were so unbeatibal that they made us run out of the island. I lost many of my men and knew since the beginning that all of this would end up being a mistake....
- Sun December 7 - Lunchtime: Buy a new beanie hat
- Mon December 8 - 6pm: Go rollerblading
This is the Ciconian Island
I don't think I ever want to return to this place!!
The Lotus Eaters
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What Happened...
My Men and I were blown by the gale towards the shore of Libya while the sky cleared, the sea calmed, and the hot sun beat down. We were dizzy with fatigue and weak with hunger that everything seemed to blur together. With last bit of our strength we pulled the boats up on the beach, past the high-tide mark and then we layed down to sleep. When we woke up we were surrounded by bunches of blue and purple flowers and they smelled so good. We ate them in great handfuls and then we fell asleep again. I was having a strange dream that was full of gold, blood, and fire but then I was startled and awoke thinking that I had just seen our entire voyage out planned out ahead of my men and I. I awoke and then ate some more of the blue and purple flowers and then I immediately returned to sleep. Right before I put more flowers into my mouth I realized that the flowers are making us sleep. The scent alone makes us drowsy. I dragged myself to my feet and walked into the water and jumped up out of the water startled by the coldness and one by one I swiftly carried each man to the ship to wake them up. Each man awoke with plenty of rest and new strength and we set sail ready for the adventures to begin.
- Fri December 12 - Lunchtime: Buy a new beanie hat
- Sat December 13 - 6pm: Go rollerblading
The Lotus Flower
This is the flower that we continued to consume on Lotusland and it made us drowsy. The flower is gorgeous but its powers outshine its beauty.
Ulysses pulling Boat Ashore
The Cyclops' Cave
Keeper of the Winds
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Circe <3
This was my beautiful Circe. I unfortunately had to leave her because it was either stay with her and live forever or go back to Ithaca with my wife too keep my promise to my men and get them home since we hadn't seen it in ten years. She was similar to a goddess but didn't have that much powers. She turned men into animals after she nearly poisioned them. I fortunately didn't because I had a magic flower called, moly, which Hermes gave me so that Circe could not hurt me with her powers. After she turned half of my men into pigs I threatend to kill her and that was when she feel in love with me. I have to admit, I loved her too. Every moment I spent with her caused my wife to fade away in my dreams but I chose to forget her and get my men and myself back home. i i i i i l l l l l o o o v v v e e e e y y y y o o o u u u u C C C C i i i r r r c c c e e e!! (P.S. don't tell my wife!!)
- Thu December 11 - Lunchtime: Buy a new beanie hat
- Fri December 12 - 6pm: Go rollerblading
Circe's Island
This is Circe's island where she held me and my men pretty much captive. I deeply miss it because it was so beautiful.
Circe's Husbands
These are a few of Circe's husbands she cahnged into pigs.
The Wandering Rocks
The Sirens
Scyalla and Charybdis
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What Happened
Scylla and Charbydis were two monsters who were on oppisite sides of the chanel of water. If I avioded Scylla, I would run into Charbydis, and if I avioded Charbydis, I would run into Scylla. To prevent this from happening I had to take advice from Circe and The Sirens. I was bounded to the mast of the ship and I listened to the sounds of music to sail through perfectly.
Charybdis is daughter of Poseidon and Gaia. She has a monstrous mouth. She swallows huge amounts of water three times a day and then belches them back out again creating whirlpools. Charybdis was originally a naiad, sea-nymph who flooded land to enlarge her father's underwater kingdom, until Zeus turned her into a monster.
Scyalla was was one of the two monsters that lived on either side of a narrow channel of water. She was a sea monster, with six long necks equipped with grisly heads, which contained three rows of sharp teeth. Her body consisted of twelve canine legs and a cat's tail.
Todo lists
Todo list
| Aviod Scylla so my men don't get eaten  | Aviod the whirlpool by Charybdis | | | Figure out how to sail perfectly through the chanel of water | |
Scylla, the 6 headed monster, who ate some of my men.
This is the whirpool my ship came upon.
Scylla and Charybdis
The whirl pool and 6 headed monster
Ino's Veil