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How to use this site
The most confusing part of protopage is accessing the assignments.  Here's how:

1.  Click on the gray double arrows to access the class folders.  Click on your class folder large tab.

2.  Within your class folder, select the "assignments" tab.

3.  You will see the title of the proper assignment box ONLY.  In order to print the necessary assignment, drag the box open by the lower left hand corner.  Then highlight the text and copy/paste it into Word, Works, or any other program.

4.  Print the document from Word or Works.

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American Government

Miss Welles


I’m very happy to be back at South Lake High School starting a new semester.  Together we will learn about the structure and history of the American government.  We will examine the historical documents of our nation and how they have shaped our country.  You will learn how the government effects our daily lives, you’re role in the government and, more importantly, how you can actively become involved in shaping government and their policies.  I also look forward to many in-depth discussions on current events in government this year!


Class Structure

A variety of methods including class discussions, lecture, group work, projects, etc. will be used.  For this reason it is important for you to be prepared every class with your notebook, textbook, and pen/pencil.   Lost work can be obtained after a 5 cent donation to the Arbor Fund.  Books can be rented for the hour for a 25 cent donation to the Arbor Fund.



Grades will be based on a point system.  Homework is worth 40% of your grade, 60% will be based on tests and projects.  Every assignment, test, and project will be assigned points and should be completed on time.  Report card grades will be determined by the points earned compared to the total possible points.  To earn the maximum number of points, attempt and turn in every assignment.  Points will be deducted for late assignments; late assignments will receive 50% credit.

93-100     A                                         73-76      C

90-92       A-                                        70-72      C-

87-89            B+                                        67-69      D+

83-86             B                                          60-66      D

80-82             B-                                        0-59        F

77-79             C+


Good attendance is important to success in school and this class.  Be in class everyday on time.  For each excused absence, students will be given two days to complete work.  If the absence is unexcused, make-up work will be worth 50% of the total possible points.  Weekly assignments will be posted on the board and missed papers can be obtained from me upon your return to class.  It is your responsibility to get missed work while you were absent. 



Classroom Rules

1.      Respect fellow classmates at all time.  Each of us will be talking or presenting to the class at one time and it is imperative that each of us shows respect for the rest of the class. 

2.      Be on time to class with your book, notebook, planner, assignment, and a pen or pencil. 

3.      Follow all school rules as stated in the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct.  (This includes, language, proper dress, cell phone use, and no food or drinks in the class)

4.      Practice the six Character traits daily in class. 

5.      Have a positive attitude and participate in class!!!!!


Students who do not follow the rules can expect a warning, call home, and or after school detentions.  Parents will be contacted for poor behavior, attendance, and grades, as well as for good effort and achievement.


I look forward to an exciting year.  I hope to get to know each of you throughout the year.  If you have any problems or questions please feel free to see me before or after school.                     







